
Mark Skousen’s Profit Plan: Reviewing How the EV Backlash Can Boost Your Investment Portfolio

In a recent presentation, Eagle Financial Publications’ Roger Michalski revealed that analyst and investment researcher Mark Skousen has stumbled upon what he insists is the “biggest and rarest windfall opportunities” to date. According to him, there is a major reversal in the electric vehicle space, and Michalski foresees “outsized stock market gains.” Although this space has witnessed a 16% increase in 2024, things are supposedly not all sunshine and rainbows. Why is society shifting into a reversal on EVs, especially considering how much people raved about them when gas prices skyrocketed?

Michalski cites several reasons for this, some of which include the following:

  • Producing an EV battery uses three times more energy than a regular car battery
  • Making an EV battery contributes significantly more to the carbon footprint than driving a standard vehicle
  • 80% of all electricity sources still require carbon dioxide-intensive fossil fuels
  • Mass adoption of EVs could increase grid power demand by as much as 50%
  • EVs aren’t as friendly for longer-distance driving
  • Making America 50% electric by 2030 is deemed “unachievable.”

In light of these concerns, Michalski and his team are convinced that there will be a customer-driven revolt against EVs, largely in America and eventually in other parts of the world. How does one tap into this wealth of information? Now is probably a good time to introduce Eagle Financial Publications’ Forecasts & Strategies financial newsletter.

What is Forecasts & Strategies?

Forecasts & Strategies is a monthly advisory service with Mark Skousen as the lead. It has been around for over four decades, with Skousen setting the stage for most of its existence. The entire Eagle Financial Publications team agrees that individuals should think of this service as a culmination of Dr. Skousen’s entire career. Every month, the expert invests time and effort into showcasing smart ways to increase profits regardless of market behaviors. Members will not only learn about opportunities in a wide range of industries, but they will also have the opportunity to enhance their investing knowledge.

This is truly the best of both worlds. Which other service can say that they offer theoretical and practical experience? With that, let’s turn our attention to the membership perks.


What does a Forecasts & Strategies membership entail?

A membership to Forecasts & Strategies immediately opens doors to the following:

Access to the EV Revolt Profit Dossier

The EV Revolt Profit Dossier is a three-volume resource that indulges members with ten money moves that could protect and benefit them from the shift away from electric vehicles. Compiled by Skousen, this dossier comes at the right time, as many EV stocks see a plummet in stock prices, not to mention mass layoffs, tanking sales, and plummeting consumer sentiment.

The dossier includes the following three reports:

  • Special Report #1: The Two Best “EV-Proof” Vehicle Stocks on the Planet
  • Special Report #2: Three Urgent “EV Revolt” Stocks to Buy NOW
  • Special Report #3: Five Stocks to Avoid Like a Hot Wire in Today’s Vehicle Market

EV stocks dropping? Find out how to secure your profits with Skousen’s guidance!

The first special report will teach members about two “EV-proof” vehicular stocks. Mark Skousen defines EV-proof stocks as stocks with high immunity regardless of what happens in their respective space. Why? Both companies have no plans to enter the EV space, while all other companies focus on going fully electric. One of the two companies, headquartered in the midwestern United States, specializes in invisible powertrain components critical for commercial highway vehicles.

Additionally, this company is allegedly paving the path for extreme-duty hybrid and electric propulsion systems, both of which Skousen and Michalski believe have bright futures. As for the second company, it has a market share in several industries, such as engines for large Ag tractors, natural gas engines, gas turbines, machinery for mining and construction, and defense products, to list a few. Besides these two stocks, Dr. Skousen believes three others are worth buying as the EV revolt intensifies.

Alas, Michalski has decided against revealing the specifics of these threes. Had he done so, he insists people would have been able to decipher which companies he’s referring to. Without giving too much away, he did share that all three companies have some role to play in the HSD drivetrain and petroleum industries, respectively. The last of the resources found in the EV Revolt Profit Dossier consists of a list of stocks that Dr. Skousen insists will lead to significant losses.

Regarding the conventional incentives to becoming a member, depending on the type of plan selected at checkout, there is a combination of the following:

  • 12 monthly issues covering Skousen’s latest “macro” perspectives, market analyses, and stock recommendations
  • The Forecasts & Strategies weekly hotlines include important updates on past stock recommendations, market analyses, and commentary
  • The Forecasts & Strategies live conference calls are devoted to sharing immediate investment ideas, model portfolio updates, and many more
  • 24/7 access to the Forecasts & Strategies web portal filled with Skousen’s four model portfolios, current allocations, and FAQs
  • Forecasts & Strategies Quick-Start Guide
  • Bonus Report #1: The One Gold Stock Every Investor Should Own
  • Bonus Report #2: The Future of Power – Mark’s #1 Stock for the New Energy Renaissance
  • Bonus Report #3: How to Profit from Changing Interest Rates
  • 30-day money-back guarantee, making the Forecasts & Strategies risk-free

How much does the Forecasts & Strategies membership cost?

Three different membership plans (PRIORITY CODE: FSEVRLT00) are available at checkout. Each one varies based on the depth of information offered, as seen below:

Gold Subscription – $49.95

Includes the basic, web-only subscription to Mark Skousen’s Forecasts & Strategies (excluding bonus reports)

Platinum Subscription – $77

All possible member incentives listed in the “conventional incentives” section, including the three-volume resource and bonus guides, among others

Diamond Elite Subscription – $149

Everything from the Gold & Platinum subscription plus an additional bonus report: Super Dividend Stocks – 3 Ways to Make Money 3X Faster

Profit from the EV revolution. Discover top stocks with Mark Skousen. Learn more!

All subscriptions are protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee. This means you have 30 days from the purchase date to assess this service against your financial goals. If Mark Skousen’s recommendations do not meet your expectations, please contact customer support for a full refund.

  • Telephone: 1-800-211-7661
  • Email: CS@EagleFinancialPublications.com.
  • Mailing Address: Eagle Financial Publications, 1735 N Lynn St., Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22209-2016

Who is Mark Skousen?

Mark Skousen, PhD, is the editor of Forecasts & Strategies. He is renowned as an investment expert, economist, university professor, and author of over 25 books. In 2018, he was awarded the Triple Crown in Economics for his significant contributions to economic theory, history, and education, marking him as one of the 20 most influential living economists. Imagine running Forecasts & Strategies for decades, bringing to the table his 40 years of market perspective, insights, and profitable recommendations with the highest considerations for protecting and expanding one’s wealth. After all, the expert has led this newsletter since Ronald Reagan’s first administration began. That alone says a lot about Skousen’s expertise.

Concluding Remarks

Based on Michalski’s video introduction, people and societies realize that going fully electric might not be entirely feasible. As demand in the EV space grew at some point, companies got a preview of the implications for electricity production, grid power, and the environment. The whole point of going electric was to reduce the environmental impact of gas usage, but with every passing day, the intense resource requirement is making people turn away from EVs altogether.

According to Mark Skousen, this so-called EV revolt is the perfect gateway for profit generation. By investing in EV-proof stocks and ditching anything and everything associated with the space altogether, individuals are more likely to position themselves for significant growth and protection against a possible downturn. As with any investment, risk is inevitable, but Skousen believes his conservative approach and experience as an investment researcher mitigate most of them.

How can anyone overlook how much of his career has been reflected in Forecasts & Strategies? These reasons lead us to believe that the membership in question might be worth considering.

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