By Dave Gauger
Shakespeare, one of civilization’s most insightful observers of humanity, wrote: “Even the devil can cite scripture for his purpose.”
Entering from the far right wing of the stage is U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who last week sanctimoniously defended the Trump Administration’s zero-tolerance policy of separating immigrant children from their families by citing Apostle Paul as recorded in Romans 13. Based on that biblical “authority” Sessions advises us “to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order.”
By quoting Romans 13, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers” and continuing “the powers that be are ordained of God,” Sessions surrenders integrity for power. His credentials as a bona fide racist are well established. Congress once rejected his nomination to a federal judicial position because of his blatant bigotry.
But Sessions’ depraved and distorted dependence on Romans 13 is not without substantial precedence. In 1850 that same passage was a primary defense for the Fugitive Slave Act, which required all citizens to return runaway slaves to bondage. Romans 13 was but one of many biblical passages employed to “establish” slavery as divinely sanctioned. Colossians 3 also supports Sessions’ attempt to “enslave” our moral values. That biblical passage reads, “Servants, obey in all things your masters.”
Wow, this is confusing. Once again we need help sorting through the chaos, so it seems logical to call on local heads of the Trump Party (formerly Republican Party) in Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. First up is Rev. Aaragon Markwell, who chairs the Trump Party in Pacific County. His day job is pastor at the First Baptist Church in South Bend, so he’s a natural to help guide us through thorny ethical issues like hateful bigotry enshrined as U.S. government policy.
Rev. Markwell, how do you square your party’s draconian immigration policy of zero-tolerance that separates children — infants and teens — from their parents? These children then are thrown in the slammer. Is your beloved Trump Party now at odds with biblical instruction to “… love the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing?” In Deuteronomy 10 we’re instructed to “love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.” Is it possible the Trump Party’s policy of separating babies from their parents is immoral? Rev. Markwell, please help us understand your party’s motivation and justification.
Adolph Hitler in “Mein Kampf” wrote, “I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our creator.” This came from the lips of a depraved dictator who once cited “the greatness of Christianity.” Adding insult to injury, as a Catholic youth, Hitler was an altar boy. How insightful that guy Shakespeare!
When addressing the obvious sickness of the U.S government’s zero-tolerance immigration policy that resulted in the separation of families, it’s only natural to enlist additional explanatory help from Rev. Markwell’s neighboring political partner. Jim Walsh, as chairman of the Grays Harbor Trump Party and state representative running for reelection, perhaps you can help us understand how your party’s emphasis on family values and presumed ecclesiastical favor can be squared with an inhumane immigration policy, one that is devastating families. Has the Trump Party’s “make America great again” morphed into “make America White?”
So, Rep. Jim Walsh, do you embrace Sessions’ use of Romans 13 as a valid defense of your party’s inhumane zero-tolerance immigration policy that separates children from their families? Alternatively, do you see the Attorney General’s use of scripture as a shallow veneer of religiosity?
Theologian Walter Kaufmann makes an interesting observation. He writes, “the man who lacks moral courage is usually deficient in honesty, subordinating his regard for truth to his interest in popularity.” Rep. Jim Walsh, during this important election cycle please demonstrate that you’re not “deficient in honesty” by simply disagreeing with your Trump Party’s disgusting zero-tolerance immigration policy that tore families apart and incarcerates children.
Perhaps it’s time to sort wheat from the chaff by recalling the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” But then that’s a tough one even for the Trump Party to exploit politically.
Dave Gauger lives in Raymond and owns Gauger Media Service, a company that helps broker the sale of newspapers. He formerly owned the Raymond Herald and other newspapers, as well as radio stations.