
SynaBoost Review: Everything You Need To Know

SynaBoost is a brain health supplement built to sharpen memory and focus.

Taking one capsule of SynaBoost daily can use a blend of plant-based ingredients to promote cognition in multiple ways.

In our review, you will find out everything you need to know about SynaBoost and how it works today.

What is SynaBoost?

SynaBoost is a capsulated nutritional supplement available exclusively online.

The supplement appears marketed primarily to older adults – including those dealing with memory loss or anyone concerned about declining brain function.

To help, take one capsule of SynaBoost daily. Each capsule contains a blend of natural ingredients to promote brain function, including ingredients inspired by natural Amazonian remedies.

Priced at $69 per bottle, SynaBoost is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee. You have 60 days to try SynaBoost, decide if you like it, and request a refund if you’re unhappy for any reason.

As part of a 2024 promotion, SynaBoost’s makers are also offering a “free” trial bottle. You pay $9.95 shipping to receive a full-sized bottle (30 capsules).

SynaBoost Benefits

Some of the benefits of SynaBoost include:

  • Support brain health
  • Boost memory and recall
  • Enhance focus, sharpness, and overall cognition
  • All-natural, plant-based formula inspired by ancient remedies
  • Promote overall quality of life
  • Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

SynaBoost: Get the benefits you’ve been looking for!

How Does SynaBoost Work?

SynaBoost uses plant-based ingredients to promote brain health from the inside out.

The most significant ingredient in SynaBoost is caffeine. Specifically, the formula contains caffeine from green coffee beans. Green coffee beans are unroasted coffee beans that have a unique ingredient makeup compared to ordinary coffee beans. These green coffee beans have higher levels of chlorogenic acid, for example, which appears to help with weight loss, inflammation, and overall energy.

Other ingredients in SynaBoost include plant extracts, such as adaptogens, to help with stress and herbs to help with blood flow.

Your brain consumes more energy than any other organ in the human body and needs ample oxygen and nutrients. If blood can’t flow to your brain, it won’t perform at its best. Lack of blood flow could also contribute to plaque buildup in the brain—like the beta-amyloid plaque that increases the risk of Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’sia. It’s one reason experts recommend an active lifestyle to reduce the risk of degenerative brain disease.

Taking one capsule of SynaBoost daily releases the caffeine and plant extracts into your body, promoting powerful effects on cognition, blood flow, and stress response.

Learn more on the official website >>>

SynaBoost Ingredients

Each SynaBoost capsule contains a blend of plant-based ingredients, many of which were inspired by traditional Amazonian brain health remedies.

Here are all of the active ingredients in SynaBoost and how they work:


Caffeine from Green Coffee Bean: The most significant ingredient in SynaBoost is caffeine. Specifically, the formula contains caffeine from green coffee bean extract. Caffeine may be the world’s most widely-used brain health supplement ingredient. Numerous studies have shown caffeine can boost physical and cognitive energy. Some studies have connected caffeine to better test performance. SynaBoost, however, doesn’t contain excessive caffeine. A large cup of coffee contains around 150mg of caffeine. Plus, the caffeine comes from green coffee bean extract, which comes from coffee beans before they’re roasted.

Tyrosine: L-tyrosine, an amino acid, is the second most significant ingredient in SynaBoost. Some take L-tyrosine daily for brain health or physical energy. In the brain, L-tyrosine is best known for helping the body produce neurotransmitters, which send signals throughout the body. According to Mount Sinai, L-tyrosine appears specifically connected to epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, among other neurotransmitters.

Theacrine: Theacrine appears to work similarly to caffeine. Like caffeine, theacrine targets cognition by affecting the central nervous system. Theacrine is a molecule naturally present in the tea plant. Many studies have connected tea consumption to cognitive health; some believe it’s becausit’s theacrine in the tea plant. One manufacturer even made a proprietary type of theacrine called Teacrine, which concentrates the active ingredient. In a 2015 study in Nutrients, researchers found that theacrine significantly improved cognitive performance and mood in a group of 20 young adults.

Theobromine: Theobromine is an antioxidant molecule naturally present in chocolate. Some people take chocolate daily for health, wellness, and inflammation. Some believe the power of chocolate comes mainly from the theobromine within chocolate. Multiple studies have connected theobromine to significant effects on cognitive health. A 2017 study, for example, found theobromine upregulated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and helped with learning. The study took place on mice—not humans.

Get SynaBoost now while it’s on sale – limited time only!

Bacopa Monnieri: Bacopa monnieri is one of the best-known plants in the brain-boosting supplement world. Many people take bacopa monnieri on its own for brain health. The bacopa monnieri in SynaBoost is standardized to contain 20% of the plant’s most active molecule: bacosides. In one neuropharmacological review on bacopa monnieri, researchers found the plant extract helped with cerebral blood flow, antioxidant effects, and reduced beta-amyloid plaque formation.

Huperzia Serrata: SynaBoost uses Huperzia serrata, another popular plant extract, to support focus and cognition. The Huperzia serrata in SynaBoost is standardized to contain 1% Huperzine A, the active molecule within the plant that gives it its cognitive effects. Huperzia serrata has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. In a 2021 Molecules study, researchers found that Huperzine A within Huperzia serrata could even help with Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’scause of its neuroprotective effects. Researchers found the molecule could help with beta-amyloid plaque formation.

Rhodiola Rosea: Rhodiola rosea is believed to work as an adaptogen, which means it helps the body manage stress. Even if you live a low-stress life, your body encounters daily stressors. They’re in They’red, water, and air. They can increase inflammation throughout your body, cross the blood-brain barrier, and worsen overall physical and cognitive health.

B Vitamins: The remaining ingredients in SynaBoost include surprisingly large doses of three B vitamins, including vitamins B1 (500% DV), vitamin B6 (500% DV), and vitamin B12 (1,000% DV). These three B vitamins are linked to cellular energy production, helping your body boost physical and cognitive energy at the cellular level. Studies show people deficient in vitamins B6 and B12 are particularly at risk of physical lethargy and mental fog. Because there are few excellent plant-based sources of vitamin B12, vegans and vegetarians have a high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Order now before stock runs out – click here!

How to Take SynaBoost

The makers of SynaBoost recommend taking one capsule daily to promote cognition:

  • Take one capsule of SynaBoost daily with an 8oz glass of water

The largest ingredient in SynaBoost is caffeine, so you should take it in the morning or early afternoon to avoid disrupting sleep. Each capsule of SynaBoost appears to contain roughly the same amount of caffeine as a medium-sized cup of coffee.

What to Expect After Taking SynaBoost

According to the official website, SynaBoost can help with cognition, memory, focus, and overall brain health.

Here are some of the results you could experience with SynaBoost:

  • Support Memory: SynaBoost “supports memory function,” according “to the official website. Substances like caffeine, the largest ingredient in SynaBoost, are linked to memory formation and recall. When your brain can store memories more efficiently and recall them more quickly, you have a better memory overall.
  • Boost Cognitive Clarity: Do you experience mental fog? Do you sometimes feel less cognitively sharp than you should? You could experience poor cognitive clarity at any age. SynaBoost “supports…cognitive clarity,” according to the official website. The natural ingredients in SynaBoost work in different ways to boost cognitive clarity. Some have adaptogenic effects, helping the brain respond to stress. Others – like caffeine – energize the brain, while some – like L-tyrosine – support neurotransmitter production for clearer brain signaling.
  • Support Overall Sharpness: SynaBoost can promote overall mental sharpness and concentration. Some find they focus more efficiently on a task after taking SynaBoost, while others find they feel sharper and clearer-headed.
  • Promote Cognitive Resilience: The ingredients in SynaBoost show promising results in promoting “cognitive resilience,” according to the manufacturer. Your brain encounters stressors every day, including environmental toxins. These stressors can make it harder for your brain to perform at its best. Some take plant extracts to promote cognitive resilience, making their brain better able to defend against stressors and environmental toxins.

The makers of SynaBoost don’t advertise the supplement as a way to prevent, reverse, or delay the progression of Alzheimer’s. One older customer featured on the official website claims he can recall old memories after taking the supplement. Several cited studies specifically mention the connection between gut health and Alzheimer’s, suggesting SynaBoost could target these areas of brain health.

Click here to order SynaBoost and experience the benefits!

Scientific Evidence for SynaBoost

The makers of SynaBoost cite ample scientific evidence connecting the ingredients in SynaBoost to powerful effects. Those studies have been published in Frontiers, MDPI, Neuroscience, and other major journals. We’ll evaluate the scientific evidence below.

Rhodiola rosea could help with stress-induced cognitive conditions, according to a 2024 Molecules study cited by SynaBoost. In that study, researchers found that rhodiola rosea could alleviate various aspects of life-stress symptoms and stress-induced conditions, verifying its adaptogenic effects. Because of these effects, rhodiola rosea could induce “emotional calm” and create benefits for both immediate cognitive and memory performance” and “long-term preservation of brain functions,” potentially making it a valuable cognitive health tool. A separate study echoed these findings, connecting rhodiola rosea to better learning ability and memory retention.

Bacopa monnieri has been connected to similar effects on the brain. The makers of SynaBoost cite a 2021 study linking bacopa monnieri to better cognitive health in healthy older adults. Researchers found adults taking bacopa monnieri for 12 weeks tended to have better levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), for example, after taking the plant extract, compared to placebo.

Some researchers have studied coffee and caffeine for their effects on Alzheimer’s in one recent study, for example, researchers found adults who consumed two cups of coffee per day had a 27% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s than non-coffee drinkers. Those who drank more than two cups, meanwhile, had a 30% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Caffeine from green coffee beans is the largest ingredient in SynaBoost.

Many of the studies cited by the makers of SynaBoost focus on connecting gut health to brain health. Researchers have increasingly explored the connection between Alzheimer’s and gut health. People with an imbalanced gut microbiome, for example, could have an increased risk of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative brain diseases. Although SynaBoost does not contain any ingredients linked explicitly to gut health (like probiotics and prebiotics), it could promote brain health in other ways.

Save on SynaBoost when you order now!

SynaBoost Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

SynaBoost appears marketed primarily to older adults who are concerned about memory loss, and most testimonials come from older adults.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

  • One customer claims to “feel refreshed” and has “got my vitality back” after taking SynaBoost.
  • Another customer claims to have “genuinely “seen a difference” after taking the supplement, describing it as “a blessing”
  • Another customer claims he “quickly saw results” and enjoys faster problem-solving, better responsiveness overall, and improved focus, among other benefits, thanks to the supplement.
  • One man claims he “noticed a difference within just a few weeks” and feels “like a new “man” after taking SynaBoost.
  • One couple left a joint review for SynaBoost, describing the supplement as “a complete” turnaround.”
  • One reviewer, who appears to be in his 70s or 80s, claims to have experienced “the delight of old memories flooding in” after taking SynaBoost, suggesting he could recall information with the supplement he wasn’t previously able to remember.

SynaBoost is popular with younger and older adults who want to promote cognition in various ways. Some use it to boost brainpower and health, while others use it to preserve memory, recall, and learning ability at any age.

SynaBoost Pricing

SynaBoost costs $39 to $59 per bottle. The more bottles you buy, the more you can save.

Here’s how pricing when ordering SynaBoost online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $59 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses
  • 6 Bottles: $234 ($39 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses

Visit the official website to get discounted prices!

Each bottle of SynaBoost contains a 30-day supply of 30 capsules. You take one capsule daily to promote cognition.


SynaBoost Free Trial

As part of a 2024 promotion, the makers of SynaBoost now offer a free trial of SynaBoost. You pay shipping ($9.95) today to get immediate access to your trial bottle.

Here’s how the trial works:

You pay $9.95 for shipping today and receive a full-sized bottle of SynaBoost (30 capsules) delivered to your door

No other fees are listed on the checkout page, such as additional charges you need to pay. You must agree to Clickbank’s terms of service, although those terms say nothing about additional charges, autoship subscriptions, or extra fees.

As far as we can tell, this trial offer has no “catch,” and no other payments are required. You pay $9.95 today to receive a 30-capsule trial of SynaBoost.

Here’s how the manufacturer explains the trial offer and lack of follow-up fees:

“Rest assured, this offer will never have recurring charges. Cover the shipping cost with a one-time payment of only $9.95.”

SynaBoost’s free trial gives you a genuine, full-sized bottle of SynaBoost for just $9.95 shipping with no extra fees or charges.

You won’t find a better deal on SynaBoost anywhere else!

Bonuses Included with SynaBoost

If you buy three or six bottles of SynaBoost online today, you’ll instantly have access to two free bonus eBooks.


Those two bonus eBooks include:

Free Bonus eBook #1: Elixir of Longevity: Elixir of Longevity teaches you how to make an extraordinary remedy to support a longer, healthier life. There’s no fountain of youth” in the natural world. However, when combined at the proper doses, certain natural ingredients can promote significant anti-aging benefits.

Free Bonus eBook #2: Mind Mastery: Mind Mastery teaches you how to boost your cognitive edge using proven strategies. You can implement these brain training tips and hacks at home today for better cognition, memory, focus, and more. Some combine these strategies with SynaBoost supplementation, while others use Mind Mastery on their own.

Order now and get bonuses!

SynaBoost Refund Policy

The makers of SynaBoost offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. Clickbank, however, appears to offer a 365-day money-back guarantee. Contact the manufacturer within 60 to 365 days to complete your refund process.

About SynaBoost

SynaBoost is manufactured in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility in the greater Denver metro area. The manufacturer uses a blend of ingredients sourced from domestic and foreign suppliers.

You can contact the makers of SynaBoost via the following:

  • Email: support@synaboost.com

Final Word

SynaBoost is a brain health supplement that contains a mixture of amino acids, plant extracts, and caffeine from green coffee beans.

The supplement appears to be marketed primarily to older adults, including those concerned about memory loss, Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’sive brain disease, or general cognitive aging.

As part of a 2024 promotion, SynaBoost is available through a free trial offer. You just pay shipping ($9.95) to receive immediate access to SynaBoost.

Visit the official website to learn more about SynaBoost and how it works, or buy the supplement online today.


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