Resident of Raymond health and rehabilitation facility tests positive for COVID-19

Pacific County has 10 confirmed cases of COVID-19 after a new positive test was reported late Monday.

“The individual is a resident of Willapa Harbor Health and Rehabilitation, is asymptomatic, and has been in isolation since test results were reported,” read the Pacific County Public Health statement. “All other residents of the facility have tested negative. Staff testing is scheduled to begin on June 9.”

The positive case is a result of a state-wide directive from Washington’s Secretary of Health, John Wiesman, to conduct a survey test of all residents and staff of long-term care facilities and assisted living facilities with memory care units by June 12.

“Despite our best efforts to prevent COVID-19 from being introduced into our facility, we can confirm that we had one resident test positive for the virus on June 8,” read a statement from Willapa Harbor Health and Rehabilitation administration. “The resident is being cared for under isolation precautions in a dedicated COVID unit with dedicated staff.”

The June 8 statement from the Raymond rehab facility said it was following all safety protocols and “we have had no instances of three or more staff or new residents with new-onset of respiratory symptoms within the past 72 hours.”

“We are strictly limiting access to the building and carefully screening all people entering our facility in accordance with CDC and CMS guidelines,” read the statement. “At this time, only essential visitors and vendors are being allowed access to the building as determined on a case-by-case basis. We are also following the CDC and CMS guidance that applies once a nursing facility has a confirmed COVID-19 positive case, as well as working closely with our physician partners and the County Health Department.”

The Pacific County Health and Human Services Department will continue to investigate this most recent case and strongly encourages the public to maintain social distancing by limiting non-essential travel, and practice personal protective measures to include, washing hands often with soapy water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, and wearing a face covering in public.