
I Bought & Tried Pelvic Floor Strong – Here is How My Constant Urging To Pee Changed After!

Pelvic Floor Strong is an innovative program designed to tackle the pervasive issue of urinary incontinence among women, particularly those over 40. Initiated by Alex Miller, a renowned fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist, it aims to demystify and resolve the underlying causes of bladder leakage.

The core philosophy of Pelvic Floor Strong recognizes two main types of urinary incontinence: stress and urgency. Stress incontinence occurs during physical activities like laughing or sneezing, which puts pressure on the pelvic floor. Urgency incontinence, on the other hand, is characterized by a sudden and strong urge to urinate that often results in leakage.

Through an easy-to-follow 3-step movement sequence, the program promises to fortify the pelvic muscles, addressing the real culprit behind incontinence – a specific tight muscle in the upper body around the chest and shoulders. This approach alleviates incontinence, flattens the belly, and eliminates back pain.

Miller’s method underscores the importance of discarding ineffective practices like excessive Kegels and crunches, focusing instead on balanced core strength. Pelvic Floor Strong empowers women to regain control over their bodies, boosting confidence and improving their quality of life.

What is Pelvic Floor Strong?

Pelvic Floor Strong is a comprehensive fitness program designed to address and resolve issues related to pelvic floor dysfunction, including urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and abdominal separation. Created by Alex Miller, a fitness expert, and women’s pelvic health specialist, the program aims to empower women by providing them with the tools and techniques to strengthen their pelvic muscles and improve their overall quality of life.

The core of Pelvic Floor Strong focuses on a unique three-step movement sequence that targets the pelvic floor, abdominal muscles, and diaphragm. This regimen helps stop bladder leakage, flattens the belly, and alleviates back pain. The program emphasizes the importance of correcting muscle imbalances and releasing tight muscles in the upper body, which are often overlooked yet contribute significantly to pelvic floor issues.

What sets Pelvic Floor Strong apart is its holistic approach, which includes educational content about the underlying causes of pelvic floor dysfunction and the common mistakes women make—often based on misguided medical advice—that exacerbate these issues. Following the program, women can expect to regain control over their bladder, enhance their core strength, and ultimately lead a more active and confident life.

Restore Your Core with Pelvic Floor Strong!

Who is Pelvic Floor Strong For?

Pelvic Floor Strong is a program for women experiencing urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. It is particularly beneficial for women over 40 who may be facing stress or urgent incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs during activities that increase pressure on the pelvic floor, such as laughing, sneezing, or exercising. In contrast, urgency incontinence involves a strong urge to urinate that results in leakage before reaching the bathroom.

This program is also valuable for postpartum women dealing with weakened pelvic muscles and abdominal separation (diastasis recti) after childbirth. Women who have undergone menopause or cancer treatments that affect pelvic health will find Pelvic Floor Strong useful for regaining control over their bladder and improving their overall pelvic strength.

Fitness enthusiasts and athletes who experience unintentional leakage during intense physical activities, as well as those who feel self-conscious about their abdominal appearance, can benefit from the targeted exercises and techniques offered in the program. Pelvic Floor Strong is suitable for any woman seeking a non-invasive, effective solution to enhance pelvic health, alleviate back pain, and boost confidence in everyday activities.

What are the Benefits of Pelvic Floor Strong?

Pelvic Floor Strong is a revolutionary program designed to address and resolve issues related to pelvic floor dysfunction, which affects a significant proportion of women, especially those over 40 and postpartum. This program, created by Alex Miller, a renowned fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist, focuses on strengthening the pelvic floor through targeted exercises. Here are some key benefits of following the Pelvic Floor Strong program:

1. Elimination of Bladder Leakage

One of the most significant benefits of Pelvic Floor Strong is its ability to eliminate bladder leakage. Urinary incontinence, which includes both stress incontinence and urgency incontinence, is a common issue among women. Stress incontinence occurs during activities that put pressure on the bladder, such as laughing, sneezing, or exercising, while urgency incontinence involves a sudden, intense urge to urinate. The Pelvic Floor Strong program helps strengthen the pelvic muscles, reducing and eventually eliminating these embarrassing and inconvenient leaks.

2. Improved Core Strength

The program targets the pelvic floor and enhances overall core strength. By addressing the underlying causes of pelvic floor dysfunction, such as layer syndrome, Pelvic Floor Strong helps balance the core muscles, including the diaphragm, abdominal wall, and pelvic floor. This holistic approach ensures that the entire abdominal canister functions optimally, leading to improved stability, better posture, and reduced risk of injury.

3. Relief from Back Pain

Pelvic floor dysfunction often correlates with chronic lower back pain. Weak pelvic muscles can cause misalignment and additional pressure on the lumbar spine. By strengthening these muscles, Pelvic Floor Strong helps in alleviating back pain, thus improving overall quality of life and enabling pain-free movement in daily activities.

4. Enhanced Sexual Health

A strong pelvic floor can significantly enhance sexual health and satisfaction. Women experiencing incontinence often report a decline in their sexual confidence and enjoyment. Pelvic Floor Strong exercises help in tightening and strengthening the vaginal muscles, which can lead to more intense orgasms and a more fulfilling sexual experience.

5. Increased Confidence and Quality of Life

By addressing issues like incontinence, pelvic pain, and back pain, Pelvic Floor Strong helps restore confidence and improve the overall quality of life. Women can engage in physical activities, social events, and intimate moments without the constant fear of leakage or discomfort.

6. Non-Invasive and Cost-Effective

Pelvic Floor Strong is a non-invasive, cost-effective solution, unlike surgical interventions or long-term medication use. It avoids the risks and side effects of more invasive treatments, making it a safer option for many women.

In conclusion, Pelvic Floor Strong offers a comprehensive approach to improving pelvic health, enhancing core strength, relieving pain, and boosting overall confidence and quality of life. It is an empowering solution for women seeking to regain control over their bodies and lives.

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Who Is Behind Pelvic Floor Strong?

Alex Miller, the creator of Pelvic Floor Strong, is a fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist from Vancouver, Canada. With over a decade of experience and having helped nearly a million women worldwide, Alex is a trusted name in women’s health. Her journey, where she faced and overcame similar health challenges, adds authenticity and a deep understanding of the issues. Her dedication to helping women regain control over their lives is evident in the meticulous design and effectiveness of the Pelvic Floor Strong program.

What Is The Working Mechanism Of The Program?

The program designed by Alex Miller, a fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist, focuses on a unique and effective approach to combat urinary incontinence and improve overall pelvic health. The mechanism revolves around a 3-step movement sequence that targets the root cause of pelvic floor dysfunction, which is often overlooked in conventional treatments.

Step 1: Identifying and Releasing the Hidden Upper Body Muscle

The first step involves identifying a tight muscle around the chest and shoulders in the upper body that significantly impacts the pelvic floor. Traditional pelvic floor exercises often neglect this muscle. The program includes gentle stretches and movements to release the tension in this muscle, thereby alleviating the undue stress it places on the pelvic floor.

Step 2: Correcting Muscle Imbalances

The next phase addresses muscle imbalances within the core, specifically focusing on Layer Syndrome. Layer Syndrome refers to the imbalance between the diaphragm, abdominal wall, and pelvic floor. The program uses targeted exercises to restore balance in these core muscles, ensuring they function cohesively. This step is crucial as it improves the coordination and strength of the pelvic floor, reducing incontinence and enhancing overall pelvic health.

Step 3: Strengthening and Functional Integration

In the final step, the program integrates functional and strengthening exercises tailored to the individual’s needs. These exercises are designed to progressively build strength in the pelvic floor while ensuring it remains flexible and functional. Unlike traditional kegel exercises, which may sometimes exacerbate the problem, these movements are safe and effective, promoting long-term pelvic health and preventing future issues.

By following this 3-step movement sequence, users can expect significant improvements in bladder control, reduction in back and hip pain, and enhanced core stability. This holistic approach addresses the symptoms and underlying causes, leading to sustainable results and a better quality of life.

What Does The Pelvic Floor Strong Program Contain?

The Pelvic Floor Strong program, designed by fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist Alex Miller, is a comprehensive guide to address and alleviate urinary incontinence through targeted exercises and lifestyle adjustments. Here’s a detailed overview of what the program contains:

1. Core Educational Material

The program begins with a series of educational modules that explain the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor. This foundational knowledge helps users understand the root causes of their issues and the importance of maintaining pelvic floor health.

2. Three-Step Movement Sequence

At the heart of the program is a simple yet effective three-step movement sequence. These exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles, improve bladder control, and enhance core stability. Unlike traditional Kegel exercises, this sequence balances the core, including the diaphragm, abdominal wall, and pelvic floor.

3. Upper Body Release Techniques

A unique aspect of Pelvic Floor Strong is its inclusion of upper-body release techniques. These exercises target a tight muscle in the upper body that contributes to pelvic floor dysfunction. By addressing this often-overlooked area, the program ensures a holistic approach to pelvic health.

4. Progression Plans

The program includes detailed progression plans to help users gradually increase the intensity and complexity of their workouts. This ensures that the exercises remain effective as users build strength and endurance.

5. Lifestyle and Habit Adjustments

Pelvic Floor Strong also emphasizes the importance of lifestyle and habit adjustments. It guides activities and behaviors that can either support or hinder pelvic floor health, helping users make informed choices in their daily lives.

6. Supportive Community and Resources

Participants gain access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This community and additional resources such as video tutorials and Q&A sessions with Alex Miller provide ongoing support and motivation.

Overall, the Pelvic Floor Strong program offers a multifaceted approach to tackling urinary incontinence, empowering women to regain control and confidence.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Pelvic Floor Strong?

Pelvic Floor Strong is designed to be a safe and gentle program with no reported side effects. The exercises are low-impact and suitable for women of all fitness levels. However, as with any exercise program, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare provider before beginning, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

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How Long Does Pelvic Floor Strong Take To Show Visible Results?

One of the standout features of Pelvic Floor Strong is the speed at which it delivers results. Many women report noticeable improvements within just a few days of starting the program. However, following the program consistently for several weeks is recommended for sustained and long-term benefits. The exact timeline may vary depending on individual circumstances, but the comprehensive nature of the program ensures that every participant can experience significant improvements.

What If Pelvic Floor Strong Does Not Work For You?

Pelvic Floor Strong has a money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind for new users. You can request a full refund if you follow the program as instructed and do not experience the promised benefits. This guarantee underscores Alex Miller’s confidence in the effectiveness of her program and offers a risk-free opportunity for women to regain control of their pelvic health.

Do You Get Free Bonuses With Pelvic Floor Strong?

Yes, the Pelvic Floor Strong program has several free bonuses to enhance your overall well-being. These bonuses often include additional exercise routines, dietary tips, and lifestyle advice that complement the main program. The goal is to provide a holistic approach to health, ensuring that you strengthen your pelvic floor and improve your general fitness and quality of life.

What Is The Pricing Structure Of Pelvic Floor Strong?

Standard Package

  1. Digital Product Access:
    • Price: $37
    • Features: Immediate access to the full Pelvic Floor Strong program in digital format, including video tutorials and PDF guides.
  2. Physical Product Access:
    • Price: $47
    • Features: Includes the digital package, physical DVDs, and printed manuals shipped to your address.

Premium Package

  1. Digital Product + Bonuses:
    • Price: $57
    • Features: This package includes bonus content, such as advanced exercise routines, nutritional guides, and the core Pelvic Floor Strong digital program.
  2. Physical Product + Bonuses:
    • Price: $77
    • Features: The digital bonuses package, physical DVDs, and printed manuals shipped to your address.

Where Can You Buy Pelvic Floor Strong From?

Pelvic Floor Strong is available exclusively through the official website. This ensures you receive an authentic program with all the bonuses and support. Buying from the official site also guarantees access to the customer service team for any queries or assistance you may need.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Pelvic Floor Strong?


  • A comprehensive program addressing upper and lower body
  • Designed by a trusted expert in women’s pelvic health
  • Quick and noticeable results
  • Safe and gentle exercises suitable for all fitness levels
  • Bonuses that enhance overall well-being
  • Money-back guarantee


  • Requires commitment and consistency
  • Only available online

Will The Program Work For Someone Who Had Children More Than 15 Years Ago?

Absolutely! Pelvic Floor Strong is designed to address pelvic floor issues regardless of how long ago you had children. Many women experience pelvic dysfunction years or even decades after childbirth, and this program effectively caters to their needs. The gentle and progressive nature of the exercises makes it suitable for women of all ages and backgrounds.

Final Verdict On Pelvic Floor Strong Reviews

Pelvic Floor Strong is a groundbreaking program that offers a holistic and effective solution to pelvic floor dysfunction. With a well-researched approach that ties upper body techniques to pelvic health, Alex Miller has created a program that provides quick and lasting results. Whether you’re a new mom or a grandmother, Pelvic Floor Strong can help you regain control over your bladder, improve your posture, alleviate pain, and enhance your overall quality of life.

The program’s comprehensive nature and its creator’s expertise make Pelvic Floor Strong a highly recommended solution for women facing pelvic health issues. The bonuses, safe exercises, and money-back guarantee further solidify its position as a trustworthy and valuable investment in your health. Don’t let pelvic floor dysfunction dictate your life – with Pelvic Floor Strong, you can take control and live confidently.

Enhance Your Well-being with Pelvic Floor Strong Today!


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