
VisiActive: The Science Behind Its Claims for Vision Support – A Review

VisiActive is a nutritional supplement marketed to people with vision loss, poor vision, and other eye issues.

Taking two capsules of VisiActive daily can purportedly support good vision – or even reverse legal blindness – at any age.

Please keep reading to find out everything you need to know about VisiActive and how it works today.

What is VisiActive?

VisiActive is an eye health supplement that is available exclusively online.

Each VisiActive capsule features a blend of natural ingredients, including plant extracts, herbs, and nutrients, to promote eyesight and vision.

VisiActive is marketed primarily to older adults with poor vision, vision loss, and other eyesight issues. According to the official website, VisiActive can “rapidly and dramatically improve your vision in just a few short weeks.” One man even claims to have used VisiActive to reverse legal blindness.

As part of a 2024 promotion, VisiActive is priced at just $69 per bottle, down from the usual retail price of $209. Qualifying purchases include free shipping, bonus bottles, and other benefits.

Try VisiActive now and experience the difference!

VisiActive Benefits

Some of the benefits of VisiActive, according to the official website, include:

  • Rapidly and dramatically improve vision in weeks
  • Restore vision at any age
  • Natural, plant-based, non-habit-forming ingredients
  • Target adult repair stem cells to promote repair throughout the body
  • It was developed by a former United States Marine who was once legally blind
  • Backed by a 180-day “surprise the optometrist” satisfaction guarantee

How Does VisiActive Work?

Typically, doctors recommend glasses, contacts, or surgery to fix low vision. How does VisiActive improve vision within weeks? What does VisiActive do?

VisiActive delivers the plant extracts, herb extracts, and nutrients your body needs to promote good vision.

To do that, VisiActive claims to “restore and regenerate aging vision.” As you age, your eye cells can degenerate, worsening your vision.

According to the makers of VisiActive, it doesn’t matter how bad your eyes have become – you can get relief with VisiActive. The manufacturer specifically mentions people with floaters in their vision, people with trouble driving at night, people with low vision, and anyone with other vision problems as people who could benefit from VisiActive.

Click here to find out more about VisiActive >>>

VisiActive Works at Any Age on All Conditions

When you’re young, your eyes repair themselves naturally.

However, as you age, your eyes encounter the same damage and stressors, yet they don’t repair themselves naturally anymore.

VisiActive is designed to kickstart those same natural repair processes within your eyes, helping to restore eyesight and improve vision at any age.

Here’s how the makers of VisiActive explain it:

“When you were younger, your eyes underwent this exact recovery process every time they got damaged. You just didn’t realize it because it happened on auto-pilot. All you’ve got to do is turn it on again…it’s actually really easy to do.”

By taking two capsules of VisiActive daily, you can purportedly activate your body’s innate vision repair processes, helping you enjoy powerful effects at any age, regardless of the current state of your vision.

What Are Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs)?

VisiActive works by targeting a special repair molecule within the body called Neural Progenitor Cells, or NPCs.

When you’re young, NPCs are active. They repair eye damage and restore good vision. They fight against blurry eyesight and ensure you see everything as clearly as possible.

The makers of VisiActive developed the supplement to defend and repair NPCs to promote good vision:

“By helping the body defend and repair our Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs), this formula could help nourish and protect your optic nerve and clear up blurry vision.”

By taking VisiActive daily, you can give your body the protective nutrients it needs to support NPC function. Using your body’s natural repair processes, this will help you support vision and eye health.

Find out what makes VisiActive so great >>>

Who Created VisiActive? About John Nichols

VisiActive was created by a retired United States Marine who suffered from severe vision loss. That man, John Nichols, claims to have used the natural ingredients in VisiActive to restore his vision completely.

John served in Vietnam in the United States Marine Corps from ages 18 to 28. He later moved back to his home state of Texas and spent the rest of his career working in oil and gas. He married Annabelle and raised three kids.

Before developing VisiActive, John was legally blind. His vision problems came to a climax when he realized he couldn’t see his first grandchild’s face in the delivery room:

“I couldn’t see my granddaughter’s face at all…in fact, I could hardly see anything in the [delivery] room – it was all dark spots and clouds.”

John claims to have suffered from both macular degeneration and cataracts, both of which had caused his vision to deteriorate to the point of legal blindness.

Instead of celebrating one of his life’s happiest moments, John could not see his granddaughter. He knew he wanted to make a change, so he started researching natural cures for blindness and vision loss.

Ultimately, John’s research led him to discover a natural “cure” for blindness. He claims to have improved his vision to a point where he’s no longer legally blind:

“I fixed my vision so fully and completely that I went from legally blind to near 20/20 vision in under four short months.”

John didn’t undergo surgery or other invasive procedures. Instead, he claims to have reversed his vision completely by using VisiActive’s natural ingredients.

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VisiActive Uses Stem Cells to Promote Vision Repair

VisiActive targets stem cells within your body, kickstarting your natural repair processes to help your body heal itself.

Your body uses stem cells to repair damage to your body and grow new parts of the body. Without stem cells, we would never grow.

John Nichols is careful to explain his formula is “100% Christian approved” and has “nothing to do with abortions.” The formula activates stem cells already present within your body.

In 2007, a group of researchers received the Nobel Prize for discovering the effects of embryonic stem cells on mice. The makers of VisiActive relied on that same research to develop the formula.

John Works with a US Navy Marine Biologist to Develop VisiActive

John Nichols, who helped create VisiActive, isn’t an optometrist or medical professional; instead, he’s an ordinary former Marine who spent most of his career working in oil and gas.

However, John partnered with a US Navy researcher named “Bobby” to create VisiActive. Bobby is a marine biologist working in the Office of Naval Research.

Bobby had recently been researching a special type of fish called the zebrafish. The zebrafish, which is native to marine areas of Southeast Asia, “never goes blind” because it automatically repairs eye damage using stem cells.

Bobby theorized that eating the same ingredients as zebrafish could cure blindness. He knew zebrafish eat a special type of algae called spirulina, for example. Bobby and John decided to take spirulina and other ingredients common in the zebrafish diet and add them to a supplement to help with vision loss and blindness.

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VisiActive Ingredients

Each VisiActive capsule contains 14 active ingredients linked to vision, eye health, and overall growth and repair.

Many of the ingredients are based on the natural diet of the zebrafish, a fish with a unique ability to restore its own eyesight using stem cells. For example, Spirulina and other natural ingredients in VisiActive are cornerstones of the zebrafish diet.

Here are all of the active ingredients in VisiActive and how they work:

  • Astaxanthin: Astaxanthin is a carotenoid, or natural antioxidant, found in algae, krill, and shrimp – all of which are crucial parts of the zebrafish diet. In multiple studies, Astaxanthin has been shown to promote vision. According to John and his team, astaxanthin “tells the body to produce brand new stem cells,” helping to promote repair. Astaxanthin specifically increases the production of Neural Progenitor Cells, or NPCs – the same cells linked to vision repair.
  • Grapeseed Extract: Grapeseed extract contains proanthocyanidins and other natural antioxidants linked to eye health. One recent study found that proanthocyanidins in grapeseed extract could protect the retina against diabetes-induced injuries.
  • Spirulina: Spirulina is a unique type of algae. Zebrafish eat a considerable amount of this algae. It’s packed with antioxidants and micronutrients linked to fish, humans, and overall health. By taking spirulina, you can purportedly activate your body’s own natural stem cell-based repair processes, promoting vision and eyesight.
  • L-Carnitine: L-carnitine is an amino acid found in meat. Krill and shrimp are “loaded” with the nutrient, according to John Nichols, creator of VisiActive. L-carnitine, at the correct dose, “can make your body’s production of adult repair stem cells explode.” Some bodybuilders take L-carnitine for muscle growth. Others take it for cellular energy. In VisiActive, L-carnitine can promote vision and eyesight repair.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D has been studied for its link to macular degeneration. Some studies have found a correlation between low vitamin D levels and macular degeneration in older adults.
  • Lutein & Zeaxanthin: Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in the seaweed and algae, forming the zebrafish diet’s cornerstones. They’re both carotenoids that, like astaxanthin, can promote healthy inflammation. John Nichols added carotenoids to the formula because they’ve been shown to encourage the production of adult repair stem cells, helping to promote good vision.
  • Bladderwrack: Bladderwrack is a type of seaweed. It contains micronutrients, natural antioxidants, and other ingredients linked to health and wellness. Some studies suggest alginic acid, a dietary fiber in bladderwrack, could help digestion. However, limited evidence suggests bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) could reverse blindness or vision loss.
  • Blueberry Extract: Blueberry extract contains lutein, anthocyanidins, and other natural ingredients for eye health. Not to be confused with bilberry, blueberry is one of several fruits shown to promote eye health as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant found in grapeseed extract and certain other fruits. A 2024 review published in Nutrients found that it has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, helping to promote eye tissue health.
  • Four Other Ingredients: According to the VisiActive bottle, the formula contains 14 active ingredients. The official website discloses 10 of those ingredients upfront. It’s unclear what the remaining ingredients are or how they work. However, they could include nutrients, plant extracts, and marine plants linked to eye repair and stem cell activity.

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What to Expect After Taking VisiActive

The official VisiActive website is filled with testimonials from people who improved vision, reversed eye health issues, and solved serious eye problems with VisiActive. One man even claims he no longer needs glasses after taking VisiActive for six months.

Here are some of the results you could experience with VisiActive, according to the official website:

  • Slows Vision Decline: VisiActive’s primary goal is to slow vision decline at its root. To do that, VisiActive stimulates the growth of repair cells, helping to kickstart your body’s natural repair loss. By activating this process, VisiActive is known for “slowing vision loss in its tracks.”
  • Promotes Better Vision: VisiActive doesn’t just claim to slow vision loss or maintain current vision; instead, the official website is filled with people who have improved vision, stopped using glasses, and halted blurry vision, among other issues. The official website says, “Each capsule [of VisiActive] is a step on your way to better vision.”
  • Works on Cataracts: The official VisiActive website features stories from people who reversed cataracts using VisiActive. John Nichols, the creator of VisiActive, claims he was legally blind because of his “persistent cataracts” before taking VisiActive, for example.
  • Works on Age-Related Macular Degeneration: VisiActive also claims to work on age-related macular degeneration, AMD, which is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults. John Nichols also claims to have suffered from AMD, causing him to be legally blind. In fact, John claims he had both “dry” and “wet” macular degeneration in both eyes because a blood vessel had burst – yet VisiActive still worked for him.
  • Works on Glaucoma: John Nichols and his team claim their formula can specifically help with glaucoma, another leading cause of vision loss in older adults. Typically, doctors recommend invasive procedures for glaucoma.
  • Works on Diabetic Retinopathy: People with diabetes may have a higher risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. John Nichols and his team claim their formula also works on diabetic retinopathy.
  • Fixes Everything at Once in a Short Period of Time: John Nichols and his team describe VisiActive as a “silver bullet” because it “fixes everything, at once, in a very short amount of time.” Whether you have glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, AMD, or general vision issues, VisiActive claims to help.
  • Works on Nearsightedness & Farsightedness at All Ages: If you have nearsightedness, you struggle to see things far away. If you have farsightedness, then you struggle to see things close to you. Both nearsighted and farsighted people may use glasses or contacts to correct the condition. VisiActive purportedly works on both nearsightedness and farsightedness. One man even claims he stopped using his glasses after six months of taking VisiActive because he no longer needed them to see faraway objects.
  • Defends and Repairs Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs): Your eyes use special molecules called Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs) to kickstart their natural repair processes. VisiActive promotes the activity of these stem cells, helping your body repair its own eyes naturally.
  • Nourishes & Protects the Optic Nerve: Some of the ingredients in VisiActive specifically target the optic nerve. The optic nerve relays information from your eyes to your brain and plays a crucial role in vision.
  • Clears Up Blurry Vision: Some verified users featured on the official website claim to have had blurry vision before taking VisiActive. Some have blurry vision because of cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye issues. VisiActive aims to clear away blurry vision using natural ingredients.
  • No Side Effects: VisiActive “should be effective and safe for daily use for the vast majority of men and women,” according to the official website.
  • Supports Blood Flow & Cognitive Function: The primary goal of VisiActive is to support vision and eye health. However, the supplement can also help blood flow and cognitive function. The formula could help ensure nutrients and oxygen flow throughout your body by optimizing blood flow.
  • Promotes Heart, Liver, Skin, Brain, Colon, and Hair Health: John Nichols and his team claim the formula doesn’t just promote vision. The natural ingredients in the formula can activate stem cell repair processes throughout your body, helping to promote heart, liver, skin, brain, colon, and hair health, among other areas of health.

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Scientific Evidence for VisiActive

VisiActive was developed largely based on the work of researchers who won the Nobel Prize in 2007 for their work on stem cells and vision loss. The makers of VisiActive cite that study and others as proof that VisiActive can restore vision in people of all ages with all types of vision conditions. We’ll evaluate the science behind VisiActive below.

The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was awarded to Dr. Mario R. Capecchi, Dr. Martin J. Evans, and Dr. Oliver Smithies. The trio of doctors introduced certain gene modifications in mice using embryonic stem cells. Researchers found these stem cells could influence genes linked to health.

15+ years later, researchers continue to examine the role of stem cells in vision. As the Harvard Stem Cell Institute explains, one study found that transplanting retina stem cells from a healthy mouse into a mouse with retina degeneration appeared to improve vision. The study involved breaking down the walls of the eye and introducing stem cells via an invasive procedure—it did not involve simply taking a supplement.

VisiActive was developed based on how the zebrafish repairs eye injury. Zebrafish have a unique ability to repair their eyes using stem cells, promoting regeneration after retinal damage. As Cleveland Clinic explains, researchers are actively studying the zebrafish to determine if they can replicate the results in humans.

Astaxanthin and other carotenoids are some of VisiActive’s most science-backed ingredients. A 2020 study found that astaxanthin, due to its natural antioxidant effects, could help treat ocular diseases. Researchers recommended more long-term trials to determine its safety, efficacy, and dosage.

Some studies have connected spirulina, another important ingredient in VisiActive, to similar effects. One recent study found that spirulina suppressed light-induced vision loss and protected the eyes against photoreceptor cell death.

Overall, the natural ingredients in VisiActive have been shown to promote vision and eyesight repair. However, there’s no evidence they can cure legal blindness, reverse cataracts or glaucoma, or improve adult vision.

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VisiActive Pricing

VisiActive typically costs $209 per bottle. However, as part of a 2024 promotion, you could pay as little as $49 per bottle.


Here’s how much you pay when ordering VisiActive online today:

  • Order one bottle for $69
  • Order three bottles for $177 ($59 Per bottle) + Free Bonus eBook
  • Order six bottles for $294 ($49 Per bottle) + Free Bonus eBook + 1 Free Bonus Bottle

Each bottle contains a 30-day supply of VisiActive, or 30 servings (60 capsules). You take two capsules daily for eye health and vision issues.

Bonuses Included with VisiActive

If you buy 3 or 6 bottles of VisiActive, your purchase includes two free bonuses:

Free Bonus eBook: The 5-Week Eagle Eye System: This eBook provides a step-by-step guide for improving vision in just five weeks. The system involves certain at-home exercises, foods to incorporate and eliminate, 21 all-natural smoothie recipes for vision, and other techniques to support good vision at any age. According to the author, the protocol could improve vision in about three weeks.

Free Bonus Bottle: All six-bottle purchases of VisiActive come with $1,254 worth of products for just $294. Your purchase includes one free Bottle of VisiActive, the same full-sized bottle included with the rest of your order.

Get bonuses when you order now!

VisiActive Refund Policy

VisiActive has a 180-day “surprise the optometrist” satisfaction guarantee. If you’re unhappy with it for any reason, you can request a refund within 180 days.

About VisiActive

VisiActive is made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. The Wyoming-registered manufacturer does business under the name VisiActive.

The makers of VisiActive claim to source many of the ingredients from the “pristine, tropical waters of Southeast Asia.” Many of the ingredients are linked to the zebrafish’s natural diet. Because the zebrafish is native to Southeast Asia, the manufacturer partnered with local suppliers to bring those ingredients to the United States.

You can contact the VisiActive customer service team via the following:

  • Phone: 833-689-1794
  • Email: support@visionactivation.com

Customer service is available by phone from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday or 24/7 by email.

Final Word

VisiActive is an eye health and vision supplement developed by a retired United States Marine.

According to the official website, by taking two to four capsules of VisiActive daily, you can use a blend of zebrafish-inspired ingredients to purportedly reverse vision loss, improve eyesight, fix cataracts and glaucoma, and even solve legal blindness, among other serious vision issues.

Visit the official website to learn more about VisiActive and how it works, or buy the vision loss supplement online today.


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