Rugby players make hard tackles, but without protective equipment the tackler learns to protect himself, and the tackled player is safer as well.
How might such folks respond in 2020 if they’d heard that the 2020 Census would ask whether or not they’re U.S. citizens?
The press release from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was groundbreaking, if difficult to believe.
Parker looks like a soft and huggable teddy bear, just the right size for dragging around the house. But Parker holds secrets in his small frame.
It should be a welcome move when publications hire outside of their comfort zone.
Maybe we should show the young a little more respect. We should admit that we do, occasionally, learn from them.
He offered what might be considered evidence of the White House having an unusual rooting interest in a news organization — and one whose expansion is now in his administration’s hands.
Rep. Jim Walsh
Despite his best efforts and plans, he’s become a uniter, not a divider of the West.
Former Chief Justice Warren Burger was a no-nonsense, strict constructionist who could be trusted to stick to his guns.
Congress and state legislatures already have all the authority they need to enact meaningful, forceful gun control. What’s lacking is the political will to do so.
Staring isn’t staring if you’re smiling or waving. Or if you say hi. That turns staring into a bid for interaction.
We’re likely to witness waves from his duplicity down the road.