Helen Gladys (Havens) Caswell

Helen Gladys (Havens) Caswell, passed away on June 6, 2019 comfortably at her daughter’s home around a year ago.

Helen Gladys (Havens) Caswell passed away about a year ago, on June 6, 2019, comfortably at her daughter’s home.

She was born on April 20, 1928, in Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada, to Charlotte and John Havens — one of 11 children. Around 8 years old, she and several of her siblings were sent on a bus adventure to Idaho, where she grew up on a family farm outside Moscow.

She graduated from Moscow High School and attended the University of Idaho, where she met her husband, John W. Caswell. They married on Dec. 15, 1950; and after moving around for a few years for his work, they settled in Hoquiam, Washington, where he worked for Lamb Grays Harbor. There they raised four children, and after all had graduated high school Helen went back to school. She graduated from Beauty School and became a part-time beautician until her husband retired. They moved to Clarkston, Washington, and built a home overlooking the Snake River. She moved to Bremerton to be close to family after her husband passed away.

Helen was a member for 51 years of the Robert Gray Chapter of the DAR and did the longhand research (before home computers) to establish her membership, which several other sisters and niece were able to join. She was very proud of her heritage and ancestors who settled our country. She was also a member of the Descendants of Mayflower that a sister established.

She was preceded in death by her husband, John, and sons Gordon and John. She is survived by her daughter Lois, son Russell (TJ) and grandsons Bryan, Ryan, Paul and Aiden Caswell.

She was a wonderfully strong loving mother, grandmother, sister and friend — always there to help in any way she could, and was also a fabulous baker. She passed on many family recipes that just wouldn’t be the holidays without them! She will always be loved, missed and honored greatly by family and friends.

We would like to thank the Multicare Hospice and her primary doctor, Dr. Sundance Rogers, for all the help in keeping her as comfortable as possible in her last months. Her ashes will be buried with her husband and sons at Freeze Church cemetery outside Potlatch, Idaho, at a later date.