
The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Review – Everything You Need To Know

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is a diabetes treatment program Dr. Rick Cohen, MD created.

Following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot program, you can purportedly “eat away your diabetes in 21 days.”

In our review, you will find everything you need to know about The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot and how it works today.

What is The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot?

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is a three-week program for people with diabetes who want help controlling the condition.

Developed by a medical doctor, the program features simple changes to your diet and lifestyle you can make today.

People with diabetes who follow the program can purportedly lower blood sugar, stabilize A1C, and even reduce their use of doctor-prescribed diabetes medication.

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is exclusively available online, priced at $20 (digital version) or $29 (digital + physical version). All purchases come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. PaleoHacks, a health and wellness company located in Utah and Nevada, published the book.

Control diabetes naturally. Start the 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot today!

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Benefits

Some of the benefits of The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, according to the official website, include:

  • Natural, alternative diabetes treatment programs developed by medical doctors and nutritionists
  • Lower blood sugar and stabilize A1C with simple dietary changes
  • Three-week, easy-to-follow program
  • Digital and physical versions are available
  • It comes with a bundle of five bonus guides
  • Discover 100+ diabetes-friendly breakfasts, lunches, desserts, snacks, and more
  • Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Work?

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is based on the idea that you can eat certain foods and make specific dietary changes to effectively “eat away your diabetes.”

In fact, according to program creator Dr. Rick Cohen, MD, diabetics can lower blood sugar and A1C and even reduce their intake of insulin and other doctor-prescribed diabetes medication by eating a certain way.

Dr. Cohen advocates using dietary changes as the first defense against diabetes. In The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, you can discover the best and most proven nutritional changes to make today to lower blood sugar and stabilize A1C, helping you control diabetes in as little as three weeks.

However, the 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot isn’t a strict “starvation” diet where you eat only vegetables; instead, you’ll eat delicious, nutritious meals that leave you feeling full. Plus, meals take only around 20 minutes to make. The meal plan also includes carbs, protein, desserts, and pizza.

To get started, buy The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot online today. You receive immediate access to a digital version of the program, which includes PDF files. Within days, you may receive a physical version of The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot in your mailbox.

Who Created The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot? About Dr. Rick Cohen

Dr. Rick Cohen, MD, created the 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.

Dr. Cohen has a degree in biomedical engineering from Duke University. He received his medical degree with honors from Drexel University.

Today, Dr. Cohen is the Chief Medical Advisor at the Cambridge Center of Holistic Health, a Boston-based clinic, where he has helped thousands of patients manage high blood sugar, diabetes, and other conditions.

Dr. Cohen claims to be one of America’s leading experts on high blood sugar. He uses his 22+ years of expertise to advise the best treatment programs for diabetics. Dr. Cohen condensed his expertise into The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, helping people with diabetes worldwide control their condition using a diet-first approach.

Nutritionist Kinsey Jackson also created the 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.

Click here to get all the details about The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot >>>

How Eating Helps Control Diabetes

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is based on the idea that eating certain foods can help control diabetes and high blood sugar.

Typically, doctors advise against eating sugary or carb-heavy foods when you have diabetes. Dr. Cohen, however, claims that “high blood sugar is not caused by too much sugar, eating carbs, or junk food.” Instead, he blames other aspects of your diet.

When you buy The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, you can access a three-week protocol that tells you exactly what to eat and how much to eat, helping you control diabetes within three weeks.


Here are some of the ways that eating helps to control diabetes:

People with diabetes can control blood sugar naturally by changing what they eat.

Diabetics don’t need to fully eliminate sugars, carbs, or other unhealthy foods from their diet to control their high blood sugar.

Instead, Dr. Cohen blames other areas of the diet for blood sugar control issues, like using yellow cooking oils and depriving one’s body of proteins.

In The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, you can discover a series of changes you can make to lower blood sugar, stabilize A1C, and improve overall symptoms of diabetes by taking a diet-first approach.

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot includes 100+ recipes for diabetes-friendly breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, including easy-to-make meals using common ingredients.

Instead of advocating a strict diet, The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot promotes an easy-to-follow, three-week program developed by a medical doctor and nutritionist to help people with diabetes achieve noticeable effects on blood sugar, A1C, and overall health.

In The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, you can discover a series of significant changes you can make to help control your blood sugar by taking a diet-first approach. You’ll learn which foods to eliminate, which to add to your diet, and how to better control your condition without medication or a strict diet.

Discover how to eat away your diabetes in 21 days. Get started!

3 Biggest Dietary Mistakes Made by Diabetics

One of the most essential parts of The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot involves stopping bad dietary habits.

Dr. Cohen claims many people with diabetes in the United States make dietary mistakes every day. These mistakes are making it harder to control high blood sugar, making symptoms of diabetes worse.

Those three mistakes include:

Mistake #1: Using Yellow Cooking Oils: If you use yellow cooking oils, you should “pour it down the drain,” according to Dr. Cohen. He describes yellow cooking oils as “poisonous” for humans because they destroy your body’s ability to burn sugar. These oils are a staple in the US diet. Even if you don’t use them at home, you’ll encounter them when eating out. Some of the yellow oils to avoid include:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Corn oil
  • Canola oil
  • Palm oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, and others

Mistake #2: Lack of Protein Consumption: Dr. Cohen advocates adding more protein to your diet, claiming “eating meat lowers your blood sugar” and is “healthy for you.” You don’t need to eat steak and eggs every day. Instead, Dr. Cohen advertises healthy, diverse protein sources – like an omelet and avocado for breakfast. A protein-rich diet has been shown to limit blood sugar spikes after a meal. Combining a dessert with protein – like a strawberry and banana smoothie with a scoop of protein – can help control the post-meal blood sugar spike.

Mistake #3: Eating Too Many “Naked Carbs”: Dr. Cohen advises against eating “naked carbs.” Carbs aren’t evil by nature. However, eating “naked carbs” is bad for diabetes and blood sugar control. Eating carbs without protein or fat to slow absorption makes you eat “naked carbs.” Naked carbs spike blood sugar. Instead of eating a handful of grapes alone, for example, you should combine grapes with cheese.

3 Recommended Diet Changes for Diabetics

Instead of making the mistakes above, Dr. Cohen recommends people with diabetes make three easy changes.

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is filled with changes like this, including practical shifts you can make daily to better control your blood sugar.

Three of Dr. Cohen’s most-recommended changes include:

  • Rule #1: Avoid Eating Carbs On Their Own: If you’re going to eat carbs, that’s fine. However, you should combine carbs with protein or fat to slow absorption and reduce the blood sugar spike. Instead of having a soda, for example, have a bowl of pasta with meat and cheese.
  • Rule #2: Eat Carbs Last: Eating carbs first can cause blood sugar to spike. Your stomach is empty, and your body processes these carbs first. In The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, Dr. Cohen advocates eating crabs last.
  • Rule #3: Avoid Yellow Cooking Oils & Use Better Oils Instead: Dr. Cohen believes Americans use too many yellow cooking oils daily. They’re a staple of many households, fast food restaurants, and even higher-end restaurants. Dr. Cohen advocates removing these yellow oils from your diet and avoiding canola, palm, sunflower, soybean, corn, peanut, grapeseed, and other yellow cooking oils. Instead, he recommends using alternative cooking oils like:
    • Ava Jane’s Kitchen cold-pressed avocado oil
    • Grass-fed ghee or butter
    • Coconut oil

Lower blood sugar with Dr. Cohen’s program. Buy now!

What to Expect After Following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is explicitly marketed to people with diabetes who want help controlling their blood sugar.

According to the official website, people with diabetes could lower blood sugar, stabilize A1C, and even reduce their use of doctor-prescribed diabetes medication and insulin after following the program.

Here are some of the results you could expect with The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, according to Dr. Cohen and his team:

  • Lower Blood Sugar Spikes: When following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, you “can expect to see your blood sugar spikes lowering quickly,” according to the official website. As a diabetic, your blood sugar tends to spike after a meal as your body struggles to process the carbs and sugars from that meal. The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot meals are designed to reduce this spike.
  • Lower Fasting Blood Glucose: According to the official website, you “may notice your fasting blood glucose go from 250 down to the 200-230 range” after following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot for just a few days. After following the program for a few weeks, you “can expect it to drop potentially to the 180-200 range.” After completing the three-week program, the most successful patients drop blood sugar “to between 80-130 by the end of the three weeks,” according to Dr. Cohen. Dr. Cohen claims you can verify these results by wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and watching your numbers fall in real-time.
  • Significant Improvement in Overall Blood Sugar: According to Dr. Cohen, “most patients see a significant improvement in their blood sugar” after using The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.
  • Stabilize A1C: A1C doesn’t fluctuate as wildly as blood sugar. A1C is a measure of your average blood sugar over a 30 to 90-day period. Nevertheless, Dr. Cohen “expect[s] that you see a drop during The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.” As long as you continue to implement the program over weeks or months, you can begin “stabilizing your A1C.”
  • Reduce the Use of Doctor-Prescribed Insulin & Diabetes Medication: Doctors typically prescribe insulin, high blood sugar medication, and other drugs to help control symptoms of diabetes. According to the official website, The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot can help by “reducing your insulin, prescription meds, and other pills you’re taking for high blood sugar.” These medications often target the symptoms of diabetes – not the root causes (like dietary issues). By changing your diet, you could reduce your use of these drugs.
  • Lose Weight Without Strict Dieting or Exercising: Many people lose weight with The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot. According to the official website, some are “even losing 10 or 20 pounds…without exercising for hours at the gym…[and] without going on a crazy starvation diet.” According to Dr. Cohen, even if you’re unwilling to follow a strict diet or exercise routine, you could lose significant weight with The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.
  • Avoid Giving Up Carbs, Sugars, or Desserts: Some diabetes meal plans are strict. You eat low-carb, zero-sugar foods and avoid desserts or snacks. The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot works differently, emphasizing smaller amounts of carbs and sugars while allowing you to enjoy desserts.
  • Works Even With Very High Blood Sugar: Typically, diet-based changes alone don’t work for those with severely high blood sugar. However, Dr. Cohen insists his program works “even [for] those who start with sky-high blood sugar as high as 180…200…or even 250.”
  • Works Even With a Family History of Diabetes & Weight Problems: Similarly, Dr. Cohen insists his program works even for diabetics with a family history of the disease or general weight problems.
  • Avoid Needles: According to Dr. Cohen, people following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot could enjoy “no longer having to jab yourself with needles” within three weeks of starting the program.
  • Potentially Stop Using Diabetes Medication Entirely: Many people are able to reduce their use of doctor-prescribed diabetes medication with The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot. However, Dr. Cohen claims some people with diabetes can stop taking medications entirely because of the program: “If your doctor sees your numbers go down, he will likely reduce or take you off of medications entirely.” That could mean no more expensive pills or painful injections for life.

Dr. Cohen is careful to explain that results vary between individuals. However, he seems confident that his alternative diabetes treatment program can significantly affect diabetics within days or weeks.

Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Reviews: What Do Verified Buyers Say?

Dr. Cohen claims to have helped thousands of diabetics treat their condition at his Boston-area clinic.

The official 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot website also features reviews from verified buyers who have experienced significant benefits from the protocol.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers online:

One customer claims her fasting blood glucose “is already down about 10 points” after just seven days of following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.

Other customers report losing significant weight soon after starting the program. The same customer mentioned above lost 2 lbs in her first week, for example, and another customer lost 4 lbs in his first week.

Other customers report significant and surprising improvements in blood sugar. One customer claims his doctor diagnosed him with pre-diabetes before he started The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, for example. After following the program for one week, his fasting blood sugar readings in the mornings have been between 96 and 110.

Another customer claims her “blood sugars were all over the place, mostly too high” until she started using The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, significantly lowering her blood sugar in the first few days.

One customer claims her “fasting glucose is already down significantly” after following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot for just one week. She praises the program for teaching her “how to eat and live a healthier life.”

Another customer claims her “fasting glucose went down 12 points in the morning.”

Many customers report benefits like more incredible energy, better mood, and overall vitality after following The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot. Some don’t need to nap, for example.

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Pricing

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is priced at $20 for a digital version and $29 for a physical version. With both purchases, you receive immediate access to all products in digital format.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot online today directly through the official website:

  • Digital Version: $20
  • Digital + Physical Version: $29 + Free Shipping

What’s Included with The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot? Core Program + Bonuses

As part of a 2024 promotion, all The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot purchases come with a bundle of free bonus reports. You receive immediate access to all five free bonus reports, which can enhance the blood sugar balancing effects of The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot.

Here’s what you get when buying The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot online today:

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reversing Diabetes Naturally: Your purchase includes the core manual in physical or digital format. This manual, created by a medical doctor and nutritionist, teaches you simple changes to make to improve symptoms of diabetes – like avoiding certain cooking oils and eating more protein and fats. By following the program for 21 days, people with diabetes can purportedly lower blood sugar, stabilize A1C, lose weight, reduce their use of medication, and enjoy other powerful benefits – all within just days or weeks of starting the program.

Free Bonus eBook #1: The Quick-Fix Diabetes Cookbook: Having diabetes doesn’t mean giving up tasty food and desserts. In this book, you can discover diabetes-friendly recipes you can make in 15 minutes or less. These recipes are designed to keep blood sugar in a normal, healthy range. You get complete instructions on how to make each dish. You’ll discover recipes like:

  • Blueberry pancakes (20 minutes total cooking time)
  • Beef taco skillet (5 minutes total cooking time)
  • Crispy chicken (15 minutes total cooking time)
  • 100+ other diabetes-friendly recipes, including pizzas, pasta, noodles, burritos, snacks, desserts, and more

Free Bonus eBook #2: The 3-Week Sugar Flush Meal Plan: The primary goal of The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is to help control symptoms of diabetes within just three weeks. In this guide, you can discover some of the most proven ways to flush excess blood sugar from your system. According to PaleoHacks, you can “watch your blood sugar take a nosedive” by following this plan because it’s “designed to flush blood sugar out of your body.” The plan involves eating three meals a day while following a three-week protocol:

  • In week 1, you’ll boost energy and stabilize blood sugar
  • In week 2, you’ll reduce cravings and shrink your waistline
  • In week 3, you’ll feel like a new, transformed, healthy person

Free Bonus eBook #3: The Diabetes Food Swap Cheat Sheet: Dr. Rick Cohen advocates a diet-first approach to treating diabetes. In this guide, Dr. Cohen has condensed some of his most proven dietary swaps into one convenient text. For example, you’ll discover how to swap out grains, wheat, flour, pasta, bread, sugar, milk, and salad dressing with safer options. You’ll also learn which artificial sweeteners are safe, which foods to avoid, and 15 total food swaps to prevent diabetes symptoms.

This is the best time to order and get bonuses!

Free Bonus eBook #4: Natural Blood Sugar Solutions: Dr. Cohen recommends taking supplements to manage symptoms of diabetes. However, not all supplements are made alike. In this book, you’ll discover some of Dr. Cohen’s supplements shown to work after 22+ years of testing on patients. You can find “the best blood sugar supplements” made with science-backed ingredients shown to “help lower your blood sugar naturally.”

Free Bonus eBook #5: Diabetes-Friendly Snacks Cookbook: Diabetes doesn’t mean avoiding snacks. You can discover recipes for tasty, nutritious, diabetes-friendly snacks in this recipe book. Most of these snacks require less than 20 minutes of cooking time. You’ll find snack recipes like:

  • Creamy chocolate smoothies
  • Pumpkin pie pudding
  • Diabetes-friendly breadsticks
  • Dozens of other diabetes-friendly snack recipes

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Refund Policy

All purchases come with a 60-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re unhappy with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 60 days.

Dr. Cohen insists you request a refund “if you’re not jumping with joy over healthier blood sugar and A1C numbers.” You do not need to return any physical or digital products to receive your refund.

About PaleoHacks

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is published online by PaleoHacks, a company based in Carson City, Nevada. PaleoHacks partnered with Dr. Rick Cohen, MD, a functional medicine practitioner, to develop the book. Although registered in Carson City, PaleoHacks also maintains a mailing address in Eden, Utah.


In addition to selling health books, PaleoHacks is known for its paleo recipe books, free health tips, and general wellness protocols. The company has previously published guides like the 21-Day Keto Challenge Cookbook, Keto Sweets, Paleo Sweets, and the Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook, among others.

To reach out to the PaleoHacks customer service team for questions or complaints about The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, use the following:

  • Online Form: https://shop.paleohacks.com/pages/contact
  • Phone: 1-888-205-3870
  • Registered Address: 701 South Carson St, Ste 200-4072, Carson City, Nevada, 89701
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 1050, Eden, Utah, 84310

Final Word

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is an alternative diabetes treatment program created by Dr. Rick Cohen, MD.

Dr. Cohen believes many people with diabetes can lower blood sugar, stabilize A1C, lose weight, and reduce their use of prescription diabetes medication within weeks by making simple dietary changes. In The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot, you can discover the exact nutritional changes to make to improve your condition.

Visit the official website to learn more about The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot and how it works or to buy it online today.


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