
Keskara Review – Does This Supplement Even Work?

Keskara is a male vitality supplement available exclusively online.

Normally priced at $179 per bottle, Keskara is available for just $89 per bottle as part of a 2024 promotion.

In our review, you will find out everything you need to know about Keskara and how it works today.

What is Keskara?

Keskara is a sexual health supplement marketed primarily towards men.

The supplement is made by Biofraga, which also does business under the name Keskara Research. The Orlando, Florida-based company manufactures Keskara in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

By taking two capsules of Keskara daily, you can purportedly enhance vitality, energy, and overall sexual performance at any age. Some men take Keskara for ED, while others take it for libido, blood flow, or general sexual health.

Unlike many male vitality supplements, Keskara is labeled as both organic and vegetarian. Typically, it’s hard to find organic sources of horny goat weed, saw palmetto, and tribulus terrestris, which is why organic certification is rare in the male vitality space.

Keskara is exclusively sold online, priced at $89 per bottle.

Click here to check out the official website for Keskara >>>

Keskara Benefits

Some of the benefits of Keskara include:

  • Promote overall male vitality
  • Firmer erections and muscles, clearer thinking, and better stamina
  • 14 science-backed ingredients
  • Natural, non-GMO, gluten-free formula
  • Made in the United States
  • Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does Keskara Work?

Keskara works by delivering a blend of nutrients, herbs, plant extracts, and other ingredients linked to male sexual performance.

As men get older, their ability to perform in bed tends to decline – but it doesn’t have to be that way. By taking a supplement like Keskara, men of all ages can purportedly promote powerful effects using a variety of ingredients.

Each capsule of Keskara contains 14 ingredients. These ingredients target different areas of sexual health and performance. Some help with inflammation around the reproductive system, for example, while others target firmer muscles and erections.

As you continue to take Keskara, you’ll progress through three stages, including:

Stage 1) Improve Overall Well Being: Keskara starts by improving overall wellbeing. You can enhance energy, promote clear thinking, and enjoy a more restful sleep, among other benefits.

Stage 2) Firmer Muscles & Erections: As you get older, your muscles and erections tend to get softer. Some blame it on declining testosterone. Others see it as an inevitable part of aging. However, by the second stage of taking Keskara, “you’ll start noticing firmer muscles and erections,” along with increased energy and stamina, among other benefits.

Stage 3) Completely Eradicate Reproductive Inflammation: After taking Keskara for at least three months, you can enjoy “the complete eradication of inflammation” around your reproductive system, helping you enjoy a satisfying sex life at any age.

Some users notice results within days of taking Keskara for the first time. Generally, the manufacturer advises taking it for three months or more, as it gives your body time to adjust to the ingredients.

Get Keskara now while it’s on sale – limited time only!

Keskara Ingredients

Keskara contains a blend of 14 science-backed ingredients – including two vitamins and 12 herb and plant extracts – linked to various areas of male vitality.


Here are all of the ingredients in Keskara and how they work, according to the official website:

  • Hawthorn: Hawthorn is found in a wide range of male vitality supplements for its effects on blood flow, erections, inflammation, and overall libido. Some even take hawthorn for blood sugar balance, cholesterol, and heart health. One overview of ED dietary supplements found hawthorn was less effective than others on the list for relieving ED, although researchers observed a small correlation between hawthorn consumption and ED relief.
  • Horny Goat Weed: Formally known as epimedium sagittatum, horny goat weed has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine as a libido booster and natural remedy for sexual dysfunction. Today, researchers know horny goat weed works because of icariin, a natural molecule within the plant linked to antioxidant effects – and possible libido-boosting benefits.
  • Damiana: Damiana is a shrub native to parts of Mexico and Central America. Today, it’s best known as being a natural male vitality booster. Some men believe it boosts testosterone, while others claim it enhances libido. There’s little formal evidence connecting damiana to these effects, although some men take it daily for ED and hormone balance.
  • Muira Puama: Also known as Amazonian Viagra, muira puama is a flowering plant native to the Amazon rainforest. It’s sold in convenience stores in Brazil as an herbal supplement for libido and sex drive. Historically, muira puama has a long history of use in the region as a natural remedy for sexual dysfunction. Today, the rest of the world is increasingly discovering muira puama, and many take it daily for sexual health and libido. Suppose you’ve ever taken an herbal sexual health remedy called “catuama” in South America. In that case, you may have taken a combination of muira puama and guarana, which can boost energy and sexual function.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: Some ingredients in Keskara work primarily by targeting blood flow. There’s 120mg of ginkgo biloba leaf in Keskara for that reason. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is packed with natural molecules to enhance blood flow. Historically, it was used as a brain booster because it helped send oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Today, however, many people use it for physical energy and endurance as well – including in sexual health supplements for men like Keskara.
  • Asian Ginseng: Asian ginseng has played a popular role in traditional medicine practices throughout parts of the Korean peninsula and China, where the roots of the ginseng plant have historically been used in remedies. Today, researchers have isolated the plant’s roots to find chemical constituents like ginsenosides and gintonin, which appear to have natural antioxidant benefits.
  • Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus terrestris is found in many male vitality supplements available today. Some men take tribulus terrestris daily for its purported effects on testosterone. Others use it for prostate health or general balance. Some studies show that taking 300mg to 600mg of tribulus terrestris daily can significantly affect male vitality, while other studies have found no correlation. Nevertheless, tribulus terrestris remains one of the best-known male enhancement ingredients on the market.
  • Catuaba Bark: Catuaba bark is an herb, and some people use the bark of that herb to make medicine – including sexual enhancement remedies and other natural medicines. Taking Keskara daily gives you an 84.5mg dose of Catuaba bark extract. Some swear by catuaba bark’s ability to promote libido and boost overall sexual function. The plant is native to the Amazon rainforest, and it works in a similar way to muira puama overall.
  • Saw Palmetto: Saw palmetto, like tribulus terrestris, is a well-known ingredient in the male vitality supplement space, and many men take saw palmetto daily for prostate health, testosterone, sex drive, ED, and more. Some believe saw palmetto (serenoa repens) simply works by targeting blood flow and inflammation, while others claim it affects hormone balance.
  • Niacin: Vitamin B3, or niacin, is essential for blood flow, and some men take niacin supplements daily to control high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a leading cause of ED, and maintaining it could reverse it. Each serving of Keskara contains 75mg of niacin or roughly 4.5x your daily recommended value.
  • Inosine: Your body produces inosine naturally, and some men take it as a supplement for energy, gut health, and other effects. Some believe inosine can restore testosterone secretion via its impacts on gut health, although this relationship is not fully understood.
  • Oat Straw: Oat straw is commonly used to support testosterone production, and some men take oat straw daily for testosterone and overall health. Formally known as Avena sativa, oat straw extract comes from the unripened and unprocessed version of the plant. It’s believed this version has natural molecules linked to mental clarity, energy, and libido.
  • Cayenne Fruit: Commonly found in weight loss aids and metabolism boosters, cayenne is also found in male vitality supplements. Cayenne surged in popularity in the male supplement space after a 2013 study found capsaicin (a natural molecule within cayenne) affected ghrelin expression, thereby raising testosterone secretion. In other words, cayenne appears to indirectly promote the secretion of testosterone.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant vitamin that neutralizes free radicals throughout the body. Some men take vitamin E or C supplements daily for inflammation and overall health. Many vegetables are rich in vitamin E and are regarded as good for male libido. Each serving of Keskara contains nearly your entire daily value (87% DV) of vitamin E.

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The remaining ingredients in Keskara include rice flour, gelatin (to create the capsule), magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, maltodextrin, and water.

Keskara is specifically advertised as a “vegetarian” supplement. However, the label lists gelatin as an inactive ingredient. Gelatin is typically made from beef or pork collagen.

What Does Keskara Do?

According to the official website, Keskara can help you develop firmer muscles and erections while improving other areas of male health and sexual performance.

Here are some of the effects you could experience with Keskara:

  • Firmer Erections: The primary goal of Keskara is to optimize sexual performance. One of the chief benefits of Keskara is that it gives you firmer erections. According to the makers of Keskara, the second phase of the formula provides you with “firmer muscles and erections.” Some men take Keskara for ED. Others take it for general hardness and stamina in the bedroom.
  • Firmer Muscles: As mentioned above, Keskara can give you firmer muscles. As testosterone drops with age, your body tends to replace muscle with fat, lowering your muscle mass. Keskara aims to give you firmer muscles by supporting testosterone and overall male vitality.
  • Increased Energy & Stamina: One of the main goals of Keskara is to promote overall energy and stamina. Some men feel rejuvenated after taking Keskara. Others feel years or decades younger. When testosterone drops with age, energy tends to drop with it. Keskara could help.
  • Complete Eradication of Reproductive System Inflammation: Your reproductive system becomes inflamed over time, worsening your reproductive health and making it harder to get hard. Keskara claims to cause “complete eradication of inflammation affecting your reproductive system,” according to the official website, helping you enjoy a great sex life at any age.
  • Clearer Thinking: Imbalanced hormones could lead to mental fog, fluctuating focus, and other attention issues. That’s why one of the advertised benefits of Keskara is to promote clearer thinking. Some men find they process information, recall memories, and think more clearly overall after taking Keskara.
  • More Restful Sleep: 90% of hormone production – including testosterone production – occurs when you sleep. Keskara can promote a more restful sleep, helping you fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling rejuvenated. Lack of sleep is a hidden cause of low testosterone and libido, and promoting sleep could transform your life.
  • Enhanced Overall Wellbeing: Keskara can enhance overall energy and wellbeing. Some men feel an improved mood after taking Keskara. Other men compare the results to “rewinding the clock by a decade or two.”
  • No Side Effects: Keskara is hormone-free, gluten-free, lactose-free, and antibiotic-free. The ingredients are all natural and are not expected to cause significant side effects when taken at usual dosages, as recommended by the makers of Keskara. In fact, the manufacturer also advertises the supplement as “organic” and “vegetarian.” Typically, it’s hard to find organic versions of male vitality booster herbs and plants – like organic tribulus terrestris and organic saw palmetto. However, the company claims to have identified organic suppliers. Gelatin, which is used to make Keskara’s capsule, is not typically considered vegetarian, as it’s made from beef or pork collagen. Nevertheless, the makers of Keskara seem confident the formula will not lead to significant side effects.
  • Changes Within 1 to 12 Weeks at Any Age: According to the makers of Keskara, many men experience noticeable changes “within the first week of use.” The longer you take Keskara, the greater the results can be – especially after three months of use when the ingredients have had time to accumulate within your body. Keskara also claims to work on men of all ages. Whether in your 30s or 70s, you could experience powerful results with Keskara.

Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!

Keskara is advertised as a way for men to boost vitality, energy, and overall health and wellness using a series of proven ingredients.

Scientific Evidence for Keskara

Many men are skeptical of male enhancement formulas because they may not work as advertised. Some contain unproven ingredients. Others make absurd claims about reversing ED and supercharging sexual performance within days. We’ll review the science behind Keskara to explore how it works.

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is one of the most important ingredients in Keskara. Each serving of Keskara provides roughly 4.5x (469% DV) of your daily recommended value of vitamin B3. Many studies have linked niacin to blood flow and even ED relief. In a landmark 2011 study, for example, 160 men with ED took 1,500mg of niacin or a placebo daily for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, those in the niacin group reported a significant improvement in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores. Researchers concluded niacin alone “can improve the erectile function in patients suffering from moderate to severe ED.”

The most significant ingredients in Keskara, by weight, are hawthorn (250mg) and horny goat weed (250mg). In one recent study, Hawthorn was found to have some effect on relieving ED in which researchers analyzed some of the top herbal extracts in ED supplements. Multiple studies, however, have connected horny goat weed to erectogenic and neurotrophic effects because of icariin, a natural molecule within the plant extract.

Damiana could boost testosterone by reducing aromatase, blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. As you get older, your body tends to produce more aromatase enzymes than it did when you were younger, leading to lower testosterone and higher estrogen. Oddly, damiana has been shown to block aromatase, although researchers haven’t officially observed a corresponding increase in testosterone. Nevertheless, some researchers have connected damiana with a significant increase in sexual activity in rats.

Several of the ingredients in Keskara work by improving blood flow. Ginkgo biloba, for example, has historically been prized for its effects on blood flow to the brain, helping with test performance. As Mount Sinai explains, ginkgo biloba contains antioxidant molecules like flavonoids and terpenoids linked to free radical defense, helping to defend your body against inflammation and support blood flow.

Keskara Pricing

Keskara is priced at $89 per bottle – down from the ordinary retail price of $179 per bottle – as part of a 2024 promotion. Qualifying purchases also include free shipping and bulk discounts.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering Keskara online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $89 + $9.99 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $207 ($69 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Save on Keskara when you order now!

Each bottle contains 60 capsules, or 30 servings – a 30-day supply. You take two capsules daily to promote health and vitality.


Keskara Refund Policy

Keskara has a 60-day money-back guarantee. You can return your bottle of Keskara, even if you’ve used part of it, for a complete refund within 60 days of your order. Contact customer service for more information about the return policy or any other questions you may have.

  • Telephone: 1-302-200-3480
  • Email: support@keskara.com

About Biofraga

Keskara is manufactured in the United States using naturally gluten-free, non-GMO ingredients by a company named Biofraga.

You can reach Biofraga via the following:

  • Email: support@biofraga.com
  • Mailing Address: 924 N Magnolia Ave, Suite 202, Unit #5383 Orlando, FL 32803

Biofraga manufactures Keskara in an FDA-registered and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility. The company is based in Orlando, Florida.

Final Word

Keskara is a male sexual enhancement formula made in the United States using a blend of domestic and foreign ingredients.

Featuring 12 plant extracts and two nutrients, Keskara aims to provide powerful effects on male health and vitality – from enhancing blood flow and erections to supporting overall libido and energy.

To learn more about Keskara or to order the male vitality formula online today, visit the official website.


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