Survivor talks about fatal car crash

The survivor of a fatal crash talked about some of the details of the crash that left her husband dead earlier in the month on the state Route 109 from Ocean Shores.

Mary Chadwick, 72, was driving east and had pulled out to overtake a slow driver when another vehicle doing the same struck her vehicle, inadvertently pinning her and causing a crash.

“We both pulled out to pass at the same time,” Chadwick said in a phone interview. “He, in trying to avoid me, went off the road, and over corrected.”

Chadwick’s vehicle, a Kia Soul, was struck in the back left panel by the car behind her, she said. The vehicle rolled and ended up roof-down in the swamp on the north side of the road. Chadwick said many people stopped immediately and attempted to aid them. Chadwick said she didn’t fully know what happened until talking with state troopers later.

“The nose of my car — I was fully engaged in the passing,” Chadwick said. “With that many cars, everybody was going like 40 miles an hour. You don’t think about people behind you passing.”

Her husband, Ronald, 73, was killed in the accident, not long before their 40th wedding anniversary, Chadwick said. One of the couple’s dogs was killed as well, with another one lost for a time before a passerby found it.

“I can understand why a motorhome would want to go slow,” Chadwick said. “But some of these people are going 35 or 40 in a 55.”

A service for Ronald is scheduled for Sept. 28 at 2:30 p.m. at Faith Community Church in Ocean Shores.

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or