
Ozempic, Mounjaro or Wegovy: What to Consider Before Using GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications

In recent years, weight loss medications have transformed the lives of many individuals struggling with obesity. These drugs, particularly those in the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) category such as Wegovy, Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Zepbound, have proven highly effective in helping people lose weight and improve their health. However, the journey of weight loss is fraught with challenges, both physical and emotional. This comprehensive article delves into the multifaceted experiences of those using GLP-1 medications, exploring their successes, struggles, and the societal biases they face.

The Journey of Julie Simonson

Julie Simonson’s story is a poignant illustration of the emotional and physical complexities involved in weight loss. After surviving a sexual assault, Simonson turned to food for comfort, resulting in significant weight gain. This period of her life was marked by a decline in health and an increase in shame. As a psychotherapist from Philadelphia, Simonson was acutely aware of the psychological toll her weight was taking on her.

In an attempt to regain control, Simonson underwent gastric bypass surgery, losing 160 pounds. This dramatic weight loss necessitated further surgeries, including skin removal, a tummy tuck, and an arm lift. Despite these efforts, the pounds gradually returned. It wasn’t until 2024, when her doctor prescribed Mounjaro, that Simonson found lasting success. The weight came off and stayed off, bringing with it a renewed sense of well-being.

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The Dark Side of Weight Loss Success

While Simonson celebrates her new, healthier body, she also grapples with the darker aspects of her weight loss journey. The change in her physical appearance has led to a shift in how others perceive and treat her. “People are treating me like a celebrity,” she notes, despite feeling fundamentally the same. This new attention is a stark reminder of the fatphobia she endured before her transformation.

Rebecca Puhl, a professor of human development at the University of Connecticut, explains that the positive attention individuals receive after significant weight loss often highlights the biases they faced previously. Compliments focused solely on physical appearance can be unsettling, as they fail to acknowledge the person’s inherent qualities, such as kindness, talent, and character.

Internalized Bias and Residual Stigma

The phenomenon of internalized bias and residual stigma is a common struggle among those who have lost significant weight. Simonson, like many others, finds herself battling new, internal biases. Despite her own experiences, she sometimes views others struggling with weight with less empathy than before. This shift in perspective is often driven by a societal obsession with thinness and the misconception that thinness equates to health.

Lauri Barnes, a court reporter from Charleston, South Carolina, shares a similar experience. After losing a significant amount of weight, Barnes found herself thinking critically of those still struggling with obesity. This internal conflict, known as residual stigma, stems from the deep-seated fatphobia that permeates society.

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The Role of GLP-1 Medications

GLP-1 medications have been a game-changer in the treatment of obesity. These drugs mimic glucagon-like peptide-1, a hormone that controls blood sugar and reduces hunger. By regulating these bodily functions, GLP-1 medications help patients achieve substantial weight loss. Clinical studies have shown that high doses of these drugs can result in up to 21% body weight reduction.

However, the powerful effects of these medications come with risks. Rapid and significant weight loss can lead to psychological issues, such as the development of eating disorders. Psychologist Tom Hildebrandt of Mount Sinai’s Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders highlights the potential for these drugs to induce symptoms resembling anorexia nervosa, especially in individuals with a history of unhealthy relationships with food.

The Psychological Impact

The psychological impact of using GLP-1 medications extends beyond the potential for eating disorders. The societal reaction to weight loss can be equally challenging. For many, the newfound attention and praise they receive can be disorienting and distressing. This reaction is compounded by the realization that their previous struggles were often overlooked or dismissed.

Jeni Morgan, a veterinary assistant in Vancouver, Washington, recounts her experience of attending fat camp at age 12, despite having a normal weight. This early exposure to weight-related stigma led to body dysmorphia and subsequent weight gain. After losing 100 pounds as an adult, Morgan noticed a dramatic shift in how people treated her. Friends and strangers alike were more inclined to engage with her, highlighting the superficial nature of societal interactions based on appearance.

Societal Bias and Fatphobia

The experiences of Simonson, Barnes, and Morgan underscore the pervasive nature of societal bias and fatphobia. These biases are often internalized, affecting how individuals view themselves and others. Sociologist Abigail Saguy from UCLA emphasizes that women, in particular, are subjected to intense scrutiny regarding their weight. Society’s narrow standards of acceptable body size place undue pressure on women to conform to unrealistic ideals.

The concept of “skinny privilege” further complicates the issue. Lynn, a psychoanalyst from New York City, describes the palpable difference in how she is treated after losing 85 pounds. Younger men approach her more frequently, and she experiences everyday courtesies that were previously denied to her. This shift in treatment highlights the inherent biases people hold and the superficial nature of societal acceptance.

Combating Residual Stigma

Addressing residual stigma and internalized bias requires a multifaceted approach. Positive self-talk and self-compassion are essential tools in combating negative thoughts. Individuals must actively challenge the critical voices in their heads and replace them with affirming messages. Engaging in open conversations with friends and family about their experiences can also help alleviate the emotional burden.

Healthcare providers play a crucial role in supporting patients through their weight loss journeys. It is important for doctors to screen for eating disorders and provide ongoing psychological support. Counseling and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help patients develop healthy coping mechanisms and maintain a positive self-image.

Everything About Deciding Which GLP-1 Medication Is Best For You

The Importance of Comprehensive Care

The success of weight loss treatments, including GLP-1 medications, hinges on comprehensive care. Patients need access to a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including dietitians, psychologists, and fitness experts. This holistic approach ensures that both the physical and emotional aspects of weight loss are addressed.

For Simonson, the journey to a healthier weight was not just about the medication. It involved a combination of medical interventions, psychological support, and lifestyle changes. Her story highlights the importance of viewing weight loss as a multifaceted process that requires ongoing support and adaptation.

The Role of Pharmaceutical Companies

Pharmaceutical companies also bear responsibility in ensuring the safe and effective use of their medications. Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of Mounjaro, emphasizes patient safety as a top priority. The company actively monitors, evaluates, and reports safety information for all its medications. Patients experiencing side effects are encouraged to speak with their healthcare providers promptly.

Transparency and clear communication from pharmaceutical companies can help mitigate the risks associated with weight loss medications. Providing comprehensive information about potential side effects and the importance of psychological support can empower patients to make informed decisions about their treatment.


The journey of weight loss is complex and multifaceted, involving both physical and emotional challenges. While GLP-1 medications have revolutionized the treatment of obesity, they also come with risks that must be carefully managed. The experiences of individuals like Julie Simonson, Lauri Barnes, and Jeni Morgan highlight the profound impact of societal biases and the importance of comprehensive care.

Addressing residual stigma and internalized bias requires a concerted effort from healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and society as a whole. By fostering a more inclusive and compassionate environment, we can support individuals in their weight loss journeys and ensure that their well-being is prioritized.

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  1. NBC News. (2023). Doctors warn of eating disorder risks with new weight loss drugs.
  2. Hildebrandt, T. (2023). Insights from Mount Sinai’s Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders.
  3. Eli Lilly. (2023). Company statement on the safety of Mounjaro.
  4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2023). Safety communication on GLP-1 medications.
  5. World Health Organization (WHO). (2022). Report on the potential side effects of weight loss medications.
  6. Puhl, R. (2023). University of Connecticut, Human Development Expert.
  7. Saguy, A. (2023). UCLA, Sociology Professor.
  8. Personal stories and interviews with Julie Simonson, Lauri Barnes, Jeni Morgan, and Lynn (pseudonym).

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