Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

Working, poor should vote ‘no’ on Initiative 2109

The Washington state Legislature must, by law, adequately fund education.

In 2022 they passed a capital gains excise tax which, in 2023, raised $896,000 earmarked for statewide education and school construction. Only people who sell or transfer investment earnings of $250,000 or more per year pay this excise tax.

You and I paid not a penny of it, and, if we defeat the initiative, are unlikely to do so in the future, unless, as individuals, we graduate to much higher income/return brackets. In fact, in 2023, the State Department of Revenue reported that just 3,354 investors, statewide, paid this tax. No one in Grays Harbor was taxed and only 11 people in all Southwest Washington paid it.

So who will pay a new tax to replace this important school funding should Initiative 2109 pass?

Us. Working people and the poor.

Tell your friends and neighbors who wins and who loses if this initiative passes. Vote “no” on I 2109

Organizations opposing Initiative 2109: League of Women Voters, Stop Greed, Civic Ventures, Invest in Washington Now, Moms Rising Together and Permanent Defense Washington.

Johanna Standish

Central Park

Radical Kamala Harris flip-flops

Before you vote for Kamala Harris, check her record. Not so good.

To start with the Democrats’ economic plan ruined the economy. Look at the prices for gas and food. Inflation. She said Bidenomics is working. Why is everything sky high? Compare the economy under Trump.

She had 27 aides as vice president. Now she has five left. They said they couldn’t work for her. When she walked into the room with the aides they all had to stand and call her “general.”

Here’s her so-called policies: Medicare for all, no fracking, get rid of red meat, stop drilling for oil, defund the police and ICE, get rid of the filibuster so she can pass the new Green Deal, set up bail money for protesters, leave the border open.

She says not but they are liars.

That was her job for 3 1/2 years. The border, she did nothing to stop it. She isn’t for the country. She is for keeping the Democratic Party in control to run your life. To me that means a dictator. She’s not for the real normal person, only the Hollywood people that listen to her lies.

The price of inflation — sliced beef at a deli $18 a pound. She will crumble our economy more than it is now.

She hates Israel. She is so left wing, they want to control how you live. Don’t let this be another Cuba, Russia or China.

She won’t talk to the media because she has to have her script to be interviewed so she can’t answer questions.

They want to change the Supreme Court so they can control it.

She has a phony smile.

Her electric school bus $5 million project didn’t work.

Biden and Harris worked together on the withdrawal from Afghanistan. They did a great job. Many Americans got killed and a lot left behind and the military weapons. Great job people.

Then we go to Vice President Tim Walz. He must be a Democrat. He was a liar about his military record. The National Guard are outraged over his dishonesty. He wasn’t in a war zone. He loved the movie “Hitler” and loves China. He must be a jewel the way he ran Minnesota. Not a good record. He had a 90-year-old woman jailed because she went against his COVID law. He acts like he is a big hero.

Then I can’t forget President Joe Biden. On one of his last speeches he said lookout for a bullseye. It never happened. Three weeks later he decided not to run. That sounds fishy to me.

Maybe the House and Senate should gave a two-term limit like the President.

Don’t let the government control food prices. We will be like Cuba, a socialist or communist country.

What has Harris done as her time as Vice President? She has done nothing.

Before you vote think back. Were you better off four years ago then now? You would probably say four years ago. Vote smart.

They will lie to you. Harris is a copycat on speeches. We don’t need communism.

Willie Baugus

Ocean Shores

Watch out for the next Chehalis River flood

The Native Americans up north plus the Chehalis Tribe wanted the non-fish culverts replaced by a bridge.

I hope the landowners north of the freeway from Satsop to Elma have a lot of flood insurance.

When the Chehalis River Basin has another big flood, look at all the extra water that is going to flow the wrong way under the freeway.

When the freeway was put in, at least those engineers had enough common sense to put in small culverts.

Now the Native Americans want to tell, or at least be part of, deciding what to do with our forests. Haven’t they cost us taxpayers enough money by replacing all the culverts to improve fish runs where there has never been any fish?

Who in the hell can manufacture logs that big? Thirty-two inches is about the max. All modern mills cut, compared to big trees, small poles.

Where and when is all the craziness going to end. I worked in a sawmill for 45 years.

Lonnie Yucha
