Soybean farmers, port come together to celebrate financial contribution

Organizations from half a dozen midwest states came out to the port

The Port of Grays Harbor welcomed guests from across the country as it hosted partner organizations from the Midwest, including members of soybean farming coalitions from multiple states and the Ag Processing Inc. who work closely with the port to export their products across the planet.

Dozens from every step in the chain, from farmers to processors to port personnel, gathered in one of the port’s warehouses looking out over the silos their wares travel through, including holding a brief ceremony for a $1.3 million check given to the port for the Terminal 4 Project, due to break ground late this year.

“There’s a very strong connection between infrastructure in places like Grays Harbor and farmers located in the middle of the country,” said Mike Steenhoek, executive director of the Soy Transport Coalition, to the group. “What happens over here impacts what happens over there. And what happens over there impacts what happens over here.”

Steenhoek expressed his satisfaction with the partnerships formed with the port and with Ag Processing Inc., as well as the U.S. Maritime Administration, whose $25.5 million grant is crucial in making the Terminal 4 project a reality.

“We have had such success here since we came here that we’re going to continue to expand it,” said Lowell Wilson, the chairman of the AGP board of directors. “This project at the port will significantly improve the speed and capacity for the benefit of our current and future customers.”

The T4 project is expected to nearly double the capacity for throughput of the soybean meal.

“Our partnership with Port of Grays Harbor isn’t just a win for American agriculture,” said Wilson. “It’s ultimately a win for the American food system.”

Port Executive Director Leonard Barnes began his speech by recognizing the union workers who keep the port running.

“We don’t get a lot of attention. But we got awesome people,” Barnes said. “This project is about all of you. The farmers, out in the Midwest, finding their products transported out to Grays Harbor. We are so proud to call all of you partners.”

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or