
My Experience Using Keilini Bug Zapper Vs Other Top Mosquito Zapping Devices on the Market

Keilini is a bug-repellant lamp featuring advanced ultraviolet technology. Keilini has a 4.6-star rating out of 5 overall from verified customer purchasers on the official website, with 100% of reviewers giving the product a perfect 5-star or almost-perfect 4-star score.

Offering up to 350 square feet of coverage, Keilini aims to keep your summer free of mosquitos and other pesky bugs in a non-invasive, non-toxic way. As part of a 2024 promotion, the manufacturer dropped the price by 50% when ordering directly online. Consumers can save even more money by ordering multiple Keilini lamps per purchase.

In our review, you can learn everything about the Keilini bug-repellent lamp and how it works today.

What is Keilini?

Keilini is a bug-repellant lamp built to eliminate mosquitos and other pesky bugs.

The lamp uses a combination of ultraviolet light and electric coils to attract and kill bugs. Bugs fly toward the ultraviolet light because they believe it’s an easy food source. Then, they encounter the electric coils, which zap and kill them instantly.

Keilini features solar panels to recharge the device during daylight. You can also recharge using USB, like any smartphone or tablet. Each Keilini is designed to last all day on a single charge with its 2,000mAh battery.

Keilini is exclusively available through Keilini.com. As part of a 2024 promotion, Keilini is available at 50% off the ordinary retail price for a limited time. You can pay just $39.99 for one Keilini bug-repellent lamp.

Keilini Benefits

Some of the benefits of Keilini include:

  • Proven ultraviolet technology to attract mosquitoes and other bugs
  • Up to 350 square feet of coverage
  • Powered by solar energy or USB
  • 100% safe, non-toxic, and natural
  • Lightweight, waterproof, and portable
  • Available at 50% off ordinary retail price

How Does Keilini Work?

The Keilini bug-repellant lamp works similarly to other bug-repellant lamps sold online today: it uses ultraviolet light to attract mosquitos and electric coils to zap mosquitos, killing them instantly.

The two core technologies behind Keilini include the UV light and electric coils:

The UV light represents a food source for mosquitos, gnats, flies, and other bugs. When you turn on Keilini, it creates a 360-degree beacon. Bugs fly towards the beacon, thinking it’s an easy food source.

The electric coils touch the bugs before they reach the UV light, killing them instantly. Electric coils surround Keilini’s UV light. This electric coil zaps the bugs on contact, causing them to fall to the ground around Keilini.

Keilini is also surrounded by a plastic case to prevent kids, pets, or adults from touching the electric coils. However, bugs can easily fly through Keilini to touch the coils behind.

Keilini is designed to be lightweight and portable. It comes with a handle so you can easily move it from room to room. Just power on Keilini and let the lantern go to work.

Plus, Keilini has three tools in one: it functions as a flashlight, lantern, and bug zapper, making it the ultimate companion for backyard camping.

How to Use Keilini

Keilini is designed to be easy for anyone to use out of the box:

Step 1) Turn on Keilini. The lamp starts to emit safe light at a wavelength of 365nm. This wavelength has attracted mosquitos, flies, moths, and other bugs. They see this type of light as a food source.

Step 2) Wait for Keilini to zap bugs. As bugs fly towards the core of Keilini, they pass the protective plastic columns and encounter the electric coils. They’re instantly zapped with 1,000V of electricity, killing them instantly without loud sounds or unpleasant smells.

Step 3) Clean Keilini’s tray after use. Keilini has an easy-to-collect tray for zapped bugs. After you’re done using Keilini, clean this tray for a mess-free, bug-zapping experience.

Step 4) Recharge with solar or USB. There’s no need to replace batteries with Keilini. Instead, place Keilini in sunlight to allow the solar panels to recharge, or recharge using USB.

How UV Light Attracts Mosquitos

Studies show mosquitos and other bugs are attracted to UV light because they believe it’s an easy food source. Keilini uses this phenomenon to create the ultimate mosquito-repellant lantern.

In a 2024 study published in Insects, researchers analyzed the effects of LED traps for collecting mosquitos in Bangkok. Researchers placed UV LED traps with different wavelengths of light throughout the city, including 365nm, 375nm, 385nm, 395nm, and 405nm wavelength traps.

Traps ran throughout the night from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and were rotated between locations to ensure a fair study.

Ultimately, researchers caught 6,929 adult mosquitos using the traps – including biting mosquitoes linked to an increased risk of disease transmission. Researchers found fluorescent light traps were more effective overall, but 375nm UV traps were more effective than any other wavelength:

“Among the five UV-LED light sources, LED375 trapped the greatest number of mosquitoes.”

Today, Keilini features nearly the same wavelength (365nm vs. 375nm) that has been shown to attract mosquitos and other flying bugs, helping you keep your backyard bug-free. It’s also important to note that all wavelengths of UV light were shown to attract mosquitos and other bugs, which is why Keilini works against multiple pests.

Get Keilini now while it’s on sale – limited time only!

Keilini Features

Keilini is one of several bug-zapping and repellant lanterns available online today. What features make it unique? Why buy Keilini over competing options?

Some of the features of Keilini include:

  • 100% Safe & Chemical-Free: Some bug solutions use toxic chemicals and sprays to eliminate bugs. Keilini works in a non-toxic, chemical-free way. It’s 100% safe to use around kids, pets, and adults.
  • 1,000V High Voltage Electricity: Keilini’s electric coils deliver a 1,000V zap, killing bugs instantly.
  • Solar or USB-Powered: Keilini has two power sources: solar or USB. You can power Keilini using the panels along the top. Or, you can plug Keilini in using an ordinary USB cable – similar to how you would charge a smartphone or tablet.
  • 3-in-1 Bug Zapper, Flashlight, & Lantern: Keilini works as a bug zapper, all-weather lantern, and flashlight. Click the button on top of Keilini to switch between different modes.
  • Advanced UV Technology: Mosquitos and other bugs see UV light as an easy food source. Keilini uses advanced ultraviolet technology to attract bugs to the lantern. While some cheap bug zappers use purple light or light at other wavelengths, Keilini specifically claims to use UV technology.
  • 350 Square Feet Range: Keilini has an effective range of around 350 square feet. You can place it in the middle of a backyard, patio, or medium-sized room to attract and kill bugs throughout the area.
  • 360-Degree Visibility: Keilini emits UV light in all directions, making it easier to attract bugs wherever you place Keilini.
  • Lightweight & Portable with Carrying Handle: Keilini is designed to be taken with you while camping, hung from patios, and brought with you wherever you go. It’s lightweight and comes with a carrying handle for extra portability.
  • Available 50% Off: Keilini is usually priced at around $80 per lantern. However, when buying directly from the manufacturer online today, you can save 50% or more, dropping the price below $40 per lantern.
  • Shock-Resistant 7mm Microplastic Protective Bars: Keilini’s electric coils are surrounded by sturdy plastic bars, preventing kids, pets, and adults from touching the electric coils behind. These plastic bars allow mosquitos to fly through while efficiently eliminating the risk of accidents.
  • Easy to Use: Keilini is easy for anyone to use, even if they have zero tech skills. Just place the device on a flat surface and press the button. The device turns on and immediately begins attracting mosquitos.
  • Waterproof: According to the manufacturer, Keilini is “completely waterproof and weather resistant.” Typically, when waterproof, a device can be submerged underwater for up to 30 minutes without damage. At the very least, Keilini will withstand rain and other environmental moisture.
  • 2,000 mAh Internal Battery: Keilini is designed to last all day thanks to its 2,000 mAh internal battery, which is similar in size to an average smartphone battery.
  • 10,000-Hour Bulb Lifespan: You can use Keilini for up to 10,000 hours without replacing the bulb.
  • Adjustable Brightness: You can use Keilini as a lantern or flashlight, adjusting the brightness based on your setting. Whether you want an ultra-bright LED or a dim lantern to illuminate the outside of your tent, you can adapt Keilini to meet your needs.
  • Rechargeable with No Batteries Required: Keilini doesn’t take AA or AAA batteries, and there’s no need to worry about bringing replacement batteries with you wherever you go; instead, Keilini is rechargeable via solar panels (on the top of the lantern) or USB (just like a smartphone).
  • 7oz Weight: Keilini is surprisingly lightweight. At just 7oz, you can easily bring Keilini in a camping backpack without taking up too much space.

Stay Mosquito-Free with Keilini – Order Online!

Keilini Technical Specifications

Some of the tech specs of Keilini include:

  • Size: 6.8” by 3.5”
  • Weight: 7oz
  • Bulb Lifespan: 10,000 hours
  • Charging: Micro-USB or solar panels (both included)
  • Battery Capacity: 2,000 mAh
  • Light Type: 375nm UV LED
  • Range: 350 square feet
  • Voltage: 1,000V
  • Durability: Waterproof and weather-resistant

Keilini Reviews: What Do Users Say?

Some Keilini customers have used the lantern to keep their backyard or camping trips bug-free for years.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified Keilini users online via the official website and other sources:

One Florida-based customer found Keilini offered “much-needed relief” from mosquitos. She uses Keilini inside and outside her home and doesn’t have as many bugs.

Keilini is also popular for backyard picnics, barbecues, and pool parties. For example, one customer claims he used to struggle with flies while grilling. After using Keilini, he can “hang out all day without having to worry” about flies around his food and drinks.

Keilini has a 4.6-star rating out of 5 overall from verified purchasers on the official website, with 100% of reviewers giving the product a perfect 5-star or almost-perfect 4-star score.

Another customer described Keilini as an “essential item” for fishing trips. They use it on the boat to keep away biting insects.

Many customers are impressed with the battery life of Keilini, finding they charge it in the morning, and it lasts all day.

One customer from Winnipeg uses Keilini in her backyard to avoid being eaten alive by bugs all summer. Thanks to Keilini, she can enjoy her backyard again.

Click Here to Get Keilini At Discounted Price!!!

Keilini Pricing

Keilini is usually priced at $79.98 per lamp. However, as part of a 2024 promotion, the manufacturer has dropped the price by 50% when ordering directly online. You can save even more money by ordering multiple Keilini lamps per purchase.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Keilini online today:

  • Order one Keilini Lamp for $39.99 + $9.99 Shipping
  • Order two Keilini Lamps for $75.99 ($37.99 Per Lamp) + $9.99 Shipping
  • Order three Keilini Lamps for $107.98 ($35.99 Per Lamp) + $9.99 Shipping
  • Order four Keilini Lamps for $135.97 ($33.99 Per Lamp) + $9.99 Shipping
  • Order five Keilini Lamps for $159.96 ($31.99 Per Lamp) + $9.99 Shipping

Keilini Refund Policy

Keilini offers a 30-day refund on unused purchases in the same condition that you received them. However, if you used your Keilini and were unhappy with the results, you cannot obtain a refund. However, you can return unused Keilini lanterns within 30 days of purchase.

You won’t find a better deal on Keilini anywhere else!

About Cola Technology International

Keilini is made in Asia and sold online by Cola Technology International, a Hong Kong-based e-commerce company. The company also operates under Keilini or Kentesh Ltd and maintains a registered address in London, England.

You can contact the makers of Keilini and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Email: support@keilini.com
  • Mailing Address: Room 702, 7/F, Spa Centre, No. 53-55 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Final Word

Keilini is a bug-zapping lantern that combines ultraviolet technology and high-voltage bug-zapping electric coils.

Chargeable via solar panels or micro USB, Keilini aims to keep your backyard free of mosquitos, bugs, gnats, and other flying pests all summer.

To learn more about Keilini or buy the bug-repellant lantern online, visit the official website.


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