The Associated Arts of Ocean Shores (AAOS) and the Coastal Interpretive Center (CIC) invite regional artists — regardless of chosen media — to enter their unique and free art exhibition.
This year the exhibition’s theme is Wings Over Grays Harbor. It will hang from April 25 through June 30, at the CIC in Ocean Shores, Washington.
Each spring — in one of nature’s most astounding spectacles — massive numbers of migratory birds simultaneously descend on the Grays Harbor Estuary. This emphatic display of life’s complexity is awe-inspiring for anyone; however, for artists it is particularly so. That’s why they hope somewhere among that half-million avian visitors is flying the perfect subject for your artistic expression.
It’s that expression we’d like to consider for possible inclusion within this exhibition. We can display up to 24 works of art in CIC’s temporary exhibition space, in a manner that’s particularly suited for emerging artists.
Importantly for most artists, this exhibition offers rare opportunities — free exposure to the public, and possible financial compensation. This year for the first time ever, artists are free to sell entry submissions or retain ownership when the exhibition ends.
Anyone can win a first, second or third place prize of $250, $150 or $50. Prize money is donated by AAOS. If your creation sells during the exhibition, they request a nominal commission of 15%. Your financial gain, shared with them, will be split equally between both nonprofits, CIC and AAOS, and it will benefit the CIC’s community education and stewardship initiatives as well as the AAOS Annual Arts and Crafts Festival.
There is no entry fee. Please submit — within an email to, with “Wings Over Grays Harbor” in the subject line — JPEG or PNG images of no more than four pieces of your original art. Art submitted should draw inspiration from the birds and nature of Grays Harbor. Please include the following information for each submission, by close of business on Monday, March 31:
Brief personal statement of purpose
Description of media
Image dimensions
Price, if the art is for sale
How you heard about this exhibition
Representatives of AAOS and CIC will review all submissions, ultimately selecting as many as 24 pieces of art for exhibition at CIC. In early April, they’ll notify you by email if your art is selected. This email will also include pertinent instructions for exhibiting artists.
Three judges, one from the AAOS board, one from the CIC board, and another from the local art community, will award the three prizes. Prize-winning artwork will be published as part of their annual AAOS series of postcards, which will be available for purchase at the CIC bookstore in mid-to-late 2025.
The opening reception of Wings Over Grays Harbor, on April 25, is open to the public, but they especially hope exhibiting artists attend. Of particular interest during this exhibition are planned public demonstrations of artistic creativity, to take place within the CIC.
Two prominent artists, Karen Fox and Tim Rossow, have each graciously agreed to demonstrate how they paint a shorebird. This art exhibition is timed to coincide with the annual Grays Harbor Shorebird and Nature Festival. Duration of this exhibition will extend from April 25 through June 30.
The opening reception will be co-hosted by AAOS and CIC, at the Coastal Interpretive Center, 1033 Catala Ave. SE, Ocean Shores.