
Behind the Markets Review – King Kong of New Drugs Investment Report (Dylan Jovine)

Behind the Markets is the flagship monthly financial newsletter from Dylan Jovine and the team at Behind the Markets, LLC.

Each monthly issue of Behind the Markets features stock recommendations, market analysis, and bonus reports covering the latest trends.

As part of a 2023 promotion, Dylan and his team are highlighting three specific investment opportunities linked to weight loss drugs. According to Dylan’s research, those who invest in the company today “could see a 678% return” or even create “generational wealth.”

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Behind the Market and what to expect with your subscription.

What is Behind the Markets?

Behind the Markets is a monthly financial newsletter featuring stock recommendations, market analysis, investment guides, and more.

The newsletter is led by Dylan Jovine, CEO and founder of Behind the Markets, LLC. As the company’s flagship newsletter, Behind the Markets aims to provide investment research on companies whose stocks are selling at a significant discount.

Behind the Markets is primarily designed for conservative investors interested in long-term value. The newsletter doesn’t focus on specific sectors of the market, although it does focus mostly on mid cap / medium term companies.

Overall, with Behind the Markets, Dylan and his team aim to find value wherever possible. They conduct thorough research and analysis to determine what the underlying business is worth. Then, they determine if shares are trading at a discount relative to the underlying value.

As part of a 2023 promotion, all new subscriptions to Behind the Markets come with seven free bonus reports and a discounted annual subscription fee of $79 for your first year. These bonus reports cover unique opportunities – like “the King Kong of new drugs.”


Behind the Markets Benefits

Behind the Markets offers the following benefits:

  • Monthly issues with stock recommendations, market analysis, and more
  • Discover undervalued companies poised for potential growth
  • Backed by 30+ years of investment experience
  • Discover the names and ticker symbols of 3 exciting new weight loss drug companies
  • Instant access 7 bonus reports and other perks
  • 30 day moneyback guarantee

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What Will You Learn in Behind the Markets?

Behind the Markets is designed to help investors make long-term plays on undervalued companies.

Before recommending a stock in Behind the Markets, Dylan and his team conduct thorough analysis to determine what the underlying business is worth. They use a business valuation approach to identify the true value of a business beyond just its stock price.

The goal of Behind the Markets is to give small investors an advantage over larger, institutional investors.

Larger investors typically invest based on Modern Portfolio Theory (advocating a risk-averse approach with average returns). Behind the Markets aims to beat these average returns by spotting undervalued companies.

Core features of Behind the Markets include:

  • Designed for conservative investors seeking long-term value and growth
  • Research covers all market sectors, focusing primarily on mid cap and medium term businesses (with market caps ranging from $1 billion to $10 billion)
  • Behind the Markets focuses specifically on companies with high returns on equity, low debt, and a durable competitive advantage

Many of Behind the Markets’s recommendations are for companies that have recently experienced a temporary setback; the stock is low because of the temporary setback, causing it to be undervalued and posing an opportunity for investors

All Behind the Markets subscriptions come with a welcome video, access to the Behind the Markets portfolio (which lists all open positions), monthly portfolio updates, trade alerts, a members-only portal, bonus guides, and other perks.

What is the “King Kong” of New Drugs?

To entice new subscribers in 2023, Dylan and his team have published a bonus report called “The King Kong of New Drugs: 3 Companies at the Forefront of the Weight-Loss Revolution.”

In that bonus report, the team discusses how a series of weight loss drugs could change the world – and potentially help investors get rich.

One of these drugs will “’switch off’ hunger in minutes,” according to the team’s research. That drug is “expected to be one of the best-selling drugs of all time,” according to a writeup by Fortune Reports. According to Dylan’s research, “anyone who gets in today could see a 678% return on the drug company” that makes the exciting new weight loss drug.

By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you get immediate access to the bonus report – including the names and ticker symbols of the three companies behind the drug. You get a thorough explanation of each company’s drug and why Dylan believes it’s a good investment.

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Why New Weight Loss Drugs Will Change the World

Dylan – and many other analysts – believe the next generation of weight loss drugs could change the world.

By investing in the companies that make these drugs today, investors could potentially earn huge returns on investment.

Here’s how and why new weight loss drugs will change the world, according to Dylan’s research:

One weight loss drug is predicted to help as many as 132 million Americans live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

That same drug is expected to save 620,192 American lives each and every year.

According to the CDC, people taking that drug could save $1,861 per year in medical bills in the United States.

Meanwhile, the United States could save $173 billion per year in Medicare and Medicaid costs because of the drug.

Other analysts have already noticed the drug and others in the weight loss market. The Wall Street Journal calls the drug “King Kong” for its potential impact on the market. Barron’s says the drug will be a “blockbuster,” while the New York Post calls the drug “game-changing.”

The weight loss drug industry as a whole is expected to skyrocket in value in the coming years. Bloomberg News predicts it will grow into a $150 billion market by 2030, while Barclays Bank predicts it will grow into a $200 billion market by 2030. Morgan Stanley, meanwhile, believes doctors in 2030 will be writing 250 million prescriptions a year.

Most of today’s largest pharmaceutical companies are already investing significantly into weight loss drugs. Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Glaxo, Novo Nordisk, and other major names are actively passing weight loss drugs through their pipeline.

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Investors Could Become “Incredibly Wealthy” with a Single Biotech Investment

Dylan has spotted one opportunity in the weight loss drug market. He believes it’s an enormous opportunity for investors to make a profit.

The specific game-changing drug spotted by Dylan Jovine only generated $2.3 billion in sales last year. However, analysts expect the drug to grow to $200 billion in sales by 2030, delivering 19,000% growth.

Even if the drug delivered half of that expected growth, it would dwarf the returns of other pharmaceuticals – including drugs like Zoloft and Lipitor that made many investors rich.

Here’s how Dylan explains the opportunity:

“Of course, there are no guarantees in the financial markets. But the potential behind this medical revolution is undeniable as it grows 5,700% into a $200 billion drug. If it does only half of what I’m expecting, it could make you incredibly wealthy.”

By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you can discover the name and ticker symbol of the company that makes the weight loss drug. All subscriptions include access to a bonus report describing the new investment opportunities linked to weight loss drugs – including the specific pill and company mentioned above.

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Invest in Drugs Moving from Phase 2 to Phase 3 of FDA Approval

Dylan has a successful track record of investing in biotech stocks and pharmaceutical companies.

He attributes his track record to spotting drugs moving from phase 2 to phase 3 of FDA approval.

A typical FDA clinical trial has 3 phases. As a drug moves through these phases, we learn more about its chances of success:

Phase 1) Scientists test to see if the drug works. They test the drug on a small group of 20 to 80 people. Typically, around 2 out of every 3 drugs make it out of phase 1 testing. Unfortunately, this is also the “stock promoter” phase. Small biotech companies love to publish the positive results of phase 1 trials to increase their stock price.

Phase 2) In the second phase, scientists test the safety and dosing of a drug to determine if it actually works. It’s a riskier phase, and only about 30% of drugs move out of phase 2 and onto phase 3.

Phase 3) Phase 3 tests can include thousands of people. The company checks to see how the drug works at different doses.

Dylan’s goal, with his analysis, is to identify drugs that are graduating from phase 2 to phase 3. He believes investors can create “generational wealth” by spotting the best drugs moving through these phases:

“Find a company with a safe drug that can impact a massive market that’s in Phase 3 trials – and generational wealth can be made.”

Dylan has a track record of recommending drugs moving from phase 2 to phase 3 and helping investors make money, including:

Dylan recommended buying ChemoCentryx as it moved from phase 2 to phase 3, delivering gains of 435% to investors.

Dylan recommended buying Krystal Biotech as the company’s drug moved from phase 2 to phase 3, delivering gains of 275% to investors.

Dylan also recommended buying shares of Kura Oncology as the company’s drug entered phase 3 trials, delivering returns of 124% for investors.

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What Are the 3 Hottest Weight Loss Drug Companies?

Now, Dylan believes he has spotted his latest opportunity in the weight loss drug industry. By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you can discover three of the hottest companies and drugs in this industry – including drugs moving from phase 2 to phase 3 and poised for massive growth.

Although we can’t spoil the names and ticker symbols of these companies upfront, we can disclose certain clues about these companies, including:

Weight Loss Stock Pick #1: A Small Biotech Company That Could Soar 42,000% If Not Acquired First: Dylan’s first pick is a small biotech company preparing to release a promising weight loss drug. Big pharmaceutical companies could acquire this company in the near future, which would pose a good return for investors. Or, it could continue to grow as an independent firm.

Weight Loss Stock Pick #2: $20 Billion Baby: Morgan Stanley’s #1 Weight Loss Drug Stock: The second recommended weight loss drug company is expected to do $21 billion in sales, according to Morgan Stanley. It’s a promising pharmaceutical company preparing to release a weight loss blockbuster.

Weight Loss Stock Pick #3: Celebrity: The Weight Loss Drug Taking Hollywood by Storm: One specific weight loss drug is already popular with Hollywood celebrities and generated $2.3 billion in sales last year alone. However, Dylan believes it could grow to $100 billion in sales or more, which could create huge returns for investors.

Bonus Pick: The Micro Cap that Goldman Sachs Thinks Could Double Because of Its New Weight Loss Drug: Dylan offers a bonus pick on a micro-cap drug company that, according to Goldman Sachs research, “can double” as it captures the new weight loss drug megatrend.

You get immediate access to all three of these recommendations after you subscribe to Behind the Markets. Dylan believes the “party is just getting started” for all of these stocks. By investing today, you could have the opportunity to make huge returns on investment.

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What’s Included with Behind the Markets?

As part of a 2023 promotion, all Behind the Markets subscriptions come with a bundle of bonus reports along with all of the usual perks of your subscription.

Those bonus reports cover unique investment opportunities like the “King Kong” of new weight loss drugs and the best way to make “medical money” from today’s undervalued biotech stocks.

Here’s what you get when you subscribe to Behind the Markets today:

12 Monthly Issues of Behind the Markets: Each month, you receive a new issue of Behind the Markets. Issues feature stock recommendations, market analysis, updates to previous positions, and other thoughts from Dylan and his team on undervalued mid cap companies that could pose an opportunity to investors.

Access to Behind the Markets Model Portfolio: All subscribers receive immediate access to the Behind the Markets model portfolio and list of positions. You can view all stocks previously recommended by Dylan and his team, including the date of the recommendation, the purchase price, and the profit or loss made on that position to date. It’s an extra level of transparency and a sneak peek behind the scenes of how Behind the Markets’ predictions have performed in recent years.

Monthly Portfolio Updates: Each month, Dylan and his team publish updates to the portfolio, helping investors adjust their positions. If they believe it’s time to sell a stock, for example, then they recommend selling that stock to take profit. If they believe it’s time to cut losses, they might recommend selling a stock before it sinks further.

Trade Alerts: If Dylan sees an investment opportunity between monthly issues of Behind the Markets, he may issue a trade alert to subscribers. Subscribers receive an immediate alert on a position. If a stock has suddenly surged in value or plummeted, for example, then Dylan may issue a trade alert about buying or selling that stock.

24/7 Access to Members-Only Portal: Your subscription includes 24/7 access to the Behind the Markets members-only portal. This portal gives you immediate access to previous guides, the model portfolio, trade alerts, and all other perks of your subscription.

Access to Historical Reports & Guides: All subscriptions – including Bronze, Silver, and Platinum – include access to historical reports and guides. You can check reports previously published by Behind the Markets to see how their recommendations are doing or check on previous trends.

Free Bonus Report #1: The King Kong of New Drugs: 3 Companies at the Forefront of the Weight-Loss Revolution: Dylan has identified three pharmaceutical companies making the next generation of weight loss drugs. Dylan believes these drugs could change the world – and potentially make early investors rich in the process. One drug could save 620,192 American lives each year. Another report believes the weight loss drug industry will grow into a $200 billion market by 2030. In this report, you get the names and ticker symbols of all three medical companies at the forefront of the weight loss drug revolution.

Free Bonus Report #2: Medical Money: How to Create the Ideal Small Cap Biotech Portfolio: Many of Behind the Markets’ recommended companies are small to mid cap biotech stocks. Biotech is one of the hottest industries in the world, and investors can make a lot of money by picking the right biotech stocks. In this report, you can discover how to create a biotech portfolio with “tremendous upside with minimal risk,” according to Dylan.

Free Bonus Report #3: Biotech Income: How to Generate Monthly Income From Your Biotech Portfolio: Investing in the right biotech stocks could allow you to generate income each month. In this report, you can discover how to generate monthly income from your biotech portfolio. Dylan provides step-by-step instructions for creating a portfolio with the biggest upside and the most income.

Free Bonus Report #4: Pot Stocks: What the History of Cigarettes Tells Us About Cannabis: Many investors made fortunes – or lost significantly – during pot stock mania. In this report, you can discover why there are still plenty of opportunities in the pot stock industry. Dylan compares it to the history of cigarette company stocks, and sees plenty of stories that could offer value to today’s cannabis investors.

Free Bonus Report #5: Tidal Wave Profits: How the Medical Revolution Will Change Your Relationship with Your Doctor: new biologic treatments could change what happens when you visit your family doctor. New scanning equipment, for example, could allow your family doctor to check for disease and illness on-site instead of requiring a special appointment.

Free Bonus Report #6: 3 Ingredients to Great Biotech Stocks: In this guide, you can discover three ingredients behind a great biotech investment. You can use these ingredients to identify the optimal biotech stocks for your portfolio.

Free Bonus Report #7: 6 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock: This guide provides a fundamental look at how Dylan invests – including the questions he asks before buying a stock. These questions help you filter and analyze stocks to ensure you invest only in stocks with the biggest upside.

30 Day Moneyback Guarantee: All Behind the Markets subscriptions come with a 30-day moneyback guarantee. You can request a complete refund on your purchase with no questions asked if you’re unhappy for any reason.

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Behind the Markets Pricing

Behind the Markets is normally priced at $39 to $99. However, as part of the 2023 promotion, the highest tier (Platinum) is priced at the same as the middle tier (Silver).


Here’s how pricing works when ordering Behind the Markets online today:

Best Offer – Platinum ($79 Per Year)

Normally priced at $99 per year or higher, Platinum is temporarily priced at $79 per year – the same as the middle tier. Platinum comes with seven free bonus reports along with all of the usual subscription perks:

Monthly issues of Behind the Markets and all ordinary subscription perks

Free Bonus Report #1: The King Kong of New Drugs: 3 Companies at the Forefront of the Weight-Loss Revolution

Free Bonus Report #2: Medical Money: How to Create the Ideal Small Cap Biotech Portfolio

Free Bonus Report #3: Biotech Income: How to Generate Monthly Income From Your Biotech Portfolio

Free Bonus Report #4: Pot Stocks: What the History of Cigarettes Tells Us About Cannabis

Free Bonus Report #5: Tidal Wave Profits: How the Medical Revolution Will Change Your Relationship with Your Doctor

Free Bonus Report #6: 3 Ingredients to Great Biotech Stocks

Free Bonus Report #7: 6 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock

Don’t wait, grab your bonus reports now!

Great Offer – Silver ($79 Per Year)

Silver includes the same core Behind the Markets membership and ordinary perks along with the first three bonus reports mentioned above. Because it’s the same price as the Platinum package, there’s no reason to buy this package:

Monthly issues of Behind the Markets and all ordinary subscription perks

Free Bonus Report #1: The King Kong of New Drugs: 3 Companies at the Forefront of the Weight-Loss Revolution

Free Bonus Report #2: Medical Money: How to Create the Ideal Small Cap Biotech Portfolio

Free Bonus Report #3: Biotech Income: How to Generate Monthly Income From Your Biotech Portfolio

Good Offer – Bronze ($39 Per Year)

The cheapest subscription tier for Behind the Markets includes monthly issues of the newsletter and all of the usual perks, along with access to the company’s library of historical reports. However, you don’t receive any of the new bonus reports featured on the list above:

Monthly issues of Behind the Markets and all ordinary subscription perks

Access to historical reports and guides

Get Behind the Markets for the best price today!

Behind the Markets Refund Policy

Behind the Markets has a 30 day refund policy. If you’re unhappy with your subscription for any reason, then you can request a complete refund. As a thanks for trying the subscription, you can even keep all the bonus guides you received.

Who is Dylan Jovine?

Dylan Jovine started his career on Wall Street in 1991, working with Peter Jaquith, one of the investment bankers famous for saving New York City from bankruptcy in the 1970s.

Within three years of starting his career, Dylan had gained a reputation for picking stocks. Dylan was specifically known for picking stocks of companies right before they were taken over.

By 1996, Dylan had founded his own brokerage and investment bank called Lexington Capital Partners in New York City. In 2000, Dylan sold his stake in the company to Silver Lake Capital.

In 2004, Dylan launched Tycoon Publishing to offer independent, conflict-free investment research and education to individual investors. At its peak, Tycoon Publishing reached 500,000 individual investors in 28 countries.

On December 19, 2006, Dylan warned the public about the overheated stock market. By early 2009, Dylan had become bullish, telling investors it was the “greatest opportunity since the Great Depression.”

In 2011, Dylan sold Tycoon Publishing to Agora, Inc., the largest financial newsletter publisher in the world.

In 2018, Dylan founded Behind the Markets. Today, using his 30+ years of investment industry experience, Dylan aims to help individual investors outperform Wall Street giants via popular newsletters like Behind the Markets, Takeover Targets, Biotech Insider, and others.

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About Behind the Markets

Behind the Markets is an independent financial publishing company offering a variety of weekly and monthly advisory services.

Led by CEO and founder Dylan Jovine, Behind the Markets aims to help small investors compete with institutional investors. The company emphasizes a business valuation approach, focusing on undervalued companies – like those facing a temporary setback – that can return steady value to investors long-term:

“I believe the best investment opportunities are found where Wall Street isn’t looking,” Dylan Jovine, CEO and founder of Behind the Markets.

You can contact Behind the Markets, LLC and the company’s customer service team via the following:

In addition to the company’s flagship newsletter, other popular Behind the Markets advisory services include Biotech Insider, Takeover Targets, Hidden Market Profits, and Breakthrough Wealth.

Final Word

Behind the Markets is an investment advisory service delivered monthly to your email inbox.

As part of a 2023 promotion, all new subscriptions to Behind the Markets are available at a discount rate of $39 to $79 per year and come bundled with up to seven bonus reports.

To learn more about Behind the Markets or to subscribe to the advisory service today, visit the official website.


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