The key to overhauling any police department starts with training.
I am a strong believer in the value of taking Twitter tours of Trump’s psyche.
Even Republicans said the cuts were unrealistic.
Trump appeared to demonstrate a persistent learning disability.
This column originally appeared in The Daily World on May 30, 2005.
It’s a challenge to attract new members
Only about 8.5 percent of all urban interstates were in poor condition in 2014.
Fiscally and socially, the Trump proposal is a reverse Robin Hood.
They weren’t dressed for battle. They weren’t wearing Kevlar vests; they didn’t have helmets, or boots.
Pence would be an improvement on grounds of simple competence. He would make the country safer.
Trump has a problem, saying one thing one minute and another the next.
Fox was nationalist before it was conservative, and in that sense it was Trumpist before Trump.
Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan know that their own voters would be outraged at their perceived betrayal of Trump.