
The Chip Shock Action Plan: A Lifeline for Surviving Economic Genocide?

The Chip Shock Action Plan: How to Outlast Economic Genocide is a new survival guide written by former hedge fund manager Zach Scheidt.

That hedge fund manager claims to have uncovered research from US intelligence agencies. These agencies are warning an attack on America’s $25 trillion economy is “imminent,” putting our future at risk because of an upcoming “Economic Genocide Directive.”

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about The Chip Shock Action Plan and what you’ll learn in the plan today in our review.

What is The Chip Shock Action Plan?

The Chip Shock Action Plan: How to Outlast Economic Genocide is a downloadable eBook available exclusively through AmericaUnderSiegeAlert.com.

For a one-time fee of $67, the eBook includes two additional survival guides, How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress and The Foreign Currency Edge, at no extra cost.

The goal of The Chip Shock Action Plan is to protect everyday Americans from an upcoming “Economic Genocide Directive.” The writers of the book claim to have access to inside intel warning of an “imminent” attack against America. That attack could cripple America’s economy.

In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you’ll discover the four specific steps you should take to protect yourself against the Economic Genocide Directive – which could launch at any moment.

Protect your wealth from economic collapse with The Chip Shock Action Plan. Download now!

The Chip Shock Action Plan Benefits

Some of the benefits of The Chip Shock Action Plan include:

  • Four specific action steps to take to protect against the Economic Genocide Directive
  • Learn why the Chinese Communist Party’s invasion of Taiwan is “imminent”
  • Discover how to protect and grow your wealth in times of crisis
  • Comes with 2 free bonus eBooks
  • One-time fee of $67
  • Backed by a 30-day satisfaction guarantee

What Will You Learn in The Chip Shock Action Plan?

The goal of The Chip Shock Action Plan is to equip everyday Americans with the knowledge they need to survive America’s upcoming economic genocide.

The writers of the book claim to have access to inside information – possibly from military, intelligence, or government sources – of an imminent attack against the United States.

It’s not China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, or other enemies of the United States plotting this attack; instead, it’s a mysterious group that started its mission 100 years ago.

The writer of The Chip Shock Action Plan insists he’s not a “doomsday prepper,” nor is he running for office. Instead, he’s hedge fund manager and self-described “contrarian” named Zach Scheidt.

Who Created The Chip Shock Action Plan? About Zach Scheidt

Zach Scheidt is a financial writer and former hedge fund manager.

Zach claims he had an ordinary middle-class upbringing. He started working in finance and eventually entered the hedge fund industry.

While working for hedge funds, Zach survived the Dot-Com Bubble, the Great Recession, and other major events. He claims his fund “outperformed the market” through all these hard times.

While working at the hedge fund, Zach saw how wealthy people managed their money. He learned the concept of wealth preservation, or how the world’s wealthiest protect their wealth to pass on through generations.

Eventually, Zach became disillusioned with managing money for rich people. He quit the hedge fund world, leaving “Wall Street” for “Main Street.

To make a long story short, Zach started working for an independent financial publishing company. He wanted to help firefighters, nurses, teachers, and other everyday Americans survive economic crises – not the world’s elite.

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What is the Economic Genocide Directive?

Zach Scheidt, writer of The Chip Shock Action Plan, claims to have discovered inside intelligence warning of an “Economic Genocide Directive” against the United States.

According to Zach’s sources, that directive is over 100 years old and isn’t led by China, Russia, Iran, or other common enemies.

Here’s what the Economic Genocide Directive is and how it works:

The Economic Genocide Directive targets 77 “economic chokepoints.” The enemy has identified 77 crucial areas across the United States that, if attacked, could cripple America’s economy.

The directive dates back 100 years—to the Truman presidency. It isn’t led by common enemies of the United States; instead, it’s led by ideological enemies of the United States.

Specifically, the Economic Genocide Directive comes from the Chinese Communist Party. It dates back to 1949 when Mao Zedong declared China a communist country.

When Mao Zedong took power, he outlined a 100-year action plan to disrupt America and overturn the capitalist world.

China has always emphasized a long-term approach to nation-building. While China plans to progress in decades, the rest of the world thinks in shorter terms – like four-year presidency terms.

What Are the 77 Economic Chokepoints?

The Chip Shock Action Plan focuses on 77 economic chokepoints.

A chokepoint is a military term referring to a strategically crucial area – like a narrow valley through which an army must travel.

According to Zach Scheidt, the Chinese Communist Party will focus on 77 specific economic chokepoints in its upcoming attack. Like a narrow valley, these chokepoints are small areas of extra strategic importance.

Here’s what we know about the 77 economic chokepoints:

  • The chokepoints are located 7,000+ miles away in Taiwan.
  • They belong to Micron, Nanya, Taiwan Semiconductor, and other Taiwanese semiconductor giants.
  • The 77 chokepoints are fabrication facilities where they make computer chips – like the chips that control every aspect of our modern life.
  • Chips are essential to all electronic devices. We use them for communication. We use them for defense.
  • The 77 chokepoints in Taiwan account for 60% of the world’s chip production and 90% of the world’s advanced chip production.
  • If someone were to attack Taiwan and disrupt the semiconductor facilities, they could shut down the world almost overnight. For example, 100% of Nvidia’s chip production comes from 20 Taiwan Semiconductor facilities in Taiwan.
  • Generals worldwide are warning of an overreliance on Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing facilities. The world relies on these chips, and smart people are already taking steps to prepare.

Learn how to outlast economic genocide—get The Chip Shock Action Plan today!

It Could Start with a Market Crash

The Dow recently hit 40,000 for the first time ever, and the S&P 500 is also hitting all-time highs.

Nvidia has led the charge. The company’s market cap is larger than that of many of the world’s largest countries, and at times, Nvidia has become the world’s largest company by market cap.

Taiwan Semiconductor makes all Nvidia chips at 20 manufacturing facilities in Taiwan. This company makes 100% of Nvidia’s chips.

Zach Scheidt, writer of The Chip Shock Action Plan, claims Nvidia could drop in the near future, creating a market collapse:

“Can you imagine…if a nearly $3 trillion company…had to announce almost their entire supply of chips was cut off indefinitely? Major panic and a sell off could ensue, and the rest of the market might follow suit. As they say, the bigger they climb, the bigger they fall.”

Zach compares Nvidia’s rise and potential fall to Lehman Brothers in 2008. Lehman Brothers was a $45 billion company at the time. When it collapsed, it was the largest collapse in stock market history. Nvidia’s collapse could easily eclipse this collapse.

It’s Not China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or Other Enemies

Oddly, Zach Scheidt doesn’t blame China, Russia, or other common enemies of the United States for the Economic Genocide Directive.

Instead, Zach claims the issue dates back to today’s tensions – almost 100 years back.

Zach blames Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party. In 1949, Mao declared China would become a communist country. It would change the course of history. As part of that announcement, Mao vowed to destroy America’s economy, igniting a century-long war between communism and capitalism.

“The real battle is communism versus capitalism. The Chinese Communist Party created the Economic Genocide Directive to wipe out America, a beacon of capitalism.”

Mao didn’t call his plan The Economic Genocide Directive. However, Mao issued a statement warning of America’s increasing control over the world and how China could fight back over a long period.

“The Chinese communist party’s goal in 1949 was never about winning a civil war and governing China. They had much bigger ambitions over the course of a century: taking down the United States, and more specifically capitalism, has always been the end goal.”

Zach believes the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year struggle against the United States is about to come to a climax: China will invade Taiwan, target the 77 economic chokepoints, and create an Economic Genocide within the United States.

Prepare for the worst with The Chip Shock Action Plan. Get instant access now!

Xi Jinping is Preparing to Invade Taiwan

China’s current leader, Xi Jinping, is reportedly preparing to invade Taiwan, according to Zach Scheidt and his team.

Zach believes President Xi’s latest actions have indicated that he plans to implement the final steps of the Economic Genocide Directive against the United States.

Some of the specific warning signs Zach has spotted include:

  • Xi recently ended term limits for leaders, allowing him to remain president for life. Xi has also increased persecution of enemies of the state, purging military and defense officials.
  • Xi has also suggested that reunification with Taiwan is inevitable and that China could become the world’s governing power by 2049. In a recent address, President Xi specifically said, “China will surely be reunified,” and many assumed that meant an invasion of Taiwan was imminent.
  • The Chinese military continues to conduct military exercises around Taiwan – including exercises specifically about invading Taiwan.
  • Military experts believe China’s attack against Taiwan could be over within an hour. China could attack swiftly, take control of Taiwan within an hour, and end the conflict before America has the chance to join it.
  • China is dumping US treasuries in record amounts and buying gold instead. China purportedly wants to reduce its dependence on the United States dollar.
  • China is also stockpiling food – including major crops. This would give China the power to survive any Western sanctions that could occur after an invasion of Taiwan.

For all of these reasons, Zach and other experts believe China is ready to strike Taiwan. That attack could cause a collapse in US stock markets, ultimately leading to an Economic Genocide in America.

How to Protect Your Wealth from the Economic Genocide Directive

Zach believes the Chinese Communist Party is preparing to attack Taiwan.

There is some good news: Zach has created an action plan. After months of research, Zach has analyzed all the different scenarios that could unfold.

Based on his analysis, Zach plans to take the following steps after an attack:

Action Step 1) Safeguard your Wealth & Buy Alternative Assets

First, Zach urges investing in more than just stocks and bonds. Instead, he recommends alternative assets – like private companies, precious metals, artwork, and real estate. In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you can discover Zach’s top alternative assets, including:

  • One asset that returned 233% in the Great Depression when the stock market fell 70% – and returned 6.5% per year, on average, over the last 200 years.
  • A “magic metal” used in advanced AI assets, also known as a haven asset in times of turmoil. Some of the world’s largest billionaires are purposely stockpiling this asset. In The Chip Shock Action Plan, Zach reveals six specific ways to buy the asset.
  • An “off Wall Street” investment that could “hedge against major losses” – including minor market corrections and major disruptions.
  • Other alternative assets that could protect and grow your wealth through times of economic turmoil.

Safeguard your future with The Chip Shock Action Plan. Download today!

Action Step 2) Secure Your Food Supply

China is purportedly stockpiling grains and crops to avoid the impact of Western sanctions. Zach recommends taking a similar approach to protect yourself during the upcoming Economic Genocide Directive.

In this section of The Chip Shock Action Plan, Zach’s business partner, Teddy Daniels, explains how to create your food supply regardless of the current situation, including:

  • These are the final warning signs that chaos could erupt overnight, including a sign that food riots are imminent and that you should stockpile your final food stores today.
  • Three favorite foods that could become unaffordable for everyone in a major food shortage – and why you should stockpile those foods today.
  • The best “done for you” solution to secure your food supply is how to protect your pantry for 6 to 12 months.
  • How to create your secret garden at home to secure your food supply – even if you have limited space and no gardening experience.

Action Step 3) Purify Your Water Supply

Food is important. Water is more important. Zach and Teddy claim it’s “crucial” to secure your water supply.

In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you can discover how to create an infinite source of clean water. During civil unrest and economic turmoil, you may not be able to depend on municipal water – especially if there are power outages. In this section of the guide, you’ll discover tips like:

  • How to secure an infinite supply of clean drinking water.
  • How to turn dirty, polluted water into water you can drink.
  • How to create your own water purification system at home using basic supplies – even if you have no experience building anything.

Action Step 4) Secure Off-the-Grid Energy

Zach and Teddy reveal the number one source of off-the-grid energy for your home – and how you can secure that source regardless of your skills and expertise.

Having food and water is important. However, you also need energy for virtually everything – from growing crops to fertilizing water to staying safe. In this part of the guide, you’ll discover things like:

  • How to secure your limitless supply of energy using the power of solar panels.
  • How to build a generator at home, using materials from any ordinary store, even if you have limited skills or experience.
  • Alternative power sources you can use to survive extended blackouts – even if the blackout lasts as long as one year.

You can discover complete details of each step in The Chip Shock Action Plan.

Zach spent the last six months developing the handbook. After researching all the scenarios and consulting inside sources, Zach is confident his handbook can help you protect your wealth during the upcoming crisis. Zach claims he’s personally following these steps to secure his wealth.

Ready for the Economic Genocide Directive? Secure The Chip Shock Action Plan now!

Taiwan Could Be Attacked at Any Moment

Zach didn’t bother developing a cover for The Chip Shock Action Plan, nor did he partner with a physical publisher; instead, he rushed to publish the guide online because Taiwan could be attacked at any moment.

Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have been rattling sabers in recent years. They could attack Taiwan at any moment. And that attack could be over within an hour.

That’s why Zach wants to give you the guide as soon as possible. He offers it in digital format to ensure you can read the guide, implement the steps, and protect yourself and your family as quickly as possible.

Bonuses Included with The Chip Shock Action Plan

As part of a 2024 promotion, Zach and his team are bundling two free bonus eBooks with The Chip Shock Action Plan.

You get immediate access to the following two bonus eBooks after your purchase is confirmed:

How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress

In How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress, you’ll discover proven techniques for making your home less of a target – and how to protect it from thieves and looters if they decide to make it a target. Much advice comes from Teddy Daniels, a former police officer and US Army infantryman. Some of the topics covered in How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress include:

  • How to make your doors and windows indestructible.
  • The 4-word sign to deter looters from targeting your home.
  • Proven strategies to make your home less of a target.
  • Effective strategies for protecting your home if looters do decide to target it.
  • Step-by-step strategies from former US military personnel and other security experts.

The Foreign Currency Hedge

Zach recommends hedging your wealth with foreign currency. If you exclusively own US Dollars, you’re exposing yourself to risk.

The government can decide to limit the use of US Dollars overnight. They could impose currency restrictions, restrict spending, block accounts, and take other actions to protect against hyperinflation and supply chain shortages.

Zach cites the 1933 seizure of gold (Executive Order 6102) by the United States government as proof. The United States government made it illegal to own gold overnight, buying back gold at a fixed price in US Dollars. If you didn’t comply, you were thrown in prison.

Zach recommends buying foreign currencies, which the United States government can’t seize. In The Foreign Currency Hedge, you can discover everything you need to know about buying foreign currency to protect your wealth, including:

Why inflation and supply chain shortages could force the United States to take drastic action to protect the US Dollar.

  • Why you should hold more than just US Dollars to protect your wealth.
  • How to preserve your wealth in times of extreme inflation.
  • How to hold foreign currency safely while still protecting and growing your wealth.
  • Specific foreign currencies and other alternative assets to protect against economic crises.

Get The Chip Shock Action Plan for the best price today!

The Chip Shock Action Plan Pricing

The Chip Shock Action Plan is priced at a one-time fee of $67. Based on advice from his partners, Zach originally intended to charge $197 for the action plan. However, he decided to reduce the price to get the guidebook into as many hands as possible.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering The Chip Shock Action Plan online today:

The Chip Shock Action Plan (Instant Digital Access) + 2 Free Bonus eBooks: $67

It’s a one-time fee with no recurring subscriptions.

As part of a 2024 promotion, the sales page offers additional survival equipment at a discount, including the Patriot Seeds Survival Seed Vault (+$164.95), Wireless Solar PowerBank Chargers (+$149.95), 72-Hour Survival Kits ($83.95), and the AlexaPure Pro water filter ($279).


The Chip Shock Action Plan Refund Policy

All The Chip Shock Action Plan purchases are protected by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re unhappy with your purchase, contact the team within 30 days.

Contact The Chip Shock Action Plan

Financial writer and former hedge fund manager Zach Scheidt wrote the Chip Shock Action Plan. Zach partnered with former US Army infantryman and police detective Teddy Daniels to publish the book online. Zach claims to have spent months researching the book, with Teddy contributing certain steps and bonus materials.

You can contact the Utah-based company via the following:

  • Email: support@americaundersiegealert.com
  • Phone: 1-844-202-3478
  • Mailing Address: 1175 S. Meridian Park Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Customer service is available from 8 am to 8 pm EST, Monday through Sunday.

Final Word

The Chip Shock Action Plan: How to Outlast Economic Genocide is a step-by-step plan for protecting your wealth during China’s imminent attack against Taiwan.

Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party are purportedly preparing to attack Taiwan as part of a 100-year Economic Genocide Directive against the United States.

China knows the United States depends on Taiwan and its semiconductors for virtually every aspect of modern life.

The Chip Shock Action Plan teaches you how to protect your wealth, safeguard your family, and stay safe before, during, and after the attack.

To access The Chip Shock Action Plan and two free bonus guides online today, visit the official website.


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