Updated Wednesday Nov. 28
Port of Grays Harbor Commissioners Stan Pinnick and Phil Papac selected Tom Quigg to fill the District 2 Commission seat that was left vacant when Commissioner Jack Thompson died in October from injuries sustained in a fall while on Port business in Santiago, Chile.
Both commissioners called Quigg their top pick, but admitted with the large number of diversely qualified applicants the decision was not easy.
“We appreciate all of the highly qualified candidates that applied and truly value their interest in the Port and their enthusiasm and commitment to the future of Grays Harbor,” stated Commission President Stan Pinnick. “We look forward to welcoming Mr. Quigg to the Board and have confidence his business experience, knowledge and dedication will serve the Port and our community well.”
Quigg, a lifelong resident of Grays Harbor, was selected from a pool of seven applicants.
“Quigg brings a solid background in both marine construction and commercial and industrial real estate, just recently selling his interest in Windermere Grays Harbor in 2016, although he continues as an active commercial/industrial real estate broker with Windermere Real Estate in Aberdeen,” according to a Port statement. “Mr. Quigg also has an extensive history of involvement throughout the Grays Harbor Community including being a founding member of the Grays Harbor Shipping Club and a board member of the Grays Harbor Community Foundation.”
Quigg will be officially appointed and sworn in at the regularly scheduled Commission meeting Dec. 11 at 9 a.m. He will serve until the next regularly scheduled Port Commission election in November 2019, at which time Quigg and any District 2 registered voter seeking to run for the position may stand for election for the remainder of Thompson’s original 6-year term, ending Dec. 31, 2023.