LifeForce Reviews – Is Legit? Supplements That Work?

How long does it typically take you to schedule an appointment with your family doctor? Are you familiar with waiting periods that last for months on end? Due to medical shortages, meeting with a healthcare practitioner to discuss blood work processes and findings is likely difficult. Sure, emergency cases are a priority, but what about people who wish to learn more about their bodies and their inadequacies or imbalances?

What about those who have started a weight loss journey with the traditional method but have yet to experience results due to a lack of understanding? One skilled team launched a company that eliminates ambiguity, prioritizes access to health information, and guarantees access to solutions that improve their overall wellness in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and later years.

The purpose of this review is to introduce LifeForce.

What is LifeForce?

LifeForce is a proactive health partner that specializes in health and wellness. The goal is to present individuals with a personalized plan that combines biomarker testing, functional medicine doctors, certified health coaches, and advanced nutraceutical and hormone therapies. Together, this multitude of tests and support systems enables LifeForce members to make informed health decisions toward vitality and strength improvement regardless of age.

In other words, people no longer have to guess why they aren’t losing weight or feeling a certain way emotionally. The essentials are outlined in LifeForce plans so that issues can be addressed immediately.

How does LifeForce work?

Getting started with LifeForce is comprised of four simple steps as outlined below:

Step 1. Measure Your Baseline

Individuals should invest in an at-home blood test covering over 40 markers. These biomarkers are classified into hormone balance, critical nutrients, metabolic condition, organ health, and key risk factors. Here is a quick overview of what the blood test will cover:

  • Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)

The thyroid hormone is involved in weight management, skin and hair health, energy levels, mood, and much more. TSH sends signals to the brain, so the thyroid gland produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The TSH test is a marker that determines whether individuals have thyroid disease.

  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating Hormone

The Luteinizing hormone (LH) and the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are reproductive hormones in the brain’s pituitary gland. In women, they cause the ovaries to release eggs. In men, these hormones prompt the testicles to make testosterone and support sperm production. Taking a test that covers both hormones opens doors to exploring several health-related areas, including fertility, ovulation, menstrual changes, early or late puberty, pituitary gland problems, and/or testosterone levels.

  • Estradiol

Estradiol is an estrogen hormone found primarily in women and in lesser amounts in men. With age, the opposite happens, with women experiencing decreased levels and men experiencing a natural increase. The estradiol test offers information on the estradiol level in the blood. Low levels in women are typically associated with ovarian failure, menopause, low estrogen levels, low pituitary hormone levels, or a failing pregnancy. In contrast, high levels may signal problems with the liver, thyroid or risk of tumors. High levels in men could explain gynecomastia or testicular tumors.

  • DHEA-S

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-sulfate is a sex hormone that produces other sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. The test is frequently used as a guide to determine whether the adrenal glands are functioning normally, to diagnose adrenal tumors or abnormalities of the testicles or ovaries, and to explain the cause of excessive hair growth and the development of male traits in women and girls. Women require this test more than men because it tells whether one’s menstrual cycle is irregular or why acne production is excessive.

  • IGF-1

Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) is a hormone produced by the liver that manages the effects of the growth hormone (GH) in the body. It promotes the natural growth of bones and tissues, but at times, said levels might fluctuate in the blood. And so, taking an IGF-1 test helps diagnose any GH disorders such as a GH deficiency, insensitivity, or acromegaly.

  • Total Testosterone & Free Testosterone

Total testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and a lesser-known one in women. This hormone is essential for bone and muscle function and fat distribution. Overseeing total testosterone levels is crucial for males over 35 since this is a prime time for a drop in such levels. Free testosterone is unbound testosterone that is active and accessible.

A testosterone test can help men understand why they are having sexual problems and concerns with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland (both of which are important in testosterone production). This test may be administered to women to understand their menstrual cycles better, determine the cause of excessive hair growth, and/or diagnose polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

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  • Homocysteine

Homocysteine is an amino acid that causes inflammation. Levels above 10 umol/L have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, dementia, blood clots and stroke. This test often involves measuring levels of vitamins B6, B9, and B12, all of which aid in the breakdown of homocysteine (i.e., bringing said levels down). If the process fails, levels of this amino acid will be higher than they should be, which is undoubtedly dangerous to one’s health.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that regulates over 300 enzymatic functions in the body. A deficiency has been linked to malabsorption brought on by gut imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and/or medication intake. People may be able to gauge where they fall on the extremely low to extremely high levels by evaluating the amount of magnesium in their blood. This test is important for determining the origin of symptoms such as weakness, muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and seizures, to name a few.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient since it is necessary for bone health, immune function, and neurological function. People get vitamin D from sunlight, supplements, and whole foods. The vitamin D test is mostly used to screen for vitamin D deficiency related to bone discomfort, muscle weakness, soft, weak, and/or deformed bones, and low bone density (i.e., risk of osteoporosis or osteopenia).

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

The Comprehensive Metabolic Panel test measures 14 substances in the blood to provide a comprehensive picture of the body’s overall chemical balance and metabolic function. The 14 substances that will be measured in this test are none other than glucose, calcium, total protein, bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, albumin, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST).

  • Glucose

The fasting glucose test summarizes one’s blood sugar levels, i.e., a crucial indicator of diabetes, metabolic imbalance, and insulin resistance. Consuming less sugar and combining high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can improve insulin resistance (even in older adults). Still, the test must be performed to determine whether this is necessary.

  • A1c

The glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c) test is another sugar test that looks at levels over a 90-day period to assess pre-diabetes risk. A range of 5.7 to 6.4% indicates an increased risk of pre-diabetes, while any percentage higher than this confirms diabetes as the diagnosis. This test is also beneficial in determining how well one’s diabetes management plan works in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If an existing strategy isn’t working, essential adjustments can be made.

  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL), Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), Triglycerides & Total Cholesterol

HDL is known as good cholesterol, whereas LDL is known as bad cholesterol. HDL has been demonstrated to help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, whereas LDL has been linked to artery-clogging, which can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Extra calories are converted into a type of fat called triglycerides.

For those living a sedentary lifestyle, triglyceride levels might follow an uptrend, increasing belly fat and similar risks to LDL. The sum of HDL, LDL, and triglycerides is known as total cholesterol. Testing for this combination is important for people with a family history of high cholesterol, who are overweight or physically inactive, who have diabetes, or who live an unhealthy lifestyle. In doing so, appropriate diet and exercise plans can be built.

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)

The Complete Blood Count (CBC) test determines the types of cells in the blood. We’re talking about things like red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight infections), hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein within red blood cells), hematocrit (the number of red blood cells), and platelets (which help blood clot). Understanding the ratio of the different types allows for identifying a wide range of illnesses ranging from anemia and infections to leukemia and everything in between.

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  • Hemoglobin (HGB)

As briefly mentioned above, hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells tasked with carrying oxygen to the tissues. Men and women both have a healthy range they should be falling within. Anything in excess could be due to excess testosterone, asthma, dehydration, or living in high-altitude locations. Low counts are frequently connected with vitamin or mineral deficiencies (e.g., vitamin B12, B6, or C). Other reasons for taking this test is to see why people might have an infection, a medical condition known to influence HGB levels or experienced traumatic injury. As a result, taking this test is crucial for determining where people may be lacking in health.

  • Hematocrit & Platelet

Hematocrit (HCT) is the blood’s ratio of red blood cells to fluid (or plasma). If hemoglobin levels are low, HCT supposedly helps to see what’s causing anemia, a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or blood loss. Platelets help blood to clot. By taking this test, individuals will be presented with a possible list of conditions causing excess bleeding or clotting.

  • PSA

The key marker used to screen for prostate cancer is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA). It is produced by both malignant and noncancerous tissues in the prostate (a tiny gland in men that sits beneath the bladder). High levels are linked not just to prostate cancer but also to an enlarged or inflammatory prostate. This test is mostly performed because there are no early prostate cancer symptoms other than by measuring PSA levels.

  • ALT and AST

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are enzymes found in the liver. Testing for this duo leads to understanding what is causing distress to the liver. For example, ALT and AST levels might help identify toxins in the liver, which in turn might manifest into liver disease or damage. This is especially important for people experiencing symptoms such as jaundice, dark urine, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

  • Hs-CRP

High-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is an inflammatory marker that provides information on the body’s ability to tolerate stress, respond to diet, and recover from exercises. The test’s capacity to predict future risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and other cardiovascular diseases is equally crucial. This test variation detects lower protein levels more accurately than the others.

  • ApoB

Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a risk stratification marker used in conjunction with other cholesterol measurements. This protein is found in all LDL, contributing to cardiovascular disease. To do so, the amount of ApoB, which is responsible for transporting substances in the blood that form plaque, is measured.

  • Lipoprotein (a)

Lipoprotein (a) is a type of LDL. After testing for this component, individuals will know if they are at risk of stroke and heart disease. This test focuses on genetics rather than lifestyle, another factor that must be watched and managed before things spiral out of control.


Step 2. Complete an Assessment

Individuals will be directed to complete a brief intake assessment after completing the first step. This is done so that the LifeForce staff can understand each person’s present health and assist them in reaching their respective health objectives.

Step 3. Get the Results

LifeForce will analyze the blood work findings and evaluation and provide a plan within ten business days. This will be available through the LifeForce portal.

Step 4. Book a Telehealth Consult

Finally, people can schedule a telehealth consultation with a LifeForce clinician. This is an opportunity to make sense of the results and recommendations offered by the team so that the right path toward one’s healthy goals is adopted.

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Does LifeForce offer any supplements or treatment options?

Yes. When meeting with a LifeForce clinician, consumers may be advised to take advanced nutraceuticals and other solutions available in-house. Below is a brief on the options currently available:


Peak NMN™

Peak NMN™ is a health and longevity supplement designed to rejuvenate the body from the inside out. It is said to be made of a stable and long-lasting nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a molecule that the body converts to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. The latter component is involved in metabolism and the creation of energy. In addition to NMN (375mg), each serving contains Berberine HCL (660mg), White Mulberry Extract (200mg), Spermidine (5.7mg), and Lithium (450mcg) for healthy DNA and epigenetic function, more effective inflammatory response, and stress management.

Peak Defense™

Peak Defense™ is an immune system support that provides year-round protection against immunological stresses. This supplement was created with three primary purposes in mind: to assist individuals in better preparing for, defending against, and recovering from stressors. To achieve these objectives, the Peak Defense™ formula contains peptides, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, and 23 bioactive compounds, all supported by over 50 gold-standard human clinical trials.

Speaking of bioactive ingredients, each serving embodies the union of L-Lysine (1,500mg), Larch arabinogalactan (1,500mg), Baker’s Yeast Beta Glucan (250mg), Quercetin (200mg), Polygonum (50mg), Black Pepper (10mg), MSM (1,500mg), Casein-derived Vasoactive Tripeptides (254mg), Glutathione (100mg), Schisandra chinensis (75mg), Birch (50mg), 23Vitals™ Immune Factors (500mg), Elderberry (250mg), Astragalus (150mg), Aloe Vera (75mg), DE111® (10mg) to list a few.

Peak Healthspan™

Peak Healthspan™ is a supplement for aging and metabolism that contains NAD3®, a patented, cutting-edge molecule believed to target nine important aspects of aging. In fact, the main components of this blend were chosen with increased expressions of genes associated with healthy aging and lifespan in mind as well as physical resistance to changes in metabolism and environmental stressors. As a result, people can expect Peak Healthspan™ to affect their energy levels and their brain, heart, muscle, liver, and immune functions.

Besides the NAD3® blend of Wasabi, Theacrine, and Cuprous Niacin (312.5mg), this supplement shines the spotlight on Betaine Anhydrous (260mg), SmartPrime-Om™ Complex (250mg), Rhodiola Rosea (150mg), Black Turmeric Extract (100mg), Luteolin (70mg), Wax tree (60mg), Celery (50mg), Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (10mg), and L-Ergothioneine (5mg).

Peak Rest™

Peak Rest™ is a sleep and recovery supplement that relieves stress, revitalizes the brain, and optimizes the circadian cycle for deep, uninterrupted sleep. To see a solution that not only rejuvenates the brain for sleep but also encourages whole-body relaxation is reassuring. This means people wake up feeling invigorated, alert, and ready to face the challenges of everyday life.

For full mind and body relaxation, the LifeForce team filled Peak Rest™ with Vitamin A (400mcg), Magnesium (120mg), L-Glycine (3,000mg), Creatine Monohydrate (1,500mg), CLOCK® (1,000mg), Inositol (1,000mg), Zylaria™ (250mg), L-Theanine (200mg), Sytrinol™ (150mg), Sensoril® Ashwagandha (65mg), Venetron® (50mg), Melatonin (150mcg).

Peak Rise™

Peak Rise™ is an all-day energy and focus supplement that extends the duration of caffeine by up to three times. This ensures that people are energized, focused, and alert throughout the day without experiencing any jitters or mid-afternoon crashes. The formula boasts 14 high-dose ingredients, 7 of which have been clinically tested. Besides eliminating the risk of jitters, Peak Rise™ might boost mood, memory, drive, and mental stamina.

On that note, each serving has clinically accepted doses of Thiamin (10mg), Riboflavin (5mg), Vitamin B6 (20mg), Vitamin B12 (4.8mcg), Pantothenic Acid (20mg), Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL (600mg), Alpina galanga (300mg), Citocoline (250mg), Sage (167mg), Polygonum (150mg), Organic Caffeine (125mg), Ginseng (100mg), Methyliberine (85mg), and Theacrine (50mg).

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DHEA™ is a hormone support supplement intended for people yearning for hormonal balance, sexual wellness, and healthy weight management. Naturally stimulating hormone production, including testosterone and estrogen, achieves these benefits. When the body is finally in equilibrium, individuals will likely notice an improvement in memory, mood, and sleep. To think that all it takes are the likes of Pregnenolone (45mg), Dehydroepiandrosterone (30mg), and 7-Keto® DHEA (15mg) is astonishing. This is one of a few supplements that take a simple approach to addressing hormone health.


Methylation™ is a dietary supplement that protects the body from environmental toxins and contaminants. As the name suggests, the cornerstone of this supplement relies on the methylation cycle, which is known for regulating the neurological, cardiovascular, and immune systems. It also serves to detoxify the liver, allowing hormones and the gut to function properly. Concerning the contents of this formula, we have Riboflavin (30mg), Vitamin B6 (60mg), Folate (1,200 mcg), Vitamin B12 (750mcg), Betaine Anhydrous (1,000mg), and Glutathione (300mg).

Vitamin D + K™

Vitamin D + K™ has been formulated with bones, muscles, and immune function in mind. Why vitamins D and K? For starters, vitamin D is responsible for controlling over 200 genes, touching base with every single cell in our bodies. Alas, 40% of Americans are deficient in this nutrient, leading them to live with unwanted side effects. Vitamin K is paired for its utility in ensuring calcium deposits within our bones. So naturally, seeing the likes of Vitamin D (20mcg), Vitamin K1 (210mcg), and Vitamin K2 (90mcg) in this formula should not be so surprising.


Magnesium™ is a dietary supplement believed to support whole body health, emphasizing stress regulation and muscle and brain functions. Magnesium levels must be maintained as a nutrient because it triggers over 300 enzymatic pathways essential for heart, muscle, and bone function. Our editorial team believed the formula would be simple, but LifeForce has opened our eyes to the fact that there are different types of magnesium to consider. Chiefly, each serving contains 315mg of Magnesium, as well as Magtein® (1,000mg), Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate (1,000mg), ATA Mg® (385mg), DiMagnesium Malate (225mg), and Magnolia Extract (100mg).


Omega™ is a dietary supplement of omega-3 fatty acids essential for heart, brain, immune, and mood support. This broad-spectrum blend absorbs three times more long-chain omega-3s than competitors, which is thought to be important not just for supporting different organ functions but also for optimizing HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels. In addition to 1,500mg of MaxSimil® Fish Oil (EPA, DHA and Omega-3s), we have Gamma Linolenic Acid (100mg), Borage Seed Oil (500mg), SmartPrime-Om™ Complex (375mg), Palmitoleic Acid (100mg), Stearidonic Acid (35mg).


Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist (GLP-1) prescribed to treat obesity. This weekly injection medication has been demonstrated to suppress hunger, increase satiety, and delay gastric emptying. These reasons make it an ideal weight loss treatment option. For those unaware, Semaglutide is the active ingredient in renowned brands like Ozempic® and Wegovy®.


Clomiphene (50mg) is an important component in hormone optimization protocols for maintaining fertility. As explained in one source, this support system induces the pituitary gland to release hormones essential for stimulating ovulation. This medication is unsafe for those who have abnormal vaginal bleeding, or an ovarian cyst, have had or are currently being treated for liver disease, have tumors, have problems with the adrenal or thyroid glands, or are pregnant.


Anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor essential for men. Why? Because it prevents testosterone from converting into the most common form of estrogen (i.e., estradiol). Hence, the reason why it is recommended in some hormone optimization protocols. Grippingly, this tablet might lower estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, and help treat breast cancer. Side effects are likely with any hormone supplement. When it comes to Anastrozole, common side effects include numbness, weakness, joint pain, swelling, depressive symptoms, and insomnia.

Testosterone Injection

Testosterone Cypionate is a bio-identical testosterone injection administered in the shoulder or outer thigh. This is often recommended as a means of treating symptoms of hypogonadism in men (i.e., the inability to produce testosterone). To maintain efficiency, a LifeForce clinician must monitor testosterone optimization and blood testing. Short-term studies have been conducted, and have shown a risk of heart effects, liver issues, excess blood clots, and misuse. Alas, long-term research has yet to be conducted.

Testosterone Cream

Testosterone Cream is intended for those who do not feel comfortable injecting testosterone cypionate into their shoulder or outer thigh. Depending on individual needs and preferences, a small amount of this topical gel must be applied to the forearms every morning. A LifeForce clinician will undertake regular monitoring and blood testing to determine what constitutes testosterone optimization and offer personalized recommendations.

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Metformin HCL is a weight loss and longevity prescription that raises the body’s sensitivity to insulin (a hormone responsible for glucose management). In doing so, individuals are less likely to experience excessive spikes, as glucose will be evenly distributed in the liver, muscle, fat, brain, and other tissues. For optimal results, this prescription is often recommended with dietary changes and exercise. However, metformin is not recommended for people who are allergic to it, have severe kidney illness, or have metabolic acidosis.

Estradiol Cream

Vaginal estradiol cream is thought to be a useful treatment for vaginal dryness, irritation, and pain during intercourse. This is typically advised for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. For a positive change in vaginal health and comfort, this cream must be applied topically a few days per week. Other advantages of this application include restored vaginal epithelium and enhanced lubrication.

Desiccated Thyroid

A desiccated thyroid is a group of hormones produced by the thyroid gland to regulate the body’s energy production and metabolism. This prescription is given to those whose thyroid does not produce enough of the essential hormone. A deficit has been shown to cause weariness, weight gain, lightheadedness, and mood declines, to name a few symptoms, which is why it must be replenished. This extract contains both T3 and T4 hormones to ensure healthy thyroid levels. It is important to note that the FDA has not authorized desiccated thyroid because it is promoted as an “off-label” medication. People who have thyroid disorders or adrenal problems are unlikely to be prescribed this either.

Micronized Progesterone

Micronized progesterone mimics the effects of progesterone naturally produced in the body. This hormone treatment is deemed suitable for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who experience symptoms such as insomnia, night sweats, and mood fluctuations among others. The goal is to restore progesterone levels to at least premenopausal values, which is critical for fighting off the aforesaid symptoms. Compared to synthetic progestins, micronized progesterone is superior because of the lack of serious side effects or risk of cancer.


PT-141 is a peptide therapy designed to increase libido and arousal in men and women, resulting in sexual satisfaction. This injection must be administered twice a week, one hour before sexual activity. According to one source, what distinguishes this therapy from Viagra is that it works directly with the hypothalamus to stimulate desire, whereas Viagra works in the vascular system. Furthermore, it was discovered to be useful in treating erectile dysfunction in both men and women.


Continuing on the issue of erectile dysfunction, Tadalafil is another alternative, specifically for men. Tadalafil works by increasing blood flow to the penile tissue, allowing men to have an erection when stimulated. Consider it a method of achieving fulfillment during intercourse. This medication is considered safe for daily or sporadic use. Obviously, individuals are encouraged to address how they should approach this treatment option with their respective LifeForce clinicians.


Rosuvastatin belongs to the statin class of lipid-lowering medicines. It was designed to limit cholesterol production by the liver, thereby eliminating its presence in the bloodstream. This path is believed to minimize important cardiovascular risk factors including LDL while also lowering the likelihood of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The latter is significantly more harmful, as it can result in heart attacks and strokes. This treatment option is usually prescribed as a last resort, especially for people whose cholesterol levels do not seem to budge with proper diet and exercise plans, the elderly and in some instances, children as well.

Estradiol Patch

Estradiol patch is an FDA-approved hormone treatment patch used to relieve menopausal symptoms and lower the risk of osteoporosis after menopause. The patch is thought to be identical to estradiol, which is naturally produced in the female body throughout the perimenopausal years. Since these levels tend to fall following menopause, replenishment is essential for women to feel and live well in their later years.


Finally, there is Sermorelin, which is an injectable peptide that stimulates the production of the growth hormone. Some studies have also suggested its usefulness in inducing lean body mass, improving insulin sensitivity, and increasing libido, however, more research is still needed in these areas. That said, individuals need to bear two things in mind. First, even if it is tolerated well, allergic reactions are possible. Second, a LifeForce clinician will only administer this treatment to members, not to LifeForce Diagnostic investors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the difference between LifeForce Diagnostic and LifeForce Membership?

A. The LifeForce Diagnostic test measures overall 40 biomarkers and includes a telehealth visit, clinical report, and a personalized plan. The LifeForce Membership is just that, however in order to fully optimize one’s health, testing is performed every three months, along with updated hormone support.

Q. How should Peak NMN™ be taken?

A. Individuals should begin with one capsule per day and gradually increase by one capsule every three days. This is done to check that the supplement is tolerated well. To facilitate the breakdown of carbohydrates, this supplement must be taken before lunch or dinner. If mild symptoms (such as nausea, headaches, or jitters) occur, the serving size should be reduced for at least a week.

Q. Which biomarkers does Peak NMN™ support?

A. Peak NMN™ supports red blood cells, sex hormone-binding globulin, ALT and AST, triglycerides to HDL ratio, hs-CRP, complete blood count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.

Q. How should Peak Defense™ be taken?

A. For maximum immune support, individuals are recommended to take half a scoop with water, yogurt, or a smoothie of choice. Once individuals feel this serving size is tolerable, they should consider increasing the serving to one full scoop.

Q. Can I use Peak Defense™ as a post-workout or snack on exercise days?

A. Since Peak Defense™ also contains a series of adaptogens, individuals can take this supplement as a post-workout or snack on exercise days.

Q. Are there any side effects to taking Peak Defense™?

A. The most common side effects include bloating or indigestion.

Q Which biomarkers does Peak Defense™ support?

A. Peak Defense™ helps with hemoglobin, a comprehensive metabolic panel, HDL and LDL levels, and total cholesterol.

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Q. How to get the most out of Peak Healthspan™?

A. To get the most out of the Peak Healthspan™ formula, individuals should take one to three capsules daily on an empty stomach just before lunch. Always start with one capsule, test tolerance, and then gradually increase the capsules until taking three capsules every day feels comfortable.

Q. Will Peak Healthspan™ cause the jitters?

A. There is some risk of jitters, nausea, mild headache, and/or disturbance in the sleep-wake cycle. Therefore, individuals are asked to avoid taking this supplement within six hours of bedtime.

Q. Which biomarkers does Peak Healthspan™ support?

A. Peak Healthspan™ helps with hemoglobin, ALT, and AST, comprehensive metabolic panel, fasting glucose, A1c, ApoB, IGF-1, HDL, and LDL.

Q. How should Peak Rest™ be taken?

A. For healthy sleep and feelings of rejuvenation, individuals will need to take a scoop a day one hour before bedtime. To ensure that no one experiences any unwanted side effects, it is ideal to take half a scoop a day for the first three days.

Q. What are some of the most common side effects of taking Peak Rest™?

A. There is some risk of bloating or mild gastrointestinal discomfort while on Peak Rest™.

Q. Which biomarkers does Peak Rest™ improve?

A. When Peak Rest™ is taken as directed, individuals can anticipate improvements in a comprehensive metabolic panel, fasting glucose, follicle-stimulating hormone, IGF-1, DHEA-S, and total cholesterol.

Q. What can I expect of Peak Rest™?

A. Over time, individuals may expect deep, sustained recovery, healthy sleep, cellular repair within the brain, and stable mood.

Q. How should Peak Rise™ be taken?

A. The recommended serving size is three capsules one hour after waking up. For those seeking an afternoon pickup, one capsule can be taken but not within six hours of bedtime.

Q. Can I still take Peak Rise™ if I have caffeine sensitivities?

A. For people with caffeine sensitivity, one capsule is recommended. If it is well tolerated, then the number of capsules should be gradually increased.

Q. Which biomarkers does Peak Rise™ support?

A. Peak Rise™ supports the comprehensive metabolic panel, estradiol, DHEA-S, HDL and LDL levels, triglyceride levels, and total cholesterol.

Q. Is DHEA™ suitable for men and women?

A. Yes, DHEA™ is intended for adult men and women.

Q. How should DHEA™ be taken?

A. Women are asked to take one to two capsules daily while men are asked to take two to three. All servings can be taken either with or without food. Of course, to make the most of DHEA™, taking it first thing in the morning is strongly advised, as it ensures metabolism-boosting effects.

Q. Which biomarkers does DHEA™ support?

A. Seeing how it is involved in hormone health, individuals should have gathered that DHEA™ supports DHEA-S and free and total testosterone.

Q. How should Methylation™ be taken?

A. It is as simple as taking one to two capsules daily anytime with food.

Q. Which biomarkers does Methylation™ support?

A. Methylation™ supports hemoglobin, homocysteine, A1c, DHEA-S, and free and total testosterone.

Q. What is the recommended serving size of Vitamin D + K™?

A. The recommended serving size is one tablet with food each morning. The LifeForce team favors morning time because it may simulate exposure to natural light. Based on one’s respective blood work, a LifeForce clinician might recommend higher or lower doses as seen fit.

Q. How is Vitamin D + K™ any different from competitors?

A. LifeForce chose ampli-D®, which supposedly corrects deficiency three times faster than regular vitamin D supplements. Their choice of K2Vital® should also be commended, as it is the purest, most active, and proven safe source of vitamin K2. The latter also activates the Gla protein, which is seen as the strongest inhibitor of blood vessel calcification and arterial stiffness.

Q. Which biomarkers does Vitamin D + K™ support?

A. Vitamin D + K™ will support vitamin D, hs-CRP, and lipoprotein (a).

Q. How should Magnesium™ be taken?

A. Individuals may want to consider taking two to three tablets in the evening, one to two hours before bed, with or without food.

Q. Will Magnesium™ accelerate the effects of other LifeForce supplements?

A. Since Magnesium™ has calming effects, it might be best to pair it with Peak Rest™ for maximum relaxation and better sleep.

Q. Which biomarkers does Magnesium™ support?

A. Magnesium™ supports homocysteine, magnesium, ApoB, IGF-1, hs-CRP, and estradiol.

Q. What makes Omega™ unique?

A. Omega™ offers an optimal ratio of EPA to DHA (5:2) for optimal metabolism, inflammation, and eyes and mood health. Furthermore, the choice of MaxSimil® and SmartPrime-Om™ is deemed superior because of its efficient absorption and better utilization of omega-3s respectively.

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Q. How should Omega™ be taken?

A. Individuals may want to take one to two soft gels with food to start. With time, three soft gels must be consumed. For some people, a LifeForce clinician might recommend more. In this case, the servings can be split between two meals.

Q. What are some side effects of taking Omega™?

A. Commonly reported side effects include nausea, indigestion, mild headache, and sleep/wake cycle disruption. And so, individuals may want to lower their intake for a week before increasing it again.

Q. Which biomarkers does Omega™ support?

A. Omega™ supports a comprehensive metabolic panel, magnesium, IGF-1, hs-CRP, DHEA-S, total and free testosterone, and lipoprotein (a).

Q. Who qualifies for hormone optimization products?

A. To qualify for LifeForce’s hormone optimization products, individuals must reside in an eligible state and must have purchased a LifeForce Diagnostic, and in some cases, a LifeForce membership.

Q. Can I cancel the LifeForce membership?

A. Yes, the LifeForce membership can be canceled anytime. Of course, individuals may want to avoid canceling close to the payment date.

Q. Does LifeForce ship internationally?

A. No, LifeForce does not ship internationally.

Q. How are LifeForce subscriptions fulfilled?

A. All subscription deliveries are charged once a month. Prior to charging customers, a notification email will be sent four days prior.

Q. Are there any restrictions in LifeForce’s shipping policy?

A. LifeForce cannot ship to P.O. boxes.

Are LifeForce nutraceuticals protected by a money-back guarantee?

Yes, but only on initial purchases. Individuals have 90 days from the purchase date to request a refund. Unfortunately, multiple product purchases do not qualify under this refund policy. For further clarity, individuals are urged to contact customer support in one of the following ways:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 1 (855) 656 1266.

How much does LifeForce cost?

Pricing is determined based on the type of solution used and the frequency with which one chooses to get their blood work tested. The following is an overview of the various pricing options available at the time of writing:

  • LifeForce Membership: $349 for the first month and $129 every month thereafter
  • LifeForce Diagnostic: $549 each
  • Peak NMN™ (one-month supply): $90 (one-time purchase) or $70 monthly
  • Peak Defense™ (one-month supply): $100 (one-time purchase) or $80 monthly
  • Peak Healthspan™ (one-month supply): $115 (one-time purchase) or $95 monthly
  • Peak Rest™ (one-month supply): $105 (one-time purchase) or $85 monthly
  • Peak Rise™ (one-month supply): $101 (one-time purchase) or $95 monthly
  • DHEA™ (one-month supply): $55 (one-time purchase) or $35 monthly
  • Methylation™ (one-month supply): $55 (one-time purchase) or $35 monthly
  • Vitamin D + K™ (one-month supply): $60 (one-time purchase) or $40 monthly
  • Magnesium™ (one-month supply): $60 (one-time purchase) or $40 monthly
  • Omega™ (one-month supply): $75 (one-time purchase) or $55 monthly
  • Semaglutide (every 25 days): $1,200
  • Clomiphene (every 25 days): $50
  • Anastrozole (every 25 days): $50
  • Testosterone Injection (every 25 days): $70
  • Testosterone Cream (every 25 days): $70
  • Metformin (every 25 days): $30
  • Estradiol Cream (every 25 days): $60
  • Desiccated Thyroid (every 25 days): $70
  • Micronized Progesterone (every 25 days): $40
  • PT-141 (every 25 days): $160
  • Tadalafil (every 25 days): $75
  • Rosuvastatin (every 25 days): $30
  • Estradiol Patch (every 25 days): $110
  • Sermorelin (every 25 days): $150

Order LifeForce Right Here At The Best Prices!!

About the LifeForce Team

LifeForce was founded with one goal in mind: “To improve the quality of midlife.” Co-founder, Tony Robbins is a well-known entrepreneur, #1 New York Times bestselling author, business strategist, philanthropist, and motivational speaker. The expert has captured the hearts of millions of people with his sense of humor, approachability, and personal development strategies for nearly four decades and counting.

He made the “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World,” “Top 200 Business Gurus,” and “Top Six Business Leaders In the World” lists. His humanitarian work has led to over 600 million meals being provided in the previous six years alone, and he is on course to reach one billion by 2025. When asked why he decided to bring LifeForce to life, he simply said:

So many people have reached out wanting to take proactive steps about their health but don’t know where to start. We built Lifeforce to be a trusted guide – a single, integrated solution that makes it easy to optimize your vitality and longevity.”

Co-founder, Peter H. Diamandis is an MIT-trained molecular biologist and Harvard-trained medical doctor. He is best known for founding the XPRIZE Foundation, which is still a leader in designing and operating large-scale incentive competitions, as well as serving as executive founder of Singularity University and vice chairman of Cellularity Inc. and Human Longevity, Inc., both of which focus on using exponential technology to improve lifespan.

Like Tony, Peter also wants to make health information and tools accessible to all. Specifically, he believes LifeForce has reached a point where people relying on it can “stop guessing about what they need, right from their homes.” He further noted how “LifeForce is the operating system to help [everyone] achieve [their] peak.”

Following that is co-founder Dugal Bain-Kim, an Australian-born technology and healthcare executive with experience in a variety of businesses. He was most recently the vice president of Operational Excellence for Included Health, a national telehealth company headquartered in the United States. To him, the 30s, 40s, and 50s are the years when most individuals explore, grow, and explore, but how can one be successful when age-related declines are a hindrance? Well, he sees value in LifeForce because:

The difference is that today, we are at a point where millions of people can access science-backed tools to perform better and liver longer.

The last of the co-founders is Canadian entrepreneur and expert in the realms of healthcare, consumer goods, and wellness, Joel Jackson. His most recent role was that of CTO at Upgrade Labs, a personal optimization and recovery company based in California. Before that, he was part of the engineering team at The Honest Company. He believes he is doing his part in “taking that burden off people’s shoulders and giving them a trusted guide.”

Other key players at LifeForce include:

Dr. Kurt Hong, Chief Medical Officer: One of the world’s leading experts in proactive care

Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, Advisor: Obesity medicine physician-scientist

Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, Advisor: Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medicine School, vice-chair of Neurology, director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit, and co-director of the McCane Center for Brain Health

Dr. Kathryn Rexrode, Advisor: chief of the Division of Women’s Health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and professor of Medicine at Harvard Medicine School

Dr. Vinita Tandon, Medical Doctor: A board-certified endocrinologist, national medical director and scientific researcher

You won’t find a better deal on LifeForce anywhere else!

Concluding Remarks

Ultimately, LifeForce is a one-stop shop for all health-related information, supplements, and treatment necessities. Individuals begin by having blood tests and assessments performed, which are then examined by physicians who design individualized plans based on one’s health and goals. Such an approach not only assures rapid results but also a complete comprehension of what’s going on within and how it explains outputs visible to the naked eye. At LifeForce, convenience is important, thus booking an appointment with a therapist is considered pretty simple.

The selling point for our editorial team is the sit-down session, where each person gets a full picture of their health, the biomarkers needing improvement and even solutions accessible at membership pricing. Of course, neither the advanced nutraceuticals nor the hormone optimization treatments must be bought directly from LifeForce, although doing so will save a significant amount of time. Our editorial team was generally impressed by LifeForce’s attempts to educate the masses, as they are entirely upfront when walking people through the supplements and treatments provided.

This is true regardless of the supplement’s fact (no hidden or ambiguous proprietary blends), purported uses, or likelihood of desired benefits. They’ve even taken the time to detail how each option can improve various biomarkers, which will assist consumers in understanding their results. How can anyone deny that LifeForce represents not only the need for informed health decisions among people in their 30s, and older but also the gathering of specialists from all walks of life?

Tony Robbins is a renowned figure, the same way Peter, Dugal, and Joel are. Each has a distinct ability and expertise that adds to the betterment of midlife, whether in terms of health, technology, or business. There is also the engagement of a team of health advisors and a chief medical director who undertakes a lot of the labor to assure the availability of potent yet safe treatment alternatives.

Overall, pricing may be difficult to stomach, but individuals must measure pricing against quality, safety, and highly absorbable solutions for ideal performance. Clearly, the positives outnumber the downsides by a wide margin. To get started with LifeForce, visit here! >>>


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