Splash Festival, County Fair canceled

The 2020 versions of the 4th of July Splash Festival in Aberdeen and the Grays Harbor County Fair in Elma — scheduled for Aug. 5-9 — have been cancelled, according to statements from the City of Aberdeen from the county fair board.

“It is with great sadness that due to the COVID-19 public health situation and safety measures put in place by the Washington State Governor, our fair board and staff, along with the support of the county COVID-19 response team and Board of County Commissioners, has made the decision to cancel the 2020 Grays Harbor County Fair,” read Tuesday’s statement. “This was a decision we had hoped to avoid. But as we gathered information over the past month, it became apparent that in order to insure the health and safety of our community; comply with the Governor’s orders; and protect the integrity of our fair, there really was no other choice but to join approximately 15 other fairs throughout the state that have had to cancel.”

The Grays Harbor County Fair dates back to 1889 and “has persevered in difficult times and served as a community showcase,” according to the statement. “Only during the difficult times of the great depression and World War II has there not been a Grays Harbor County Fair.”

The fair board said to visit its website, https://www.ghcfairgrounds.com/, for information about the possibility of virtual activities, as well as announcements from 4H, the FFA and livestock auction committee. You will also find information about department operations and the status of events scheduled for later this summer and fall.

Dan Teuteberg, 4-H Youth Development educator, said, “The 4-H Youth Development program shares in the disappointment of this cancellation. We need to reflect back on the 4-H pledge and reaffirm that health is an essential element of 4-H. The 4-H program is looking into alternative ways to showcase and highlight the learning and growth its 4-H members have put into their many projects this past year. More information on this will be available in the weeks ahead.”

Splash Festival

The 2020 4th of July Aberdeen Splash Festival has been cancelled.

Parks Department Director Stacie Barnum made the announcement Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, due to the public health emergency, the City of Aberdeen Parks Department cancelled the 2020 Splash Festival,” she said in a release.

She continued, “An event of this size requires staff to begin planning in January. With the current restrictions on group sizes, and not knowing when restrictions will be lifted, we had to make the tough decision to not hold the festival this year.”

Barnum thanked the festival’s major sponsor, Five Star Dealerships, and the many local businesses who have supported the festival.