You can’t call Sean Hannity lazy, can you? I mean he is boiling over with energy as he gives Donald Trump verbal hugs, reinterprets his fumbles to make them brilliant insights and somehow espies depths where the water is too shallow to dampen the soles of your shoes.
In this campaign, the ongoing attempts by Clinton loyalists to blame everyone but themselves and their candidate is a dangerous delusion that may culminate in Donald Trump winning the White House.
At the end of 2015, according to a Gallup poll, Americans named terrorism the No. 1 problem facing the United States, and confidence in the government to protect us dropped to an all-time low.
Fifteen years later, our American spirit and resilience remains the best way to show terrorists that they will not succeed — that no matter what, we get back up and carry on without turning against one another.
Since their conventions, the two candidates have done more to underscore their weaknesses than to stress their strengths.
After all the noise and drama of the last few months, what are these people waiting for?
n the next 60-plus days, you can bet that each of the presidential candidates will be putting on their best performance in hopes of getting a rave review on Election Day.
Those of you who equate emailing with texting could face dire consequences in how you are perceived.
I think everyone has heard about the “protest” by Colin Kaepernick where he has remained seated during the National Anthem in the first three preseason games. And many people are angry.
Before a raucous crowd in Arizona, Trump returned to his natural center: angry, snarling, aggrieved and terrifying.
As hundreds of athletes from around the world converged on Rio this past month, some possibly risking their health due to toxic, trash-infested waters in Guanabara Bay, water quality issues were in play right here at home as well..
Investigators keep finding more Clinton-related emails, underscoring the former secretary of state’s lack of transparency, and Trump continues his refusal to follow tradition and release his tax returns.
The past month of the presidential campaign has been noisy, relentless and bizarre.