
Prostamine Review – Is It Right For You?

Prostamine is a total prostate support formula made in the United States using natural ingredients.

Available exclusively through Prostamine.com, the formula contains vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and nutrients to promote prostate health from multiple angles.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Prostamine and how it works today in our review.

What is Prostamine?

Prostamine is a capsulated nutritional supplement marketed to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and other prostate issues.

50% of men over 50 have an enlarged prostate. Also known as BPH, an enlarged prostate is linked to symptoms like difficult urination, frequent urination, and waking up multiple times at night to pee. Some men also experience low energy, poor sex drive, and ED, among other BPH symptoms.

By taking two capsules of Prostamine daily, you can use a blend of science-backed ingredients to promote prostate health. The formula contains lycopene, boron, stinging nettle, grape seed extract, pumpkin seed extract, saw palmetto, and other natural ingredients known for their effects on the prostate.

Prostamine is exclusively sold through Prostamine.com, priced at $49.99 for a one-month supply.

Prostamine Benefits

Some of the benefits of Prostamine, according to the manufacturer, include:

  • Support overall prostate health
  • Target symptoms of BPH
  • Promote healthy inflammation in and around the prostate
  • A blend of natural, science-backed ingredients linked to prostate health
  • Made in the United States
  • Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does Prostamine Work?

Prostamine delivers a blend of ingredients into your body, helping to support effects in and around the prostate.

Taking two capsules of Prostamine daily can purportedly support healthy inflammation around the prostate, for example, using plant-based antioxidants and polyphenols.

Other ingredients in Prostamine specifically help with urinary frequency and nighttime urination: they promote better bladder control, for example, and make it easier to empty your bladder fully.

The remaining ingredients in Prostamine include vitamins and minerals – including nutrients the male body needs to stay healthy. If you’re deficient in any of these nutrients, your health – including your hormone balance and immune function – could suffer, worsening prostate health.

Click here to learn more about Prostamine

Prostamine Ingredients

Prostamine contains a collection of science-backed ingredients linked to prostate health and overall health and wellness.


Here are all of the active ingredients in Prostamine and how they work, according to the manufacturer:

  • Saw Palmetto Extract (300mg): The most significant ingredient in Prostamine is saw palmetto extract. Seeds such as Serenoa repens and saw palmetto are best known for their effects on prostate health and male hormones. Many men take saw palmetto daily to support testosterone and also specifically for prostate health, while others take it for both desired effects. Studies by Nature suggest BPH is linked to low testosterone or a testosterone imbalance, and resolving this imbalance could help with an enlarged prostate.
  • Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract (200mg): Pygeum Africanum extract is a bark extract packed with natural antioxidant molecules. The bark extract in Prostamine is standardized to 3% phytosterols, or plant-based antioxidants, to promote health and wellness. As the second most significant ingredient in Prostamine, pygeum Africanum bark extract can support healthy inflammation in and around the prostate, and according to ScienceDirect,
  • Pygeum extract reduces symptoms and clinical signs of BPH, especially in early cases. The African prune tree has a positive effect on the prostate and the bladder by protecting it from the destructive effects of free radicals and degradative enzymes.”
  • If inflammation is causing your prostate problems, then these natural antioxidants could help.
  • Grape Seed Extract (100mg): Prostamine contains grape or Vitis vinifera seed extract. You may have heard that grapes and wine contain antioxidant molecules. Instead of eating mountains of grapes (or barrels of wine), you can take a condensed grape seed extract formula. The grape seed extract in Prostamine contains resveratrol and other natural antioxidants linked to anti-aging, prostate health, and healthy inflammation throughout the body.
  • Pumpkin Seed Extract (100mg): Prostamine contains pumpkin seed extract, one of the best-known natural ingredients in the prostate supplement world. Some men take pumpkin seed supplements alone for prostate health. Others take it as part of a combination with other ingredients. Pumpkin seed extract “has also been shown to significantly help with urinary frequency, nighttime trips to the bathroom, and urgency.” BPH can make it feel like you need to urinate all the time, and pumpkin seeds could help.
  • Nettle Leaf Extract (50mg): Nettle leaf extract, also known as stinging nettle, is backed by centuries of use in traditional medicine. It’s been used as everything from a skin salve to an oral remedy. Taking Prostamine’s nettle leaf extract daily could promote prostate health from the inside out using nettle leaf. According to the manufacturer, nettle leaf offers “both anti-inflammatory effects and benefits to urinary health.”
  • Vitamin E (25mg / 167% DV): Vitamin E and vitamin C are among nature’s best antioxidant molecules. Like other antioxidants, vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) linked to inflammation – including the inflammation that may be causing your prostate problems. Each serving of Prostamine contains over 1.5x your daily recommended dose of vitamin E, helping to support inflammation throughout the body.
  • Vitamin B6 (13.8mg / 812% DV): Prostamine contains a significant dose of vitamin B6, delivering over 8x your daily recommended value. A water-soluble vitamin, vitamin B6 is crucial for energy production at the cellular level. Many people who frequently complain about tiredness are simply deficient in vitamin B6.
  • Boron (10mg): Prostamine contains boron as boron amino acid chelate. Like zinc and other minerals, Boron appears closely connected to the production of testosterone in the male body. Men who are deficient in boron tend to have much lower testosterone levels than men who get adequate boron from dietary sources.
  • Lycopene (10mg): Lycopene is an antioxidant molecule in tomatoes and certain foods. For unknown reasons, lycopene appears to help with inflammation in and around the prostate specifically, and some men take lycopene daily for prostate health. One 2015 study in Medicine found lycopene could influence the risk of prostate cancer, although researchers cautioned more research was necessary to verify this connection.

All active ingredients above are packaged into a gelatin capsule with brown rice flour as a stabilizer.

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How to Take Prostamine

The makers of Prostamine recommend taking two capsules of Prostamine daily:

Take 2 capsules of Prostamine daily with 6 to 8oz of water

Because Prostamine is stimulant-free, you can take the formula any time of day or night. The ingredients work over a 24 hour period to promote prostate health.

What to Expect After Taking Prostamine

Prostamine is marketed to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), general urinary issues, or other symptoms they wish to address using natural ingredients.

Here are some of the effects men could experience after taking Prostamine, according to the manufacturer:

  • Support Overall Prostate Health & Wellness: Prostamine is not advertised as a cure, treatment, or preventative measure for any type of prostate disease; instead, it’s designed to support overall prostate health and wellness.
  • Promote Urinary Function: Men with an enlarged prostate tend to have issues with urinary function and overall urinary tract health. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the bladder, making it harder to start peeing – or empty the bladder once you’ve started peeing.
  • Combat Urinary Inflammation: Inflammation is your body’s response to illness and infections. If you have inflammation around your urinary tract or prostate, you could experience symptoms similar to BPH. The ingredients in Prostamine can “combat urinary frequency, inflammation,” according to the manufacturer, helping to promote overall prostate health by targeting oxidative stress. Ingredients like vitamin E, grape seed extract, and lycopene are all known for their antioxidant effects.
  • Manage Levels of Homocysteine: Some ingredients in Prostamine work in a more unique way. Vitamin B6 “is instrumental in managing the levels of homocysteine,” for example, according to the manufacturer. Homocysteine is an amino acid produced by your body naturally. If your body creates too much homocysteine, however, you could have an increased risk of heart disease or stroke.
  • Protect Prostate Cells from Oxidative Stress: An enlarged prostate also tends to be an inflamed prostate. Prostamine contains vitamin E for “protecting prostate cells from oxidative stress.” Your prostate is affected by oxidative stress every day. The more antioxidants you take, the more you can fight back against this oxidative stress.
  • Help Reduce Symptoms of BPH: Two of the ingredients in Prostamine, including saw palmetto and pygeum Africanum, “are particularly noted for their benefits in reducing symptoms of BPH,” including nighttime urination and frequent urination, according to the manufacturer.
  • Total Prostate Support: Some prostate supplements target one area of prostate health – like urinary flow. Others target inflammation or hormones. Prostamine is a “total prostate support” supplement designed to work in multiple ways. Instead of only targeting one area of prostate health, it targets multiple areas.
  • Support Hormone Balance: Many of the ingredients above impact prostate health via their effects on hormone balance. If your testosterone levels are too low or high, for example, then you could have an increased risk of prostate problems. Boron, meanwhile, “also seems to have an impact on men’s T [testosterone] levels,” according to the manufacturer.
  • Holistic Approach Without Artificial Substances: The manufacturer of Prostamine wanted to create a supplement offering “a holistic approach to men’s wellness without relying on artificial substances.” By taking Prostamine daily, you could promote prostate health holistically, which means you approach it as a full-body problem instead of simply a prostate problem. Plus, you can do so without resorting to synthetic drugs or other artificial substances.

Overall, Prostamine uses a blend of natural ingredients to target prostate health in multiple ways – from addressing inflammation to managing hormones and homocysteine.

Buy Prostamine today and start enjoying the benefits!

Scientific Evidence for Prostamine

All of the ingredients in Prostamine have been studied for their effects on prostate health. Although Prostamine hasn’t been studied as a whole in any formal setting, the individual ingredients have been connected to prostate health in individual studies. We’ll review the science behind Prostamine below.

Saw palmetto is the largest ingredient in Prostamine. Native to the southeastern United States, the shrub-like palm tree may have been used in indigenous medicine for centuries long before being known as a prostate health supplement ingredient. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, saw palmetto is frequently promoted as a dietary supplement for urinary health and prostate health. However, two of the largest reviews on saw palmetto found no difference between saw palmetto and a placebo for controlling BPH symptoms.

Pygeum Africanum, meanwhile, was shown to be better than a placebo for targeting symptoms of BPH. In a meta-analysis, researchers analyzed 18 randomized controlled trials involving 1,562 men and found a statistically significant correlation between Pygeum Africanum bark extract consumption and BPH symptoms. Men using the extract, in fact, “were more than twice as likely to report an improvement in overall symptoms” of BPH, including a 19% lower risk of waking up at night to pee and 23% better peak urine flow, among other benefits.

The other plant extracts in Prostamine could work in a similar way. Grape seed extract, for example, was shown to inhibit advanced human prostate tumor growth, suggesting it could help slow the spread of prostate cancer cells. Pumpkin seed is taken for both prostate cancer and BPH. In a 2015 study, a group of 1,431 men taking pumpkin seed extract for 12 months experienced a significant improvement in BPH symptoms compared to men taking a placebo.

Some of the ingredients in Prostamine work by addressing hormone balance. Boron, for example, is linked to testosterone. Studies appear to show a correlation between BPH and testosterone, and multiple studies have suggested boron is crucial for the synthesis of testosterone within your body.

The makers of Prostamine don’t disclose the type of medical or scientific expertise used to create the formula – if any. However, based on the studies above, some of the ingredients in Prostamine could promote prostate health in a small way.

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Prostamine Pricing

Prostamine is priced at $49.99 for a one-month supply, or one bottle (30 servings / 60 capsules). The more bottles you buy, the more you can save.


Here’s how much you pay when ordering Prostamine online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $49.99 + Free Shipping
  • 2 Bottles: $89.99 ($44.99 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $129.99 ($43.33 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $197.99 ($33 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Get Prostamine for the best price today!

All orders include free shipping to addresses in the United States.

Prostamine Refund Policy

The makers of Prostamine do not disclose a refund policy upfront at Prostamine.com. However, if you’re unhappy with Prostamine, consider contacting the manufacturer to request a refund.

About Prostamine

Prostamine is made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. The ingredients are sourced from domestic and foreign suppliers.

You can contact the makers of Prostamine and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Online Form: https://prostamine.com/pages/contact
  • Email: support@prostamine.com

Final Word

Prostamine is a prostate health supplement available online through Prostamine.com.

Priced at $49 per bottle, Prostamine uses natural ingredients – like saw palmetto and lycopene – to promote prostate health, BPH symptom relief, hormone balance, and more.

To learn more about Prostamine or to buy the popular prostate health supplement online today, visit the official website.


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