
Total Brain Boost Reviews: Does It Work? Know This Before Buy Revival Point Cerebral Booster!

Total Brain Boost is a brain health supplement developed by Dr. Steven Masley.

According to the official website, Total Brain Boost can sharpen focus, boost memory, and increased energy by activating a specific part of your brain linked to cognition.

Does Total Brain Boost live up to the hype? Can Total Brain Boost really transform your brain? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Total Brain Boost and how it works today in our review.

What is Total Brain Boost?

Total Brain Boost is a nutritional supplement featuring a blend of natural ingredients to target brain health, cognition, and memory.

Total Brain Boost is promoted online by Dr. Steven Masley, MD, CNS.

Dr. Masley is a Fellow of the American Heart Association and the American College of Nutrition. He’s also known for running the Masley Optimal Health Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, which he founded in 2007.

Since 2013, Dr. Masley has sold health guides, supplements, and other products through a separate company called Steven Masley MD, LLC.

Over the last three decades, Dr. Masley claims to have helped thousands of patients strengthen their memory and improve cognition at all ages. He used his experience treating cognitive patients to promote Total Brain Boost.

The Total Brain Boost formula itself was created by Revival Point, LLC. Revival Point, LLC partnered with Dr. Masley to endorse Total Brain Boost. Dr. Masley did not formulate Total Brain Boost, although he does promote the supplement online.

In fact, the six ingredients in Total Brain Boost are the exact six ingredients Dr. Masley recommends for healthy brain aging as part of his cerebral boost method.

Today, Total Brain Boost is available through TotalBrainBoost.com, where it’s priced at around $59.95 for a one-month supply.

Total Brain Boost Benefits

According to Dr. Masley and his team at Total Brain Boost, you can enjoy the following benefits by taking two capsules of Total Brain Boost daily:

  • Boost mental energy
  • Support stronger memory
  • Enjoy sharper focus, mental clarity, thinking, and processing
  • Improve mood and outlook
  • Restore healthy vitamin and mineral levels
  • Boost antioxidant defense via natural anti-inflammatory ingredients

How Does Total Brain Boost Work?

There are plenty of nootropic supplements that claim to boost memory and focus. Some work, while others don’t. So how does Total Brain Boost work?

Total Brain Boost works by delivering a blend of shelf-stable nutrients to you via a capsule. You swallow two capsules of Total Brain Boost daily, then let the ingredients go to work.

The ingredients in Total Brain Boost include antioxidant-rich herb and plant extracts like curcumin and trans-resveratrol. It also includes vitamins and minerals your brain needs to function correctly – including vitamin D, vitamin B12, folate, and magnesium bisglycinate.

All six ingredients in Total Brain Boost are part of Dr. Masley’s “cerebral boost method,” which he claims has been helping thousands of patients solve cognitive issues over the last decade. Those six ingredients, in precise doses, have been shown to promote cognition, healthy brain aging, and other benefits.

Total Brain Boost: Your key to enhanced cognition!

Who is Dr. Steven Masley?

Total Brain Boost is promoted online by Dr. Steven Masley. Although Dr. Masley did not personally develop the formula, he did develop a “cerebral boost method” that complements the effects of Total Brain Boost. Plus, Total Brain Boost manufacturer Revival Point, LLC partnered with Dr. Masley to endorse the formula online.

Today, Dr. Masley is featured prominently across the Total Brain Boost website.

Dr. Masley has personally treated thousands of patients for age-related issues – including low physical and cognitive energy, poor memory, and overall weakness.

Dr. Masley was particularly motivated to solve age-related cognitive issues when his friend, Chuck, struggled with the condition for years, eventually dying in a hospice. On his deathbed, Chuck told Dr. Masley that he didn’t want anyone else to suffer from the same issues. Since then, Dr. Masley made it his mission to solve age-related issues.

To make a long story short, Dr. Masley used his experience in medicine to create his cerebral boost method and published multiple books on healthy aging – including The Better Brain Solution and The 30 Day Heart Tune-Up.

Today, you can use that cerebral boost method to complement the effects of Total Brain Boost, a supplement that Dr. Masley personally endorses.

Total Brain Boost Targets the Forebrain, the Root Cause of Cognitive Issues

Total Brain Boost targets a specific part of the brain called the forebrain.

As you get older, your forebrain experiences “synaptic slowdown.” Your connections between brain cells, or synapses, slow down over time, causing your brain to slow down.

Because of synaptic slowdown in your forebrain, you’re more likely to make poor choices, have bad memory, and think more slowly.

According to Dr. Masley’s research, synaptic slowdown is influenced by three factors, including:

  • Factor #1: We Eat Too Much Processed Food: Much of the food we eat is loaded with refined sugars and other processed ingredients.
  • Factor #2: Today’s Food is Less Nutritious Than Ever: According to Dr. Masley, “most people today are grossly nutritionally insufficient.” Even if you eat a healthy diet, the food you eat may not have the same nutrients it did decades ago.
  • Factor #3: Food Contains Record Levels of Toxins, Pesticides, Preservatives, & Additives: Our food is loaded with harmful substances, including toxins, pesticides, preservatives, and additives. The more toxins you absorb, the higher your risk of disease and illness.

These three factors increase the risk of brain cells dying. By taking Total Brain Boost daily, you could fight back against synaptic slowdown, targeting the forebrain to eliminate the root cause of cognitive slowdown.

Total Brain Boost Is On Sale Now For A Limited Time!

What to Expect After Taking Total Brain Boost

According to Dr. Masley, you could experience the following effects by taking Total Brain Boost daily:

  • Boost Mental Energy: Total Brain Boost contains a collection of nutrients to help brain cells produce energy while also increasing growth factors shown to help grow new brain cells. Up until recently, researchers were unaware we could grow new brain cells. Today, the six ingredients in Total Brain Boost can boost mental energy by producing new brain cells.
  • Support Stronger Memory: Many adults experience memory issues as they get older. Total Brain Boost claims to help support stronger memory using a blend of nutrients. Specifically, the nutrients in Total Brain Boost combat “beta amyloid,” the sticky brain plaque linked to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, memory loss, and other issues. In fact, regular usage of Total Brain Boost “helps restore the single most important nutrient deficiency linked to memory loss in adults.” By giving your brain the nutrients it needs to support memory and cognition, Total Brain Boost can ensure your memory remains strong for years into the future.
  • Support Sharper Focus & Mental Clarity: Your focus and overall mental clarity tends to weaken with age. Total Brain Boost claims to help using a blend of anti-inflammatory ingredients and natural antioxidants, helping you enjoy a razor sharp mind at any age. These anti-inflammatory ingredients and antioxidants can boost cerebral blood flow and reduce blood sugar levels, fighting back against cognitive aging in two ways.
  • Faster Thinking & Processing: Similar to focus and clarity, thinking and processing drop with age. Your brain synapses may not connect as quickly as they did when you were younger. Fortunately, Total Brain Boost claims to help by giving your brain synapses the nutrition they need for faster thinking and processing. Some customers find they have an easier time carrying conversations and remembering things after taking Total Brain Boost.
  • Better Mood & Outlook: Total Brain Boost can help improve mood and outlook, according to the manufacturer, by targeting oxidative stress, neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, and other factors that influence mood. By protecting against oxidative stress, the ingredients in Total Brain Boost can control inflammation in your brain, potentially improving irritability, anxiety, and overall mood.

Invest in your mental energy with Total Brain Boost!

Total Brain Boost Ingredients

Total Brain Boost contains a blend of six active ingredients, including root extracts, vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants.

Although the Total Brain Boost formula was not developed by Dr. Masley, the six ingredients within the supplement are all recommended by Dr. Masley as part of his cerebral boost method. In fact, these are the only six ingredients Dr. Masley recommends as part of the method:

“I’ve recommended these same nutrients to hundreds of my patients and thousands of my followers….There are six nutrients that I’ve found are the best at boosting the brain.”

Here are all of the active ingredients in Total Brain Boost and how they work:

  • Brain Boosting Nutrient #1: CurcuRouge (Bio-Optimized Curcumin): Dr. Masley claims curcumin is “at the top of my list of brain nutrients” because it reduces inflammation in the brain. Curcumin may also reduce the production of beta amyloid plaque in the brain – the plaque linked to memory loss and degenerative brain conditions. Some also use curcumin to reduce joint pain, boost physical energy, and improve other aspects of health and wellness. However, Total Brain Boost doesn’t just contain ordinary turmeric and curcumin, which are difficult for your body to absorb; instead, it contains a special type of curcumin called CurcuRouge, which is designed to maximize bioavailability and absorption.
  • Brain Boosting Nutrient #2: Trans-Resveratrol: Studies show resveratrol can boost memory and improve cognition in other ways. In one study, people taking resveratrol over 12 months enhanced cognition and blood flow to the brain, which could slow cognitive decline due to aging. Total Brain Boost contains a specific type of resveratrol called trans-resveratrol, which is the best resveratrol for absorption.
  • Brain Boosting Nutrient #3: Magnesium Bisglycinate: Magnesium “is essential for messaging to occur between brain cells,” according to Dr. Masley. If your magnesium levels are low, then your brain messaging slows down. Unfortunately, 68% of Americans are low in magnesium, increasing the risk of cognitive health issues. Magnesium is also crucial for heart health, nerve function, blood flow, and more. While other supplements contain magnesium oxide (which is cheap and plentiful), Total Brain Boost contains magnesium bisglycinate for superior absorption.
  • Brain Boosting Nutrient #4: Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 “helps brain cells produce energy,” according to Dr. Masley, and low vitamin B12 levels are linked to poor learning and memory. Dr. Masley cites one study where vitamin B12 supplementation reduced brain shrinkage, helping with memory loss. Unfortunately, vitamin B12 deficiency is more common today than ever. Many vegans and vegetarians are deficient in vitamin B12, for example, because there are few plant-based sources of vitamin B12. People with stomach disorders may also have low levels of vitamin B12 because of the way certain drugs work.
  • Brain Boosting Nutrient #5: Folate: Folate works with vitamins D and B12 to promote energy metabolism and fight back against cognitive decline. It’s been shown to help with learning ability, memory, and overall cognition in older adults.
  • Brain Boosting Nutrient #6: Vitamin D: People with higher vitamin D levels “appear to have larger brains than people with low vitamin D levels,” according to Dr. Masley. That’s because vitamin D is closely tied to brain function. Vitamin D works with vitamin B12 and folate to boost energy metabolism and fight cognitive decline.

By mixing all six of these ingredients together in the right dosages, you get a powerful combination that can boost memory, focus, and overall brain function, according to Dr. Masley.

The Total Brain Boost formula is non-GMO, allergen-free, vegetarian, dairy-free, gluten-free, and made in a GMP-certified facility in the United States.

For a vibrant brain health, choose Total Brain Boost!

Total Brain Boost is the Ideal Version of Dr. Masley’s Cerebral Boost Method

Total Brain Boost was not created by Dr. Steven Masley. However, the formula contains all six ingredients recommended in Dr. Masley’s cerebral boost method.

Dr. Masley used to recommend all six of these natural ingredients to his patients for years. He told his patients to buy the ingredients on their own.

However, buying all six separate ingredients was time-consuming and expensive. That’s why Dr. Masley was happy to partner with Revival Point, which created Total Brain Boost with all six of Dr. Masley’s recommended ingredients.

“Total Brain Boost is the only health supplement that contains all six of these brain-enhancing nutrients I discovered in my last 30 years of research,” explains Dr. Masley. Dr. Masley also likes the supplement for containing the right dosages and concentrations of all six active ingredients.

Scientific Evidence for Total Brain Boost

As proof Total Brain Boost works, Revival Point cites the work of Dr. Masley. The company also cites six studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals to validate the six active ingredients within Total Brain Boost. We’ll review that research below to determine how Total Brain Boost works.

Revival Point cites a 2020 study showing low vitamin B12 levels could increase the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. In fact, researchers found vitamin B12 deficiency was “an underestimated cause” of cognitive impairment and dementia. When you don’t get enough vitamin B12, your body struggles with poor myelination, which makes it harder for neurotransmitters to send messages. Some older adults undergo vitamin B12 replacement therapy, while others take vitamin B12 supplements or supplements like Total Brain boost to replenish vitamin B12.

A 2017 study published in Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research found similar results for vitamin D deficiency. Researchers in Malaysia analyzed a group of 300 adults aged 60 and older. Researchers found adults with low levels of vitamin D tended to have lower levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and shorter telomeres compared to those with ample vitamin D. Like vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin D deficiency could be an underrated cause of dementia and cognitive issues.

Magnesium deficiency could also impact cognitive decline. As proof, Revival Point cites a 2022 study connecting magnesium intake with cognition in US Adults. The study involved 2,508 participants age 60 and older across the country. Researchers found low magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D levels were linked to poor cognition in older adults.

Resveratrol could support cognition. A 2020 study published in Nutrients found resveratrol helped with brain blood flow and overall cognition in postmenopausal women, which could help with cognition and overall brain performance. Similarly, a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) improved memory and amyloid plaque levels in the brain in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Overall, Total Brain Boost contains a doctor-endorsed blend of six active ingredients linked to cognitive health, brain cell formation, and overall wellness. By taking Total Brain Boost daily, you could experience significant effects because of the vitamins, minerals, plants, and antioxidants within Total Brain Boost.

Witness your brain revitalized with Total Brain Boost!

Other Total Brain Boost Features

Other features that make Total Brain Boost unique include:

  • Fast Shipping: Total Brain Boost ships to addresses in the United States within three days and to international addresses within eight days.
  • 24/7 Customer Assistance by Phone: Contact Total Brain Boost’s customer service team at any time and speak with a real human being.
  • 90 Day Moneyback Guarantee: You have three full months to try Total Brain Boost and see if you like it. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you can request a full refund.
  • Endorsed by Dr. Steven Masley: Dr. Steven Masley has decades of experience treating cognitive concerns in thousands of patients. Over the years, Dr. Masley recommended six specific ingredients to patients. Those six ingredients are the same six ingredients in Total Brain Boost. Although Dr. Masley did not technically create the Total Brain Boost formula, he does publicly endorse the supplement and its ingredients, making it a doctor-recommended brain health supplement.
  • Part of the Cerebral Boost Method: Although Dr. Masley did not personally develop the Total Brain Boost formula, he recommends the same six ingredients in Total Brain Boost to patients as part of the cerebral boost method. Dr. Masley claims thousands of his patients have experienced dramatic transformations with his cerebral boost method, which involves taking turmeric, vitamin D, magnesium, and other ingredients within Total Brain Boost. You can follow Dr. Masley’s cerebral boost method on your own and buy the ingredients separately. Or, you can take one serving of Total Brain Boost instead.
  • Processed in the United States: Total Brain Boost is made by Revival Point, LLC, a US-based supplement company. The company processes Total Brain Boost in the United States from its facility in San Antonio, Texas.
  • 5 Bonus eBooks With All Purchases: If you buy Total Brain Boost online today through the official Revival Point website, you receive immediate access to five free bonus eBooks. These eBooks can complement the effects of Total Brain Boost, giving you recipes, ingredients, and therapies to implement at home today to improve brain power.
  • Six Science-Backed Ingredients: Although the Total Brain Boost as a whole has not completed clinical trials, all six ingredients within the formula are backed by science and shown to work as advertised.

Total Brain Boost Pricing

Total Brain Boost is priced at $59.95 for a one month supply. The more bottles you buy, the more you can save.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Total Brain Boost online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $59.95 + $6.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $149 + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $247 + Free Shipping

Each bottle of Total Brain Boost contains a one month supply, or 30 servings.

You can sign up for a monthly autoship subscription to receive a free bottle of vitamin D3 and get 10% off your order.

Total Brain Boost ships to addresses in the United States within three days and to international addresses within eight days.

Get Total Brain Boost for the best price today!

Bonuses Included with Total Brain Boost

As part of a 2023 promotion, all purchases of Total Brain Boost come with five free bonus eBooks. These eBooks teach you the foods to eat – and foods not to eat – to support brain power and cognition.

The five bonus eBooks bundled with Total Brain Boost include:

  • Free Bonus eBook #1: Total Brain Booster Guide: This guide features tips for increasing the power and speed of Total Brain Boost, helping you get the results you want even more quickly. By taking the supplement at the right time of day, for example, you could experience better results.
  • Free Bonus eBook #2: The Better Brain Cookbook: It’s possible to eat your way to a better brain. This cookbook features recipes for boosting memory, energy, and focus – including one popular brain-boosting snack recipe to combat daily fatigue. Diet plays a huge role in cognition, and the tips in The Better Brain Cookbook can help you eat your way to better cognition.
  • Free Bonus eBook #3: Brain-Draining Foods to Avoid: There are good and bad foods for your brain. In this guide, you can discover the 21 worst foods you should avoid for memory, energy, and focus – even foods that many consider to be “healthy.”
  • Free Bonus eBook #4: Simple Brain-Boosting Exercises: This fourth bonus eBook features exercises you can perform to boost brainpower and enhance the results of the Total Brain Boost supplement. Simple, at-home exercises and movements could enhance cerebral blood flow, making it easier to achieve more powerful results.
  • Free Bonus eBook #5: Simple Stress Management: Stress weakens cognition. By managing stress, you could make it easier to control brain power. In this guide, you can discover tips to minimize stress with just one minute per day, helping you enjoy less anxiety and boost mental clarity.

You receive immediate access to all five bonus eBooks after you purchase Total Brain Boost online. You must check the bonus eBook request box on the checkout form to receive your bonus eBooks.

Get a special deal and bonuses when you order today!

Total Brain Boost Refund Policy

Total Brain Boost has a 90 day moneyback guarantee. You can request a complete refund on your purchase within 90 days of your purchase date if you’re unhappy for any reason.

About Revival Point, LLC

Total Brain Boost is made by a nutritional supplement company named Revival Point, LLC. That company partnered with Dr. Masley, a brain aging expert, to promote Total Brain Boost.

Revival Point is led by Robert Allen, Head of Research. Robert and his team claim to have formulated Total Brain Boost “with the help of leading MDs” using a blend of natural ingredients.

Although Dr. Masley did not technically create Total Brain Boost, the six ingredients within the supplement are the exact same six ingredients Dr. Masley recommends as part of his cerebral boost method.

You can contact Revival Point and the Total Brain Boost customer service team via the following:

Customer service is available 24/7. You can call the Revival Point helpline at any time to speak with a real, human customer service representative. The company is based in San Antonio, Texas.

Final Word

Total Brain Boost is a brain health supplement developed based on Dr. Steven Masley’s “cerebral boost method.”

Featuring three vitamins, one mineral, and two antioxidants (turmeric and resveratrol), Total Brain Boost claims to support memory, focus, cognition, mental energy, and overall health and wellness, among other benefits.

Unleash your mind’s potential with Total Brain Boost!


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