
Vitamin B-Complex Review: The Science Behind Its Health Benefits and Effectiveness

Vitamin B-Complex is a liquid nutritional supplement created by Native Path.

Featuring a blend of 8 different B vitamins, Vitamin B-Complex aims to support crucial bodily functions–from nerve to brain and heart health.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Vitamin B-Complex and how it works today.

What is Vitamin B-Complex?

Vitamin B-Complex uses B vitamins to promote nerve, brain, and circulatory health.

B vitamins are critical for overall health. If you’re deficient in one or more B vitamins, you could experience various symptoms – from low energy to nervous system dysfunction.

Some vitamin deficiencies are more common as you get older: vitamin B12 becomes increasingly difficult to absorb with age, for example. Even if you’re eating the same diet, you may be absorbing less vitamin B12 than you used to, leading to health effects.

Dr. Chad Walding, PDT, and his team at NativePath developed Vitamin B-Complex to fight B vitamin deficiency. By taking drops of Vitamin B-Complex daily, you can give your body a blend of eight different B vitamins to promote overall health.

Try Vitamin B-Complex today and see the difference!

Vitamin B-Complex Benefits

Some of the benefits of Vitamin B-Complex include:

  • A blend of 8 different B vitamins
  • Easy-to-take, absorbable liquid formula
  • Promote relief from occasional tingling, numbness, or pins and needles
  • Support brain health
  • Promote cardiovascular health
  • Backed by a 365-day moneyback guarantee

How Does Vitamin B-Complex Work?

Physical therapist Dr. Chad Walding, DPT, and his team at NativePath developed Vitamin B-Complex to resolve B vitamin deficiency.

Even if you eat right and follow a balanced diet, you may not get all the B vitamins you need. Vitamin B-Complex aims to resolve that problem.

Each drop of Vitamin B-Complex contains a concentrated, bioavailable dose of 8 important B vitamins. By taking one full dropper of Vitamin B-Complex per day, you can use these B vitamins to support crucial bodily functions – including brain health, nervous system health, metabolism, energy, and more.

Vitamin B-Complex may work particularly well if you’re deficient in crucial nutrients. Studies show people deficient in vitamin B12, for example, tend to have an increased risk of obesity, nervous system dysfunction, and cognitive dysfunction. Vitamin B-Complex contains a strong dose of vitamin B12 and seven other B vitamins to promote overall health.

Click here to learn more about Vitamin B-Complex

Vitamin B-Complex Ingredients

Each drop of Vitamin B-Complex contains 8 B vitamins, which work in different ways to promote overall health and wellness.


Here are all of the active ingredients in Vitamin B-Complex and how they work:

  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1): Vitamin B-Complex contains thiamin for its adaptogenic effects. NativePath describes vitamin B1 as the “anti-stress” vitamin because it supports mood, well-being, and energy. Some take it for immune function and inflammation, while others take it to reduce the effects of free radicals. It’s found in anti-aging supplements, weight loss formulas, immune boosters, and more. Each serving of Vitamin B-Complex contains 1.2mg of vitamin B1, or 100% DV.
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Vitamin B-Complex contains 1.3mg, or 100% DV, of riboflavin per serving. Vitamin B2 is crucial for metabolizing carbs, proteins, and fats. It helps your body convert these compounds into energy, boosting energy at the cellular level. Without vitamin B2, your cells may not produce the energy they need for basic function. Vitamin B2 has natural antioxidant effects to help with inflammation and immune function.
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3): Niacin helps convert food into energy, promoting metabolism and energy at the cellular level. You could feel lethargic if you don’t get enough vitamin B3 in your diet. Your body struggles to produce energy from your cells during rest, causing you to feel tired even if you just woke up. The niacin in Vitamin B-Complex can also “support a healthy cholesterol profile,” according to NativePath. Each serving contains 16mg of niacin, or 100% DV.
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): Pantothenic acid helps your body break down carbs and fat, using them for energy. By taking it daily, you can promote healthy hair, eyes, and skin. Each serving of Vitamin B-Complex contains 100% of your daily value of vitamin B5.
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6): Vitamin B-Complex contains vitamin B6 as pyridoxine. Low levels of vitamin B6, according to NativePath, double your risk of cardiovascular health problems. Taking vitamin B6 daily promotes nerve health, circulation, and metabolism, among other benefits.
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7): Biotin is commonly found in blood sugar support supplements, and some people with diabetes take biotin formulas daily for blood sugar. Others take biotin supplements for hair, skin, and nail health, as your body uses biotin to form collagen and keratin. According to NativePath, the biotin in Vitamin B-Complex can promote blood sugar balance, hair growth, and nail thickness, among other effects.
  • Folate (Vitamin B9): Folate, like vitamin B12, is one of the most important nutrients in the Vitamin B-complex. It’s essential for blood flow and cardiovascular health. Plus, it seems to work particularly well when combined with vitamin B12. NativePath cites studies where the combination of vitamin B9 and B12 significantly improved cognition and heart health in older adults.
  • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12): Vitamin B12 is one of the most important ingredients in Vitamin B-Complex because vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly common. As you age, your body absorbs less and less vitamin B12, which could lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. Additionally, many vegans and vegetarians are deficient in vitamin B12 because there are few good plant-based sources of the crucial nutrient. The vitamin B12 in Vitamin B-Complex can promote blood flow, nervous system function, relief from occasional nerve pain, and other benefits, according to NativePath. Each serving of Vitamin B-Complex contains 500mcg of vitamin B12, or 20,835% DV – nearly 2,000 times your daily recommended nutrient dose. That may sound like an excessive dose. However, vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means your body absorbs what it needs and excretes the rest via urine.

NativePath blends all of these ingredients with organic flaxseed for bioavailability. The organic flaxseed uses its natural fats to protect the B vitamins from being destroyed by stomach acid and your digestive tract, allowing them to reach your intended destination.

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How to Take Vitamin B-Complex

Dr. Walding, DPT, and his team recommend taking Vitamin B-Complex daily to promote overall health.

The recommended dosage is 1mL (about 20 drops) of Vitamin B-Complex daily. You can place the formula directly in your mouth or add it to tea, juice, water, or the beverage of your choice.

Each serving contains more than 100% of your daily value of 8 crucial B vitamins. Dr. Walding recommends taking one dropper daily to get the desired results. It doesn’t claim to transform your body overnight; instead, it works to support long-term health and wellness when taken consistently.

What to Expect After Taking Vitamin B-Complex

Vitamin B-Complex is advertised as a way to correct B vitamin deficiencies and support overall health.

Here are some of the results you could expect after taking Vitamin B-Complex, according to the manufacturer:

  • Get Natural Relief from Occasional Numbness & Tingling: Some take Vitamin B-Complex for occasional numbness and tingling. If you feel pins and needles in your extremities, then a B vitamin supplement may be able to help. Some neuropathy symptoms are linked to low B vitamin levels. In fact, some studies show people with diabetes have chronically low B vitamin levels compared to healthy adults. Vitamin B-Complex can help you “get natural relief from numbness, tingling, [and] pain,” according to NativePath.
  • Promote Myelin Sheath Integrity: Your nerve cells rely on a protective layer called the myelin sheath to fight back against numbness and tingling. According to NativePath, the vitamin B12 in Vitamin B-Complex could promote the integrity of the myelin sheath. That means neurons (nerve cells) can travel throughout your nervous system without degradation. In fact, “taking B12 can regrow your nerves’ protective layer and help those cells regenerate” overall, according to NativePath. Some find B12 supplements help with aches, pains, and overall discomfort.
  • Promote Cognition: Many of the B vitamins in Vitamin B-Complex are crucial for energizing your body at the cellular level. Cells throughout your body and brain rely on these B vitamins. Some people find Vitamin B-Complex helps with cognition, memory, and overall brain fog.
  • Support Cardiovascular Health & Blood Flow: Some studies show B vitamins can help with cardiovascular health and blood flow. One specific study cited by NativePath found folate “can significantly increase blood flow,” supporting cardiovascular health in a group of older adults, versus a placebo.
  • Slow Age-Related Brain Shrinkage: Vitamin B-Complex doesn’t just promote cognition. Instead, studies show some B vitamins can help with brain shrinkage. NativePath cites one study where researchers analyzed a group of 501 participants over age 60. Researchers found adults with higher levels of vitamin B12 tended to have a decreased rate of total brain volume loss, “meaning B12 may slow age-related brain shrinkage.” Today, some older adults take vitamin B12 specifically for cognitive health.
  • Normalize B12 Levels in 90% of Participants: Vitamin B-Complex contains 500mcg of vitamin B12. According to NativePath, this dose has been “shown to normalize B12 levels in 90% of older participants in just eight weeks.” Some older adults take vitamin B12 injections to correct deficiencies. With Vitamin B-Complex, you can correct this deficiency within weeks with an easy-to-take, affordable liquid formula.
  • Support Hearing, Ear Health, & Tinnitus Relief: Some studies indicate a connection between low vitamin B12 levels and ringing in the ears. If you have tinnitus or similar symptoms, for example, it could be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. In one study cited by NativePath, researchers found that 47% of tested adults with tinnitus were deficient in vitamin B12.
  • Boost Mood: B vitamins are crucial for the production of hormones linked to mood and emotional balance. Your body needs vitamin B12 to produce serotonin and dopamine, two of the most essential “happy hormones” in your body.
  • Support Arterial Function: Studies show people with low vitamin B12 levels tend to have poorer arterial function than those with higher vitamin B12 levels. Vitamin B-Complex can “support vascular health” and “support heart health,” according to NativePath, because of its strong dose of vitamin B12 and other nutrients.
  • Support a Healthy Weight: Some take B vitamins for weight management and metabolism. NativePath cites one study in which researchers tested 9,000+ participants. Researchers found that those with low levels of vitamin B12 also had a higher risk of being overweight. Many B vitamins are linked to metabolism and energy production, helping your body produce more energy—and burn more calories—at the cellular level.
  • Support Vision & Eye Health: According to NativePath, vitamin B12 can “improve vision and eye health” by minimizing oxidative stress, helping with unhealthy inflammation, and supporting overall ocular health. Many older adults experience vision issues because of oxidative stress (inflammation).
  • Promote All-Day Energy: Do you feel you lack the energy you had when you were younger? According to NativePath, vitamin B-Complex can “provide all-day energy. “Ingredients like vitamin B12 are essential for cellular energy, and low levels of vitamin B12 (and other B vitamins) are linked to lethargy and weakness.
  • Support Balanced Blood Sugar: Some people with diabetes take biotin daily to support healthy blood sugar. NativePath believes the formula’s biotin (vitamin B7) can “help support balanced blood sugar levels.”
  • Promote Hair & Nail Growth: The same ingredient, biotin (vitamin B7), is also linked to other effects on hair and nail health. Some take biotin daily as a “beauty” vitamin. According to NativePath, biotin can “promote significant hair growth in women ” and can even “increase nail thickness by 25%.”
  • Promote Carb, Protein, & Fat Metabolism: Many of the B vitamins in Vitamin B-Complex help your body convert food into energy. For example, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5 are all important for breaking down carbs and fats and supporting overall mood.

Get your hands on Vitamin B-Complex and experience the benefits now!

Vitamin B-Complex vs. Other B Vitamin Supplements

What makes Vitamin B-Complex unique? Why take Vitamin B-Complex over other supplements?

Here are some of the differences between Vitamin B-Complex and other B vitamin supplements:

  • Easy-to-take, daily, flavored drops. Vitamin B-Complex comes in a natural raspberry flavor. You can take drops directly or add them to water or tea, then drink them. It’s an easy-to-take, daily formula with a pleasant, light, natural flavor.
  • There are no artificial flavors, sugars, dyes, or unnecessary ingredients. NativePath emphasizes using natural ingredients and whole foods to promote overall health. The company uses zero filler ingredients. All NativePath formulas are dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, paleo-certified, keto-friendly, and non-GMO.
  • Organic flaxseed oil for bioavailability. NativePath designed Vitamin B-Complex with maximum bioavailability. To do that, the company uses organic flaxseed oil. The flaxseed oil protects the B vitamins from being broken down before they reach their intended destination. That means Vitamin B-Complex can be easier for your body to absorb than competing B vitamin supplements.
  • More than 100% DV of 8 B vitamins. Some supplements contain modest doses of a handful of B Vitamins. NativePath takes a different approach with Vitamin B-Complex. Each 1mL (20 drop) serving contains vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B5, B6, B12, folate, and biotin.
  • No expensive injections required. Some older adults take injections of B12 or other B vitamins to promote physical and cognitive health. Studies show that B vitamins are crucial for cognitive health. However, injections are expensive. Plus, you need to visit a clinic in person; many people don’t like needles. With Vitamin B-Complex, you get an easy-to-take, daily liquid formula instead.

Find out what makes Vitamin B-Complex so great >>>

Scientific Evidence for Vitamin B-Complex

Dr. Walding, DPT, and his team at NativePath cite 40 studies on the Vitamin B-Complex references page to justify the formula’s ingredients. We’ll evaluate this evidence below to determine if Vitamin B-Complex can provide powerful effects.

Some take Vitamin B-Complex for cardiovascular health. Some B vitamins are linked to blood flow, arterial health, and overall heart health. In a 2006 study cited by NativePath, researchers found low pyridoxine (vitamin B6) levels were associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease.

Others take Vitamin B-complex for weight loss. Some studies link vitamin B12 deficiency to an increased risk of obesity. NativePath cites a 2013 study in which vitamin B12 deficiency was associated with obesity. Patients who were obese or overweight tended to have significantly lower vitamin B12 levels than patients who were slimmer. Researchers did not, however, find a correlation between vitamin B12 and diabetes.

The right B vitamin supplement could help with mood and emotional balance. NativePath cites a 2020 study where vitamin B12 supplementation helped to prevent the onset of depression and improve the prognosis of depression. Researchers found taking vitamin B12 early in depression could “improve the effect of antidepressants.” Researchers also acknowledged vitamin B6 and folate, two other nutrients in Vitamin B-Complex, were “known to have an impact on depression.”

Many people take Vitamin B-Complex specifically for cognitive health, brain aging, and overall brain function. Multiple studies have connected vitamin B12 supplementation to improvements in brain function. It’s one reason older adults take vitamin B12 injections. In a 2024 study cited by NativePath, for example, researchers found that vitamin B12 supplementation improved cognitive function significantly in older adults already experiencing cognitive decline.

Finally, NativePath advertises Vitamin B-Complex as a way to help with occasional nerve discomfort, tingling, and numbness. Some studies have linked B vitamins to nervous system health and improve neuropathy symptoms. In a 2019 study in Frontiers in Pharmacology, researchers found vitamin B12 enhanced nerve repair and improved functional recovery after traumatic brain injury, suggesting vitamin B12 can help with nervous system health and nerve function overall.

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Vitamin B-Complex Pricing

As part of a 2024 promotion, NativePath has dropped the price of Vitamin B-Complex from its usual $40 per bottle to as little as $14 per bottle.


Here’s how much you pay when ordering Vitamin B-Complex online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $32 + Free Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $63 ($21 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $102 ($17 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 12 Bottles: $168 ($14 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Each bottle contains a one-month supply of liquid formula or 30 servings (30mL / 600 drops). To promote health, you take one serving (1mL / 20 drops) daily.

Vitamin B-Complex Refund Policy

Vitamin B-Complex has a 365-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy, you have one full year, or 365 days, to request a refund on Vitamin B-Complex.

Order Vitamin B-Complex Right Here At The Best Prices!!

About NativePath

NativePath is a nutritional supplement company led by Dr. Chad Walding, DPT. The company launched with the goal of making whole-food nutrition more accessible and helping to restore our connection with the natural world.

Today, NativePath is known for its collagen supplements, bone health formulas, and more. The company has sold over 4 million units of popular products like Original Collagen Peptides, MCT Powder, Vitamin D3 + K2 Tincture, Bone Health Collagen Peptides, and Matcha Collagen Latte. All supplements are dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, paleo-certified, keto-friendly, and non-GMO.

NativePath is led by Doctor of Physical Therapy and ISSA Certified Nutrition Specialist Dr. Chad Walding. The company traces its roots to 2010 when Dr. Walding developed a presence in the natural food space. He built a Facebook community of over 100,000 people, for example, and led paleo seminars with his wife. These efforts evolved into NativePath.

You can contact NativePath and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Telephone: 1-800-819-2993
  • Email: cs@nativepath.com

NativePath is headquartered in Miami, Florida.

Final Word

Vitamin B-Complex is a liquid B vitamin supplement created by Dr. Walding, DPT, and his team at NativePath.

Featuring a blend of 8 types of B vitamins, Vitamin B-Complex aims to help anyone correct nutrient deficiencies by delivering bioavailable forms of important B vitamins.

Visit the official website to learn more about Vitamin B-Complex and how it works or to buy the formula online today.


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