South Bend girls, Willapa Valley boys nab Pearson tourney titles

South Bend’s girls and Willapa Valley’s boys win the championships at the Jack Q. Pearson tournament

MENLO —South Bend’s girls and Willapa Valley’s boys claimed championship hardware at Willapa Valley’s Jack Q. Pearson Holiday Classic.

Blasting off to a huge lead, South Bend withstood a late Willapa Valley rally to edge the Vikings, 50-47, and capture the girls title on Thursday at Tenoski Gym.

Logan Walker’s 20 points led host Willapa Valley past Naselle, 58-45, in the boys championship game.

Karley Reidinger had 17 points and 10 rebounds while Jessica Sanchez added 16 points for the Indians (7-3), who repeated a Pacific 2B League win over the Vikings (7-3) from earlier this month.

Reidinger received the Most Valuable Player award for the girls tournament. Sanchez and Willapa Valley’s Cami Swartz and Hannah Cook also earned all-tournament recognition.

“Karley had a great game, hitting shots and attacking the basket,” South Bend coach Gary Wilson said.

The Indians led by as many as 19 points in the third quarter. The Vikings outscored the Tribe, 19-7, in the fourth quarter but never came closer than the final margin.

“We have a South Bend problem and we’re trying to solve it,” Valley coach Colby Rogers acknowledged.

Britney Patrick topped Willapa Valley with 12 points and was cited by Rogers for her floor game.

Katelyn Doyle turned in a strong performance for South Bend with six points and seven assists.

Both teams return to Pacific 2B League play next week. South Bend travels to North Beach on Jan. 3, while Willapa Valley makes the short trip to Raymond two nights later.

W. Valley 5 19 4 19 — 47

S. Bend 17 14 12 7 — 50

Willapa Valley (47) — Cook 6, Adkins 7, Patrick 12, Friese 5, B. Betrozoff, Swartz 7, O. Betrozoff 1, E. Layman 9. FG — 16-48 (.333). FT — 7-13.

South Bend (50) — Byington 4, Medina, Markwell, Doyle 6, Stigall, Sanchez 16, Loza, Reidinger 17, Rohr 7. FG — 19-45 (.422). FT — 4-6.


Vikings 58, Comets 45

Willapa Valley clamped down on defense in the final three quarters to top Naselle in the boys championship game.

Antonio Nolan hit four 3-point baskets in the first quarter as the Comets shot apart Valley’s zone to lead 18-12 at the first break.

“At the end of the quarter, we had a little heart-to-heart about playing defense,” Viking coach Jay Pearson said.

Matt Pearson, shifted defensively onto Nolan, limited him to two points in the next two periods. The Vikings outscored the Comets 42-21 in those quarters to take command.

Despite the win, Coach Pearson was unhappy about his team’s 6-of-17 foul-shooting.

“We missed probably 20 point-blank layins,” he added.

Matt Pearson and Ryon Ashley scored 14 points apiece, with the latter also grabbing a dozen rebounds. Peter Hamilton secured 11 rebounds for Willapa Valley.

Walker, a freshman, was selected as the tournament’s Most Valuable Player. Matt Pearson also received all-tourney recognition.

The Vikings (9-1) return to Pacific 2B League play on Jan. 6 at home against Raymond.

Naselle 18 6 15 6 — 45

W. Valley 12 23 19 4 — 58

Naselle (45) — Fantanilla, Edwards 3, Lindstrom, Nolan 18, Eaton 13, Dorman 8, Glenn 3, Lopez. FG — n/a. FT — 1-4.

Willapa Valley (58) — Flemetis 1, M. Pearson 14, Hamilton 7, Roonsburg 2, Ashley 14, Walker 20. FG — 24-75 (.320).FT — 6-17.

Trojans 66, Indians 61

Pe Ell rallied in the fourth quarter to take third place in the boys tourney with a win over South Bend.

The Indians took a 46-41 lead into the final period before the Trojans erupted for 25 points in that period.

“I thought our kids played pretty hard,” South Bend coach Manuel Rangel said. “We missed shots and crucial moments of the game.”

Raul Mora scored 25 points and Drew Rose 21 for South Bend. Mora was named to the all-tournament team.

Cody Jones had 11 rebounds and Michael Oropeza nine for the Tribe.

The Indians (1-9) host North Beach on Jan. 4.

South Bend 13 16 17 15 — 61

Pe Ell 11 18 12 25 — 66

South Bend (61) — L. Stamos 4, N. Stamos 2, Estle, Rose 21, Ashley 2, Mora 25, Oropeza 4, Jones 3. FG — n/a. FT — 7-16.

Pe Ell (66) — Cox, Shepherd 8, McCalden 23, Bush, Nelson 13, Hoffman 12, Prestegord 10. FG — n/a. FT — 17-26.