
Advanced Bionutritionals Mycophyto Complex Reviews – Does It Work?

Mycophyto Complex is a new mushroom supplement from Advanced Bionutritionals designed to boost energy, stamina, and physical performance.

Backed by centuries of use among Himalayan guides, the superfood ingredients in Mycophyto Complex work in multiple ways to target inflammation, endurance, and overall physical and mental energy.

Does Advanced Bionutritionals Mycophyto Complex really work? How does Mycophyto Complex work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the supplement today in our review.

What is Mycophyto Complex?

Mycophyto Complex is a nutritional supplement from Advanced Bionutritionals made from a blend of mushroom extracts.

Designed to maximize beta glucan levels, Mycophyto Complex contains a mix of royal agaricus, maitake, reishi, and turkey tail mushroom extracts, among other active ingredients.

There are other mushroom supplements available today. However, Mycophyto Complex is the only mushroom complex “grown on powerful immune-boosting herbs.” In comparison, other mushroom supplements are grown on toxic soils contaminated with heavy metals.

Mycophyto Complex was formulated by Advanced Bionutritionals’ Janet Zand, OMD. As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Janet Zand has extensive experience working with herbs, spices, mushrooms, and plant extracts popular in traditional Chinese medicine. Many of the superfood ingredients in Mycophyto Complex have been used for centuries by people in Tibet, Nepal, and other parts of the Himalayas.

Mycophyto Complex is exclusively available online through the Advanced Bionutritionals online store, where it’s priced at around $39.95 per bottle.

Mycophyto Complex Benefits

Some of the benefits of Mycophyto Complex, according to Advanced Bionutritionals, include:

  • Improve energy, stamina, and physical performance
  • Backed by 2,000+ years of use in Nepal, Tibet, and other parts of the Himalayas
  • Fight back against mental and physical fatigue
  • Support immune function
  • Promote healthy inflammation
  • Backed by 90 day moneyback guarantee

How Does Mycophyto Complex Work?

Mycophyto Complex works using a blend of six science-backed mushroom extracts along with an added dose of beta glucans.

Each serving of Mycophyto Complex contains reishi, coriolus, umbellatus, agaricus, cordyceps, and maitake mushroom extracts, for example. Cordyceps is popular in the high altitudes of the Himalayas, while the other five mushroom extracts have a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and certain other types of medicine practices.

Many mushrooms are considered medicinal mushrooms because they’ve been linked to various effects throughout the body – like improved immunity or reduced inflammation.

Today, research shows many of these antioxidant, immune boosting effects are linked to beta glucans, which are natural molecules within mushrooms.

The six mushroom extracts in Mycophyto Complex are packed with beta glucans. Plus, Advanced Bionutritionals has added its own additional dose of beta glucans to maximize the effects.

By taking two capsules of Mycophyto Complex daily, you can give your body a blend of six mushroom extracts and proven beta glucans to promote health, wellness, immune function, inflammation, and overall longevity.

Try Advanced Bionutritionals Mycophyto Complex now and experience the difference!

Mycophyto Complex vs. Other Mushroom Supplements

There are other mushroom supplements available today, including mushroom formulas with a similar blend of natural ingredients to Mycophyto Complex.

What makes Mycophyto Complex unique? Why pick Mycophyto Complex over competing formulas?

There are two main differences between Mycophyto Complex and other mushroom supplements:

Mycophyto Complex uses mushrooms grown on herbs, helping to maximize the active ingredients and minimize toxins within the final extract. In comparison, many mushroom supplements use mushrooms grown on soil loaded with heavy metals and pesticides, leading to high levels of toxic ingredients in the final formula.

Mycophyto Complex also contains added beta glucans. Beta glucans are the active ingredients in mushrooms that contribute to healthy inflammation and overall wellness.

One of the big differences is the area where Mycophyto Complex’s active ingredients are grown. Here’s how Janet Zand, formulator of Mycophyto Complex, explains the difference:

“If you’re not careful about where you get them, your mushrooms can be contaminated with toxins. That’s because mushrooms are like sponges. They soak up anything and everything in the soil around them.”

When mushrooms grow in soil loaded with pesticides, the mushrooms can also be contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals.

Many mushroom supplements come from mushrooms grown in unknown conditions in India or China. According to Advanced Bionutritionals, studies have shown some mushroom complex supplements are contaminated with heavy metals.

Janet Zand worked with her colleague, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, to develop a proprietary growing process to ensure mushrooms are free of contaminants while maximizing their effectiveness. Here’s how that growing process works:

Dr. Eliaz theorized that mushrooms could absorb beneficial ingredients from soil as well as they absorbed harmful ingredients.

Instead of growing mushrooms in harmful soil loaded with heavy metals and other toxic compounds, Dr. Eliaz proposed growing mushrooms on superfood-rich herbs and plants.

To test the theory, Dr. Eliaz started to grow mushrooms on brown rice mixed with herbs like astragalus.

Dr. Eliaz found mushrooms growing on herbs and brown rice “grew 20% to 40% faster than mushrooms grown on brown rice alone.”

Those mushrooms also had a higher concentration of immunity-boosting ingredients.

In other words, Dr. Eliaz’s theory was correct: mushrooms grown on brown rice mixed with herbs absorbed the active ingredients within the herbs, maximizing their effectiveness and promoting higher levels of active ingredients while minimizing the number of toxic ingredients.

Today, all of the mushrooms in Mycophyto Complex are grown based on a similar theory, helping to boost beta glucan content.

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Mycophyto Complex Maximizes Beta Glucan Content

The unique growing process for Mycophyto Complex helps to maximize beta glucan content, which means you get more of the active ingredients within the mushrooms than you would with other mushroom supplements.

Plus, Advanced Bionutritionals has added an extra dose of pure beta glucans to the formula, raising its effectiveness even further.

Medicinal mushrooms already contain high levels of beta glucans, which are natural antioxidants linked to various effects throughout the body. The more beta glucans a mushroom has, the more powerful it can be.

Beta glucans have been shown to support healthy inflammation throughout the body. They’ve also been linked to immune function, stimulating your body’s immune cells.

As proof of Mycophyto Complex’s high beta glucan content, Advanced Bionutritionals cites a report showing Mycophyto Complex boosts the immune system 45.2% better than another mushroom formula.

As mentioned above, Mycophyto Complex has another advantage: it minimizes toxins by growing the mushrooms in herbs and rice instead of toxic soils. That means you get maximum beta glucan with minimal other toxic ingredients.

Mycophyto Complex Ingredients

Mycophyto Complex contains a blend of six mushrooms linked to health, wellness, inflammation, immune function, and overall health and wellness.

Some of the mushrooms in Mycophyto Complex have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and other types of medicine. Most are also backed by modern scientific evidence showing they work.

Here are all six mushroom superfoods in Mycophyto Complex and how they work, according to the manufacturer:

Cordyceps: Cordyceps is one of the most important ingredients in Mycophyto Complex. It’s also one of the most proven medicinal mushroom extracts available today. Found in the high altitudes in the Himalayas, cordyceps was traditionally used to boost energy, fight fatigue, and increase physical endurance. To do that, cordyceps enhance oxygen absorption, allowing you to absorb more oxygen than you normally would at higher altitudes. It also boosts energy, fights back against dizziness, improves body temperature regulation, and more.

Turkey Tail: Turkey tail is packed with two natural molecules linked to immune function, including polysaccharide peptide (PSP) and polysaccharide krestin (PSK). These two molecules are so powerful for immunity, in fact, that doctors in some parts of the world prescribe them to patients with compromised immune function. Doctors in Japan, for example, may prescribe PSK to someone with a compromised immune system. Turkey tail has also been shown to improve cardiovascular function, boost fat burning, and improve overall metabolism, among other benefits.

Reishi Mushroom: Officially known as Ganoderma lucidum, reishi is loaded with ganoderic acids linked to positive effects throughout the body. These natural molecules appear to scavenge free radicals, supporting healthy inflammation. Ganoderic acids can also block the release of histamine, reducing your allergic response. Himalayan guides in Tibet use reishi and cordyceps to help them breathe easier at high altitudes. Today, that same combination is found in each serving of Mycophyto Complex.

Polyporus: Polyporus, or Coriolus versicolor, is a mushroom extract popular in traditional Chinese medicine, where it’s been used for centuries to enhance kidney function and support other large organs. Today, studies show polyporus mushroom may work because it’s packed with magnesium, potassium, and calcium that act as natural diuretics. These diuretics can help release toxins from the body, making it easier for your liver, kidneys, and other large organs to function optimally.

Royal Agaricus: Royal agaricus mushrooms are packed with enzymes that help your body digest starch and protein, keeping blood sugar in balance. Royal agaricus mushrooms are also prized because they contain more beta 1, 3 glucans than any other mushroom, which could make them particularly beneficial for immune function and inflammation. Beta 1, 3 glucans work similar to other beta glucans, stimulating the immune system and affecting biomarkers linked to inflammation.

Maitake: Maitake mushroom extract is used in medicine and cooking and is backed by centuries of use for various ailments. Today, research shows maitake mushrooms stimulate your body’s immune response. Some doctors in Japan recommend using maitake to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and lose weight, among other benefits. Others take maitake mushroom extract daily for energy, immunity, and overall wellness.

Beta 1, 3 Glucans: in addition to the six medicinal mushrooms listed above, Mycophyto Complex contains a complementary dose of beta glucans in the form of beta 1, 3 glucan. Mycophyto Complex contains 50mg of beta 1, 3 glucan per serving, helping to enhance the effectiveness of the mushrooms above. Beta glucans are linked to immune function, inflammation, and overall health and wellness. They’re the active ingredients in many of the mushrooms listed above.

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Cordyceps is the Himalayan Secret to Super Endurance

There are six mushroom extracts in Mycophyto Complex. However, cordyceps is one of the most important.

Cordyceps is backed by centuries of use among the traditional peoples of Tibet, Nepal, and other parts of the Himalayas, where it was used as a natural energy booster.

Today, studies have connected cordyceps to a variety of effects – including effects that are specifically beneficial to people living at high altitude. Some of the effects of cordyceps include:

Here are some of the reasons cordyceps is popular among peoples of the Himalayas – and how it could help you:

Improves the way your body uses oxygen, significantly improving oxygen absorption. The makers of Mycophyto Complex cite multiple studies showing cordyceps significantly improved oxygen absorption, making it easier to perform at a high level – or simply maintain good energy – for longer. In one study, for example, athletes taking cordyceps daily for 6 weeks had double the rate of oxygen intake as those in the placebo group. A separate study found cordyceps increased oxygen uptake to the cells by 40%.

Increases cellular energy by targeting ATP. ATP is a molecule within your cells that functions similar to a battery. Cells use ATP to perform critical functions. The more ATP you have, the greater your cellular energy is. Advanced Bionutritionals cites one study where cordyceps increased ATP ratio in the cells by 55%.

Promotes strength and endurance. Sherpas and other traditional peoples of Nepal and Tibet have long used cordyceps to promote strength and endurance. With Mycophyto Complex, you don’t need to be a sherpa to enjoy similar effects. Instead, you can promote strength and endurance by boosting your own oxygen uptake and cellular energy.

Fights back against physical and cognitive fatigue and other symptoms. In a separate study, researchers found cordyceps helped a group of adults suffering from fatigue, dizziness, and an inability to tolerate the cold. Adults in the group were 83% less dizzy, had an 89% better ability to tolerate the cold, and improved their energy by a whopping 92%, among other benefits, after taking cordyceps.

Supports liver and cholesterol function. Your liver produces 90% of your cholesterol. When your liver is imbalanced, it could create too much cholesterol. Because the liver is the largest internal organ in the body, poor liver health is also associated with other issues. Cordyceps “has been shown to improve liver function and lower cholesterol by as much as 21%,” according to Advanced Bionutritionals.

Promotes immune function, sexual health, blood sugar control, and more. There are many more benefits of cordyceps. Advanced Bionutritionals cites studies showing it can supercharge immune cell function by 74%, increase sex drive by 64%, and lower blood sugar in 95% of patients taking it, among other benefits.

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Scientific Evidence for Mycophyto Complex

We’ve reviewed the benefits of cordyceps above. However, the other five mushrooms in Mycophyto Complex are also associated with their own benefits. We’ll review some of the science behind other mushrooms in Mycophyto Complex below.

First, many of the mushrooms in Mycophyto Complex contain beta glucans. Plus, the supplement contains an additional dose of beta glucans to support greater benefits. In a 2019 study published in Molecules, researchers compared beta glucan to medicine-like effects. Researchers found beta 1, 3 glucans could improve immune system reactions – and even help your body defend against cancer. Researchers also found beta glucans had antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant effects that could support health and wellness throughout the body.

Turkey tail mushroom is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms available today. As UCLA Health explains, turkey tail mushrooms have been shown to promote whole immune system health, with some even using turkey tail for anticancer properties. Turkey tail mushroom extract has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine specifically for that purpose.

Maitake mushroom, also known as Grifola frondosa, is packed with bioactive ingredients that contribute to antioxidant, antitumor, and immunomodulating benefits, according to a recent study. The edible mushroom contains polysaccharides – including beta glucans and heteroglycans – linked to all of these effects. A 2014 study specifically connected maitake mushroom extract to positive effects on the immune system.

Reishi mushroom is another well-known medicinal mushroom found in Mycophyto Complex, and some studies have linked the mushroom specifically to health and wellness. Also known as Ganoderma lucidum, reishi is called the “herb of spiritual potency” in traditional Chinese medicine. Some traditional Chinese medicine practitioners use reishi for longevity, immunity, or blood sugar control, among other benefits. Modern science has validated many of the benefits, finding reishi is packed with functional ingredients that could support the advertised effects.

Overall, Mycophyto Complex contains a blend of mushroom extracts packed with beta glucans and other natural ingredients to support various benefits – from immunity to inflammation. These ingredients are backed by centuries of use in traditional medicine and modern scientific evidence.

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Mycophyto Complex Supplement Facts Label

Advanced Bionutritionals discloses all ingredients and dosages in Mycophyto Complex upfront, making it easy to see exactly what’s in the formula and how the supplement compares to other popular nutritional supplements sold online today.


Here are all of the active and inactive ingredients within each two capsule serving of Mycophyto Complex:

1,280mg of Mycophyto Complex Proprietary Blend with reishi, coriolus, umbellatus (polyporus), agaricus, cordyceps, and maitake mushroom extracts

50mg of beta 1, 3 glucan

Other (inactive) ingredients, including the vegetable capsule (made from natural vegetable cellulose and water), magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, and microcrystalline cellulose

Mycophyto Complex Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Mycophyto Complex is one of Advanced Bionutritionals’ best-known and best-rated nutritional supplements.

On the official website, the supplement has an average score of 4.7 stars out of 5 based on 75+ reviews. Additionally, 96% of customers would recommend the supplement.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

One customer found Mycophyto Complex was “really great at boosting my immune system.” She would take the supplement when she felt like she was getting a cold or sore throat, finding it helped to defend her body at 75 years of age.

Another customer found he had greater stamina after just one week of using Mycophyto Complex and was able to last longer on the treadmill and increase his speed. After two months of taking Mycophyto Complex, he experienced even greater improvement.

Some have started to use Mycophyto Complex after being disappointed by other mushroom supplements. Not all mushroom supplements are made alike, and Mycophyto Complex contains a stronger dose of beta glucan specifically to maximize the positive effects of the formula. Plus, mushrooms are grown on herbs and rice – not toxic soil.

Some customers were skeptical that Mycophyto Complex would work, only to find the supplement boosted energy, improved mood, and helped with overall inflammation.

One customer claims her “inflammation [is] gone” after using the formula for a while.

One customer on the official website claims to have been taking Mycophyto Complex “Every day since 2010 when [she] was deathly sick.” She recovered but has continued to take the supplement every day.

Overall, Mycophyto Complex is backed by strong reviews from customers who have experienced a range of effects from the formula on inflammation, immunity, and overall health and wellness.

Mycophyto Complex Pricing

Mycophyto Complex is priced at $39.95 per bottle. Each bottle contains a 30 day supply of Mycophyto Complex, or 30 servings (60 capsules). You take two capsules daily to support wellness, immunity, and inflammation.


You can exclusively buy Mycophyto Complex through the Advanced Bionutritionals online store, where it’s priced at the following rates:

  • 1 Bottle: $39.95 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $107.85 ($35.95 Per Bottle) + Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $199.50 ($33.25 Per Bottle) + Shipping

Mycophyto Complex Refund Policy

Advanced Bionutritionals backs all supplements with a 90 day moneyback guarantee. You have 90 days to try the supplement and see if you like it, then request a complete refund if unsatisfied for any reason.

About Advanced Bionutritionals

Advanced Bionutritionals is a Norcross, Georgia-based supplement company offering doctor-formulated products targeting different areas of health and wellness.

In addition to Mycophyto Complex, other popular Advanced Bionutritionals supplements include Delta-Tocotrienols, Advanced Vision Formula, CircO2, Advanced Memory Formula, and Advanced Amino Formula.

To speak with the Advanced Bionutritionals customer service team, use the following:

  • Email: feedback@AdvancedBionutritionals.com
  • Phone: 800-791-3395
  • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051

Advanced Bionutritionals maintains a team of doctors and other experts on its advisory board. Mycophyto Complex was created by Janet Zand, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (OMD). Other members of the company’s medical advisory board include Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD and Dr. Steve Kroening, ND.

Final Word

Featuring a proprietary blend of six mushroom extracts, Mycophyto Complex delivers beta glucans and other natural antioxidants to promote endurance, energy, and stamina.

Backed by centuries of use among the traditional peoples of Tibet, Nepal, and other parts of the Himalayas, Mycophyto Complex features a blend of superfoods that could promote energy today.

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