By Leona Olsen
We have come to a time in America when much is taken for granted. Many even assume that our freedoms will remain intact no matter how apathetic we are toward preserving them.
Voting is a privilege that many around the world have never known and most likely will never experience.
What responsibilities do our voters acknowledge before elections? Are voters preparing themselves to vote for the best candidate and to vote responsibly for measures put before them? Do you believe that we are teaching our young voters the responsibilities that our Constitution charges us with in “Government by the people”? Do you as a voting member of a free republic read about the candidates and, if an incumbent, check their performance records and not just mark the name you recognize? Do they uphold their oath to protect and preserve our Constitution, clearly the most important duty they have before them? Do you believe that our founding documents have been our mainstay in preserving our freedoms granted by God and promised in our Bill of Rights?
What does freedom mean to you? If it was suddenly snatched away, which is possible anywhere, what would it mean to you? Why are there thousands of American citizens who fail to exercise their privilege of voting, who are shirking their voting duties? Our Constitution says “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” By the people means that we have a duty toward our nation and our neighbor to be responsible with our votes, to vote for the “common good” (remember that phrase?), not for our individual gain, nor for the gain of a special group that we affiliate with, but for the good of the nation over all.
In the England that our ancestors vacated to come here, the populace was referred to as “subjects” not “citizens.” Which would you prefer? Have you ever considered how life might be changed if you became a “subject”? When government increases its power over the people, and issues edicts as to what you should watch or what you should believe, even suggesting punishment if you disagree, we have granted them more power than they are capable of wielding fairly.
The preservation of our God-given freedoms is up to you, the voting citizen of our United States. You, and you alone, are responsible for the direction of our nation as long as our founding documents remain intact and powerful. Blaming government for all of our ills is bogus, since you the people elected your leaders. When it comes to leaders or anyone, it is always best to get to know a person before you judge and condemn.
I believe that God chose our president, a strong, independent patriot, who has sacrificed much to work for us. Know for yourself who and what he is, because after watching the attempted crucifixion of Judge Kavanaugh, you all should know that your leaders are mere human beings, no more or no less than the rest of us. They are certainly not gods nor even exceptional!
The American citizens need to, once again, take an interest in the leadership of our nation and to take the time to know what is happening and care enough to assist in the preservation of our nation overall.
Leona Olsen lives in Hoquiam.