
OstiStrong Review: How MCHC Boosts Bone Volume and Relieves Back Pain Naturally

Did you know that the medication prescribed by your doctor to strengthen your bones might also increase the risk of fractures? The goal isn’t to bash modern medicine but to shed light on potential long-term implications. As much as they do provide relief, they also come with consequences. The question is whether bone and hip fracture risks are worth it. The statistics do not lie either. According to Osteoporosis Canada, women who approach menopause lose bone at a greater rate, equivalent to some 2 to 3% yearly. Additionally, women accounted for 80% of osteoporosis cases between 2016 and 2017, with 150 hip fractures reported per 100,000 Canadians. Frightening, isn’t it?

The team at Peak Biome recently introduced a supplement that gets to the root cause of poor bone health, possibly alleviating osteoporosis symptoms. Here’s a hint: it involves “wandering calcium.” This term isn’t used in medical literature, but it suggests calcium shifting away from where it should be. How can this issue be addressed? Keep reading to learn more about a new supplement called OstiStrong, formulated to help address this problem.

What is OstiStrong?

OstiStrong is an all-natural dietary supplement designed to equip our osteoblasts (or builder cells) with essential minerals to protect and strengthen our bones. Over time, individuals may feel more reassured that they won’t experience repetitive slips, falls, and fractures. Most of all, this formula’s ability to ensure calcium delivery to the bones means increased mobility, independence, and peace of mind, especially for women with osteoporosis.

At this point in the review, we’ve introduced many new terms without providing much context, which might make it difficult to connect the dots. To help individuals understand the relevance of OstiStrong, the subsequent section will focus on bone health and the deficiencies that a growing number of individuals may experience as they age.

Try OstiStrong today and see the difference!

How does OstiStrong work?

To understand how OstiStrong works, we need to take a couple of steps back to fully appreciate the structural components of our bones. The Peak Biome team explained that each bone is made up of two “worker cells” called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Think of them as construction workers: osteoclasts break down old and damaged bones, while osteoblasts replace them with newer bones thanks to available vitamins and minerals. In our youth, there is a good balance between the duo, and clear and precise communication is not forgotten. The issue mostly arises with aging.

While many people like to think of aging as added wisdom, the same cannot be said about our physical body. With aging, the body’s ability to absorb critical minerals from food weakens, making it harder for osteoblasts to absorb nutrients that would serve as the foundation for new bones. These “building materials,” according to Peak Biome, include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. It also doesn’t help that menopause brings hormonal fluctuations, which in turn causes an imbalance in osteoclasts and osteoblasts.

For those wondering why individuals cannot just increase calcium intake, Peak Biome clarified that calcium intake isn’t the problem, but delivery is. Put differently, it is imperative to ensure that the body is equipped with “transport minerals” that help calcium enter the bones rather than float in the blood. Eventually, calcium in the blood leads to calcification, increasing the risk of heart disease.

In light of everything discussed so far, it should be clear that OstiStrong has been equipped with the necessary vitamins and minerals that guarantee calcium delivery to the right place. What amazed our editorial team about this formula is its simplicity. Hear us out as we explore the ingredients that might make OstiStrong as effective as it is made out to be.

Learn more on the official website >>>

What’s in each OstiStrong serving?

The main ingredients inside each OstiStrong serving are:

Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHC)

Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite complex (MCHC) is a nutritional, elemental calcium woven into the complex of other minerals and proteins that contribute to bone health. These include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, trace minerals, collagen, and osteocalcin, to name the least. Remember when Peak Biome mentioned the need for transporter minerals? These are exactly what calcium is fused with in the MCHC. The same source stressed that, though calcium has a fundamental role to play in bone health, it isn’t the only strong player in MCHC.

So are the likes of growth factors, peptides, and mucopolysaccharides. These interconnected components are believed to promote bone maintenance and build new bones. In most cases, the “starting material” in MCHC comes from cattle. Therefore, vegetarians or vegans might not be too thrilled by this. As for benefits, another source that covered the ins and outs of MCHC emphasized that it “is more bioavailable and better suited to [our] body’s needs,” adding that it has more calcium, is pure, and is better absorbed due to its woven pattern.

Finally, there is reason to believe that MCHC might be useful in treating bone loss (e.g., osteoporosis), weakening bones, and decreasing the activity of the parathyroid gland. This, in turn, reduces bone remodeling by disrupting osteoblasts’ and osteoclasts’ roles, triggering muscle cramps and impairing bone mineralization (making bones susceptible to damage).


Boron is a trace element naturally found in food and available in supplement form. Although its title (nutrient, vitamin, or mineral) is unclear, it has been demonstrated to take on several roles. According to one source, it contributes to reproduction and development, calcium, insulin, energy substrate metabolism, bone formation, brain function, immune function, and the overall functioning of “steroid hormones” or vitamin D and estrogen.

In the context of bone health, this element is believed to affect osteoblast and/or osteoclast activity. A deficiency might give rise to decreased bone strength, bone volume fraction, and trabecular thickness (the thicker these beam-like structures, the stronger the bones).

Get OstiStrong now while it’s on sale – limited time only!

The rest of the formula consists of supporting vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Vitamin A (3,000 mcg): At higher doses, it may help increase bone mineral density.
  • Vitamin D3 (2.5 mcg): Helps absorb calcium and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin E (4.5 mg): Might protect bone-forming cells from free radicals.
  • Vitamin K (180 mcg): Contributes to bone-related proteins and regulates osteoblast activity.
  • Magnesium (200 mg): Helps the body use calcium and vitamin D to strengthen bones.
  • Selenium (200 mcg): Influences bone metabolism and limits the implications of oxidative stress.
  • Manganese (10 mg): Contributes to forming connective tissues, bones, and blood clotting factors.
  • Molybdenum (150 mcg): Impacts bone metabolism.

Ordering OstiStrong

OstiStrong bottles contain 30 servings for a complete month. For those whose bodies have been deprived of calcium, more time might be needed to feel its full effects. To make long-term use affordable to all, the Peak Biome team has decided on the following pricing:

  • 1 OstiStrong bottle: $49.95 each
  • 3 OstiStrong bottles: $39.95 each
  • 6 OstiStrong bottles: $29.95 each

Meet Peak Biome

Peak Biome is a health and wellness supplement provider on a mission to help individuals make smarter and wiser choices for their well-being. This team is a true believer in activating the body’s healing powers, which the founder, Jeremy, insists can be achieved using science-backed plants. Given that he spent nearly two decades sick and overweight, it really took understanding his own body and appreciating all that it goes through to make the best possible moves.

Today, Jeremy and his team have since collaborated with the best of the best (research scientists, doctors, and alternative health experts) to formulate all their products. The main point the team wants to convey is this:

“There are a million people saying a million different things about how to feel younger and better even as you age. Unfortunately, most of that information is conflicting at best and harmful at worst. That’s why we take a simple, science-back approach.”

Click here to order while supplies last!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Where is OstiStrong manufactured?

A: OstiStrong is manufactured in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility in the United States. Put differently, each bottle embodies rigorous testing, clean manufacturing protocols, and increased safety. The Peak Biome team also pledges that each batch of OstiStrong has been tested for potency and purity by a third-party laboratory. This might be something to confirm with customer support.

Q: Is OstiStrong safe?

A: Based on the manufacturing processes in place, OstiStrong seems to be trustworthy. It’s also worth noting that each serving consists of vitamins and minerals that have been studied to positively affect bone health. The concentrations per ingredient per serving also respect recommended doses, which is reassuring. Having said that, excess nutrient intake can have side effects. For this reason, individuals may want to consult their healthcare provider before getting started.

Q: How do I take OstiStrong?

A: The recommended serving size is 3 OstiStrong capsules per day. Although the Peak Biome team encourages taking each serving in one shot, three capsules might be a lot to ask of some people. In this case, spreading it out throughout the day is also acceptable.

Q: How will I know if OstiStrong is working for me?

A: The only way to know is by giving OstiStrong a try. With time, individuals should experience fewer bone fractures and feel like they have regained their independence.

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Q: How long will I have to wait to receive my OstiStrong shipment?

A: Normally, orders to the continental United States should arrive within the first 5 to 7 business days of making the purchase. At the time of writing, it is unclear whether OstiStrong is available for international users. The customer support team will need to verify this.

Q: What if OstiStrong doesn’t work as advertised?

A: All OstiStrong purchases have been protected by a 180-day money-back guarantee, as noted in the Refund Policy section. If OstiStrong has little to no effect, which is possible since not all supplements are one-size-fits-all, customer support can be reached for a full purchase price refund. This only applies to remaining unused or unopened bottles. For the finer details, the Peak Biome team can be reached via:

  • Email: support@peakbiome.com
  • Return address: ATTN: Peak Biome Returns, Jetpack Shipping, 285 Northeast Ave., Tallmadge, Ohio, 44278.

The Wrap-Up

Based on the analysis above, OstiStrong appears to take the shortest and most reasonable route to improve bone health. The Peak Biome team has carefully studied the need for equilibrium among osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The former breaks down old and damaged bones, whereas the latter focuses on rebuilding and creating new ones with the help of transport minerals. For these processes to work in harmony, calcium must reach the bones. The problem is that most often, it remains in the bloodstream, eventually increasing calcification and the risk of heart disease. After all, the body is interconnected: one wrong move in one area will transfer to another at some point.

With MCHC, the calcium is woven with other critical minerals that ensure delivery to the bone. Without it, osteoblasts cannot do their assigned task. This strategy has been proven time and time again, and it aligns with Peak Biome’s mission of turning to science-backed ingredients. The supporting ingredients are just as valuable, helping with bone metabolism, increasing bone mineral density, boosting the body’s ability to absorb calcium, and regulating osteoblast activity, to say the least. These reasons lead us to believe that OstiStrong might add value to one’s bone health routine.

Visit the official website to learn more today!


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