After a unique 2017, can the denizens of the D.C. swamp outdo themselves in 2018?
Our 18th century Constitution causes confusion in the 21st by granting the president great power, but also demanding great accountability.
Everywhere, institutions that liberals rely on are drowning beneath a progressive wave of #metoo.
As Christians, we are so accustomed to being the sole center of attention, it can feel like an attack when others are invited on stage to soak up a bit of the spotlight, too.
We celebrate Christmas recognizing that there is, indeed, hope for a world in which disharmony all too often seizes the majority of our attention.
By John M. Crisp
The militant regime in Iran has quietly established a major land force in Syria, effectively threatening the existence of Israel.
Maybe it’s because my day job is as an English professor, but I don’t like when words are shredded, dismembered or mauled.
Pence has canceled his planned visit to the Church of the Nativity (the governor of the Bethlehem told him he’d be unwelcome).
The tax bill doesn’t expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, part of the tax code that supplements the income of low-wage workers.
Donald Trump’s first year in office seems to have been marked, above all, by his verbal incontinence.
The Washington State Association of Counties is amassing $400,000 to use for this effort in 2018.
The man is all about offering up toxic candidates that might win primaries with a plurality of votes but lose in the general election.