
Advanced Bionutritionals Longevity Greens Review – The Latest Research

Longevity Greens is a powdered green superfood formula made by Advanced Bionutritionals.

Available exclusively through the Advanced Bionutritionals online store, the supplement features 50 fruits, veggies, herbs, and superfoods condensed into one convenient formula.

Please keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Longevity Greens from Advanced Bionutritionals today in our review.

What is Advanced Bionutritionals Longevity Greens?

Advanced Bionutritionals Longevity Greens is a nutritional supplement featuring a blend of natural ingredients to support health and wellness in different ways.

Each scoop of Longevity Greens contains ingredients for gut health, heart health, brain health, inflammation, anti-aging, and longevity. It combines plant extracts, fruit extracts, natural fiber sources, spermidine, and other unique ingredients into one superpowered blend.

Advanced Bionutritionals designed Longevity Greens as a premium green superfood powder that tastes great and delivers powerful effects on health and wellness.

Longevity Greens is exclusively available through the Advanced Bionutritionals online store, where it costs $49.95 per bag.

Longevity Greens Benefits

Some of the benefits of Longevity Greens, according to Advanced Bionutritionals, include:

  • Antioxidants to support healthy inflammation
  • Boost heart, brain, and gut health
  • Support anti-aging benefits and longevity
  • 50+ fruits, vegetables, herbs, and superfoods
  • Backed by 90-day moneyback guarantee
  • Made in the United States

Get your hands on Advanced Bionutritionals Longevity Greens and experience the benefits now!

How Does Longevity Greens Work?

Longevity Greens delivers dozens of ingredients linked to health, wellness, longevity, anti-aging effects, inflammation, and more.

Most of the formula is separated into two blends: a 4g superfood blend and a 4g fiber blend, which contains the bulk of each 9.3g scoop/serving of Longevity Greens.

The superfood blend includes dozens of fruit extracts, green superfood extracts, spices, vegetables, and other active ingredients. These ingredients are condensed, concentrated, dried, and added to Longevity Greens. In addition to fruit extracts, the superfood blend contains unique ingredients like curry extract, mangosteen concentrate, coconut water powder, and others not typically seen in an average green superfood formula.

The other half of the formula consists mainly of natural fibers. The 4g fiber blend contains natural sources of fiber, including tapioca, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and beta-glucans. 95% of American adults don’t get their daily recommended fiber intake, and the fiber in Longevity Greens could help.

The remaining ingredients include small but proven doses of longevity enhancers like spermidine (in the form of Puremidine) and MitoPrime (in the form of L-ergothioneine). The doses may seem small (just 1mg and 5mg, respectively), but multiple studies have shown that these doses support longevity and health.

Overall, Longevity Greens influence different areas of health and wellness, including inflammation, immune function, weight management, energy, and more at the cellular level.

Get started today and see the difference Advanced Bionutritionals Longevity Greens can make!

Longevity Greens Ingredients

Longevity Greens is a 100% vegan and vegetarian-friendly formula free of animal products. It contains 50+ fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based ingredients.

Each 9.3g scoop (1 serving) of Longevity Greens contains 35 calories, 6g of total carbs (including 5g of dietary fiber and 1g of total sugars), 1g of protein, 1mg of iron, and 20mg of sodium, in addition to the ingredients below:

Fruit & Vegetable Extracts: Longevity Greens consists of dozens of fruit and vegetable extracts. Advanced Bionutritionals has condensed fruit and vegetable extracts into a concentrated version. Instead of needing to eat ten apples, you can take Longevity Greens. Some of the largest fruit and vegetable extracts in Longevity Greens include apple fruit powder,

Spirulina: Spirulina is the second largest ingredient in Longevity Greens, trailing only apple fruit powder. It’s a blue-green algae found in many superfood formulas because it’s packed with antioxidants and micronutrients. As Mount Sinai explains, spirulina is packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that could help protect cells from damage. It’s vibrant with vitamin E, manganese, copper, zinc, and B vitamins. Plus, it contains essential fatty acids that are difficult to get from other sources – like linolenic acid.

MitoGreens: The third largest ingredient in Longevity Greens, after apple fruit powder and spirulina, is a proprietary formula called MitoGreens. MitoGreens is a blend of over a dozen antioxidant-rich fruit extracts. Some of the most significant ingredients in the proprietary blend include quercetin, clove extract, green tea extract, onion extract, and acerola extract. The formula also contains unique ingredients like camu camu extract, kale concentrate, and sweet cherry concentrate. Studies show that MitoGreens can support health and wellness at the cellular level.

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Puremidine (Spermidine): Longevity Greens contains a proprietary formula called Puremidine, made from spermidine trihydrochloride. There’s just 1mg of Puremidine in each scoop of Longevity Greens, but even a serving of this minor has been shown to promote anti-aging effects. Some take spermidine daily, on its own, for anti-aging and longevity. Recent studies have linked spermidine to mitochondrial function, anti-inflammatory properties, and cellular renewal, among other effects. Most adults get small amounts of spermidine daily, but spermidine supplementation is becoming more popular.

MitoPrime (L-Ergothioneine): Longevity Greens contains a third proprietary formula (after MitoGreens and Puremidine) called MitoPrime. The proprietary formula consists of 5mg of L-ergothioneine. Like spermidine, L-ergothioneine is linked to anti-aging effects, and some take it daily to promote health and longevity. L-ergothioneine is an amino acid in mushrooms, red beans, and black beans. Also known as ERG, it’s considered a “thio-histidine betaine” and is linked to potent antioxidant effects. Like many other ingredients in Longevity Greens, MitoPrime has been shown to support healthy inflammation, which could help with health and longevity.

Superfruit Blend: Longevity Greens contains a proprietary superfruit blend with grape extract, cranberry extract, blueberry extract, pomegranate extract, apple extract, bilberry extract, blackberry extract, and other active ingredients. These ingredients are considered “superfruits” because they contain more micronutrients and antioxidants than ordinary fruits. Some – like blueberries and blackberries – contain anthocyanins, natural antioxidants linked to health and wellness.

Natural Fibers: Roughly half of the Longevity Greens formula (4g) consists of a natural fiber blend. That fiber blend includes tapioca fiber, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and beta-glucan powder. These three ingredients can form a gel in your digestive tract to push waste out of your body. They also feed gut bacteria, acting as prebiotics to ensure gut bacteria survive and thrive. 95% of American adults don’t get their daily recommended fiber intake. The natural fibers in Longevity Greens could help.

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Coconut Water: Longevity Greens contains coconut water for extra hydration. Coconut water is rich with electrolytes your body needs to replenish itself at the cellular level, providing superior hydration to water alone. Staying hydrated is important to optimize digestion when taking fiber (like the 4g dose in Longevity Greens). The coconut water in the supplement helps.

Quercetin: Longevity Greens contains a natural antioxidant called quercetin. Found in certain types of plants, quercetin is linked to antioxidant and anti-aging effects. Quercetin is the first listed ingredient in the MitoGreens proprietary blend, which means there’s more quercetin than any other ingredient. Instead of eating mountains of vegetables to get the quercetin you need, you can take one scoop of Longevity Greens.

Other (Inactive) Ingredients: Advanced Bionutritionals promises Longevity Greens will be the best-tasting green superfood powder you’ve ever had – or your money back. The company adds natural flavors, citric acid, malic acid, and stevia leaf extract to enhance flavor and sweetness, with silicon dioxide as a preservative. These natural ingredients keep the formula stable while supporting it.


What to Expect After Taking Longevity Greens

According to Advanced Bionutritionals, some customers report changes to energy and vitality “within a few weeks of regular use” of Longevity Greens.

Some of the effects you could experience with Longevity Greens include:

Support Mitochondria for Cellular Energy: Mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells. They draw glucose and other energy sources from your blood, transforming it into energy. Longevity Greens claim to support energy at the cellular level by targeting mitochondria, giving you “enhanced energy levels.”

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Support Healthy Aging: According to the manufacturer, Longevity Greens aims to provide “support for healthy aging.” Many people take green superfood supplements daily for health and longevity.

Support Detoxification: Your body is hit with toxins every day. Longevity Greens aim to support detoxification, helping to promote your body’s natural cleansing processes.

Antioxidant Protection: Fruits and vegetables are associated with a healthy diet for multiple reasons, including their rich antioxidant content. Longevity Greens aims to promote antioxidant protection. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that cause inflammation, helping to promote healthy aging and disease defense. High levels of inflammation are associated with a higher risk of disease and illness.

Support Brain Health & Cognition: Longevity Greens can support healthy cognitive function, giving your brain the nutrients it craves to make smart decisions, promote focus, and boost attention.

Promote Cellular Autophagy: Longevity Greens can promote cellular autophagy, your body’s natural process of cleansing old cells. Autophagy is a crucial part of detoxifying your body at the cellular level. By promoting this process, Longevity Greens can renew cells for optimal health.

Help Regulate Cell Apoptosis: Your cells are constantly dying and being replaced. Cellular death, or apoptosis, isn’t a bad thing. It’s a natural part of renewing your body at the cellular level. Longevity Greens claim to help regulate cell apoptosis to promote balance and renewal, helping with the natural cycle of cell life.

Support Exercise Recovery & Overall Vitality: Longevity Greens can support exercise recovery and overall healthy energy levels and vitality, helping you recharge faster and keep energy steady and robust. Many ingredients target energy at the cellular level – say, in your mitochondria.

Promote Overall Gut Function: Longevity Greens contains several natural sources of fiber. These fibers act as prebiotics in your gut, helping probiotic bacteria survive and thrive.

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Support Immune Function: Many of the ingredients in Longevity Greens are antioxidants. These antioxidants can help with immune function. Your body uses inflammation to target injuries and pathogens. Too much inflammation, however, can compromise immune function.

Promote Gut Barrier Integrity: Longevity Greens claims to promote healthy gut microbiota function. Other ingredients in Longevity Greens help with gut barrier integrity, supporting a healthy gut lining. If your gut lining is permeable, more toxins can slip through and enter your body. Longevity Greens can support gut barrier integrity to help with leaky gut.

Delicious Taste: Other green superfood powders are on the market, but many don’t taste very good. Advanced Bionutritionals uses natural sweeteners and flavors to enhance the flavor of the formula. They designed it to be one of the better-tasting green superfood supplements on the market – regardless of whether you mix it with water, juice, a shake, a smoothie, or any other beverage. Advanced Bionutritionals advertises it as “the best greens powder you’ve ever tasted or your money back.”

Scientific Evidence for Longevity Greens

Longevity Greens contains a unique blend of ingredients, including green superfood ingredients found in other formulas and anti-aging ingredients unique to Longevity Greens. Below, we’ll explore the science behind Longevity Greens and how it works.

Spermidine may be one of the most minor ingredients in Longevity Greens, but it’s an essential anti-aging compound shown to work in small doses. One recent study found spermidine, a natural polyamine, exhibited anti-inflammatory effects while preventing cell senescence, helping stem cells stay alive for longer. Studies also show people who have a diet rich in polyamines tend to live longer than people who do not.

Ergothioneine (ERG) is another unique anti-aging ingredient in Longevity Greens. A 2020 study found it to be an antioxidant nutraceutical shown to “provide significant prevention against oxidative stress” or inflammation. ERG is naturally present in mushrooms, red beans, and other foods.

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Spirulina is one of the most significant ingredients in Longevity Greens. In a recent online review, Harvard Medical School found that spirulina was a popular supplement taken for its purported positive health effects. However, researchers admitted that “scientific evidence doesn’t support” many of these advertised effects and that there are few studies on spirulina overall.

Quercetin is another significant and essential ingredient in Longevity Greens linked to anti-aging effects. Some studies have linked quercetin to powerful therapeutic effects. A 2020 study, for example, found quercetin worked as an antioxidant flavonol, neutralizing free radicals throughout the body while being more bioavailable than other natural antioxidants. Quercetin is also naturally present in kale, tomatoes, buckwheat, onions, citrus fruits, cherries, apples, and berries, among other foods. However, the dose in Longevity Greens may be easier for your body to absorb.

Overall, Longevity Greens contains various superfood ingredients, anti-aging formulas, and other extracts linked to health, wellness, and longevity.

Longevity Greens Pricing

Longevity Greens is priced at $49.95 per bag. The more bags you buy, the more you can save. Plus, orders over $100 qualify for free shipping.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Longevity Greens online today:

  • 1 Bag: $49.95 + Shipping
  • 3 Bags: $134.85 ($44.95 Per Bag) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bags: $249 ($41.50 Per Bag) + Free Shipping

Visit the official website to get discounted prices!

Each bag of Longevity Greens contains 279g of powdered formula or 30 servings. To promote health and wellness, take one serving daily.


Longevity Greens Refund Policy

Longevity Greens has a 90-day money-back guarantee – the same guarantee attached to all other Advanced Bionutritionals supplements. You have 90 days to request a full refund, minus return shipping. You qualify for a refund even if the bag is empty.

About Advanced Bionutritionals

Advanced Bionutritionals is a Norcross, Georgia-based supplement company. In addition to Longevity Greens, the company is known for supplements like Advanced Amino Formula, CircO2, Collagen Plus, and Advanced Memory Formula, among others.

Advanced Bionutritionals formulates each supplement with a team of medical and scientific experts, including medical doctors like Dr. Frank Shallenberger, board-certified acupuncturists and doctors of oriental medicine (OMD) like Dr. Janet Zand, and naturopathic doctors (NDs) like Dr. Steve Kroening.

You can contact Advanced Bionutritionals and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Online Form: https://www.advancedbionutritionals.com/Contact-Us.htm
  • Email: feedback@AdvancedBionutritionals.com
  • Phone: 800-791-3395
  • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051
  • Company Headquarters: 5305 Oakbrook Parkway, Norcross, GA 30093

Final Word

Longevity Greens is a nutraceutical supplement created by Advanced Bionutritionals to deliver a blend of advanced green superfoods.

Made in the United States, the formula contains 50+ fruit and vegetable extracts and unique anti-aging ingredients like spermidine and ergothioneine. Plus, each scoop comes with a significant dose of fiber for digestion, heart health, and overall detoxification.

Visit the official Advanced Bionutritionals online store to learn more about Longevity Greens or to buy the green superfood supplement today.


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