By Jacquielynn Floyd
The Dallas Morning News
Rachel Lamb saw as much fate as coincidence in the proximity of massive, back-to-back rallies Saturday — first the feminist-themed Dallas Women’s March, then the annual anti-abortion March for Life. She was an enthusiastic participant in both.
“When I mapped out the routes for these marches, I was, ‘Are you kidding me?’” It was literal common ground, the two events separated by only a couple of hours and a single block. And Rachel, 32, is very much about finding common ground.
She’s a dedicated activist with New Wave Feminists, women seeking to separate the anti-abortion movement from its traditional stronghold of social and religious conservatism. Their carefully articulated philosophy is that women who oppose abortion and those who support abortion rights have overlapping interests — civil rights, domestic violence, gender equality, children’s welfare.
The message targets women like Rachel: young, articulate, confident, politically engaged. She views feminists who support abortion rights not as enemies, but as potential allies — in part, at least.
“I was definitely always a feminist,” she said, adding that she adopted her point of view against abortion eight years ago, when her nephew, born prematurely, struggled to survive. He’s a healthy, sturdy kid now, she said — but to her mind, the images of the undersized infant, not much larger than an adult human hand, are an “alive” version of terminated pregnancies.
Like most of the thousands of marchers who gathered at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Saturday, Rachel was cheerful, even exuberant. She carried a straightforward sign: “I am a prolife feminist,” and chatted happily with the people around her.
A few marchers, I noted, gave her dubious glances. But others shook her hand, posed for selfies, asked about the New Wave group.
Was she there to proselytize? Sure. I expect she intended to proselytize as well at the midday March for Life, urging anti-Roe vs. Wade activists to embrace other feminist ideals.
There is much about which Rachel and I disagree, probably irrevocably: reproductive choice, her belief that women are harmed by abortion, and even the definition of marriage, which she views as fundamentally child-centered.
There’s a sticky and unresolved dispute in women’s rights circles over whether to share the “feminist” label with the New Wavers. Is a stand against abortion an automatic disqualifier? Opinions vary; there have been some uncomfortable behind-the-scenes squabbles over who can and can’t participate in big-profile marches and other events.
Rachel Lamb is an excellent ambassador for the New Wave perspective. She doesn’t hate people who disagree with her — a quality I wish we could add to the public water supply. She’s optimistic, earnest, sympathetic. She would rather engage than argue; she has a patient and willing ear for all points of view. As a political opponent, she’s awfully hard to not like.
And if she saw kismet in the proximity of Saturday’s dual (and, to some extent, duelling) events, I saw a little, too, in other events of the day. Rachel’s public stand for compromise came on the same day that rigid and unyielding congressional absolutism led the federal government to shut down.
I think there’s an argument to be made that an inability to compromise is doing harm to our political institutions and to our culture. And, whether you agree or don’t with their views on abortion, the New Wave Feminists are smart in zeroing in on public dissatisfaction with that polarization.
“(P)erhaps women would benefit from a new ‘feminism’ that is broad and inclusive and speaks to basic rights that women in this country have not yet fully won but have nothing to do with abortion,” writes Katie Packer Beeson, a political consultant and contributing editor for U.S. News and World Report. “Feminists would be wise, and more powerful, if they would be willing to take the lead on compromise and invite women like me to join their ranks to advocate for common goals without abortion clouding the discussion.”
Certainly, we cannot expect people to readily concede on their most closely held convictions. And I would certainly want to know more about who would compromise, and how much, in a negotiated position on reproductive rights.
But I’ll tell you this: Rachel Lamb marching along among all those thousands of energized people Saturday was a lot more inspiring than a heckler or a protester would have been. I did not agree with her on some deeply serious and divisive issues, but I liked and respected her.
There will always be arguments over how big the tent should be, and who should be allowed inside. But a conversation about women finding common ground for political activism strikes me as at least worth having.
Finding more ways to share common ground, in fact, is a conversation that would benefit us all. This feminist who supports abortion rights was happy to march alongside a feminist against abortion on Saturday.