The ultimate in fishing during the summer months is to take a fishing vacation. Some folk pack a fishing pole in their vehicle along with other toys when they leave town only to return having not touched the fishing gear.
Sometimes you have to become intentional when it comes to fishing out of town. Dreaming along these lines can result in a productive outing.
A few days or a weekend elsewhere can become the ticket to unforgettable memories. Booking a salmon trip with a friend or two, be it at Westport or off Vancouver Island, is actually doable.
Finally, a cold mountain stream for trout in the middle of summer can actually happen. It simply means locate a place, book some lodging and get to that area. When you learn the rules of the region (which is most cases is catch and release) you can have a blast not to mention creating a summer memory that will last a lifetime.
Doing a day hike to one of our mountain lakes in the Olympics is usually productive. A folding fishing rod and light gear make this kind of trout fishing exciting. For the most, mountain lake trout hardly see a spinner or trout bait and they can be aggressive.
Any of the mentioned trout fisheries can be pursued in new ways. If one has not taken up the challenge of fly fishing, the summer months may be the time, particularly when it comes to mountain streams or mountain lake fishing.
It would be a good idea to pack a camera for one of these fishing excursions. You may not do this every year, but when you do, you’ll want to capture every memory.
Fishing vacations do not need to be exotic. They only require that you set aside a few days to do nothing but fish. It is times like these that put people back into the reality of life. People need a break from the hectic pace of the work world we live in.
An alpine lake can also provide a bit of a physical work out getting there. There is such a thing as a day hike, as well as, an overnighter. If the latter is the choice, your accommodation in these remote places will be a pup tent, and your food supply will be the fish you catch. It might be a good idea to pack a few other goodies just in case some bear already fished out the lake you have chosen.
Simply camping out on one of our many river gravel bars can provide moments of solitude. However, getting to places where the water conditions may be conducive to good fishing is a plus. Mountain streams and alpine lakes offer colder water which is ideal for trout fishing. The ocean is a constant when it comes to water conditions.
So, it may be time to do some new things with your fishing this summer. An exclusive fishing trip can very well be one of those things before this summer gets away on you.