
The Grid Doctor Review – Is Teddy Daniels Solar Generator System Legit? Last Blackout Alert!

Teddy Daniels has launched a new portable power system online called The Grid Doctor.

As part of a 2024 promotion, you can get a Grid Doctor generator, a free bonus solar panel, all connectors and cables, and a free copy of The Last Blackout for a one-time fee of just $497.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about The Grid Doctor and how it works today in our review.

What is The Grid Doctor?

The Grid Doctor is a portable generator available exclusively through Last-Blackout.com.

China is preparing to attack America’s power grid. The attack could lead to a prolonged blackout – including up to 18 months of darkness. Some are already preparing for the event.

By buying The Grid Doctor today, you could protect your loved ones from anything unexpected. The Grid Doctor is a 300W power bank chargeable with an included solar panel.

If you buy The Grid Doctor online today, you get immediate access to a bonus eBook called The Last Blackout: How to Survive America’s Coming ‘Dark Age’. All purchases also come with charging cables and connectors and a 100W solar panel.

The Grid Doctor Benefits

Some of the benefits of The Grid Doctor, according to the official website, include:

  • 300W power bank with included solar panel
  • Includes all cables and connectors
  • One-time fee of $497
  • Comes with bonus The Last Blackout eBook
  • Portable, lightweight, and usable out of the box in seconds
  • Backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee

Get The Grid Doctor now and stay prepared for any blackout. Order today!

How Does The Grid Doctor Work?

The Grid Doctor works similarly to other solar-powered power banks. You charge the device using sunlight (or the included AC or 12V cable), and then you can use it to power your electronics.

Here’s how it works:

Charge The Grid Doctor using the included 100W solar panel. Or, charge it using the included AC cable (for use at home) or 12V cable (for use in your car).

Connect electronic devices to one of 8 outlets on The Grid Doctor. The Grid Doctor has 12V, USB, and AC outlets, making it easy to charge any device.

Continue to recharge The Grid Doctor as necessary. The device lasts up to 2,000 charge cycles.

Some use The Grid Doctor in their backyard as a portable source of power, while others take it to the beach or on a hike.

Teddy, however, claims The Grid Doctor could have a far more important use: to save your life during an upcoming attack against the United States power grid performed by the Chinese Communist Party.

China is Preparing to Attack the United States and Cause an 18-month Blackout

Teddy Daniels, the retired police officer and US Army infantryman who promotes The Grid Doctor online advises buying the power bank to protect against an upcoming attack by the Chinese Communist Party.

Teddy believes Chinese agents have infiltrated the southern border and are preparing to attack the US power grid to bring America to its knees. The attack would cause an 18-month blackout, killing millions of Americans.

Teddy is careful to explain he’s not racist against Chinese people; in fact, he claims he doesn’t have any issues with Chinese people. Instead, he has issues with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Stay powered and protected with The Grid Doctor. Buy yours now!

How CCP Agents Have Infiltrated the United States

Teddy believes the Chinese Communist Party is sending thousands of military-aged men through the southern border to create an “army” within our domestic borders.

The CCP started by sending its personnel to Ecuador, which has lax immigration requirements for Chinese citizens. Then, these men march north, hundreds of miles and through the Darien Gap, before infiltrating the US border.

Teddy even claims the CCP has a “quasi-military operation” at one location in Panama on this migrant trail, including luxury buses that ferry CCP agents to where they need to go before equipping them for their journey north.

The Biden administration has made the issue worse, according to Teddy.

  • Under the Trump administration, Chinese nationals crossing the southern border had to answer 30 questions.
  • Under the Biden administration, however, these same nationals answer just 6 questions.
  • Making things worse, US border patrol simply allows these “illegals” into the country with no further processing, according to Teddy:

“Border patrol isn’t even detaining these Chinese illegals. They ask those few basic questions and then send them on their way.”

Teddy claims these Chinese nationals also have brand new cell phones, loaded credit and debit cards, and transportation to major US cities.

Teddy implicates a US official in this scheme. He claims one high-ranking US official helicopters into the quasi-military facility in Panama mentioned above, suggesting an American is equipping immigrants to infiltrate the southern border.

Don’t wait—order The Grid Doctor today for reliable power anytime, anywhere.

China Has a “Master Plan” to Destroy America

According to Teddy, China’s invasion of the southern border is the final step of their master plan to destroy America.

Teddy isn’t just making it up: China has literally written a book on the topic.

25 years ago, two senior colonels in the Chinese Air Force wrote a book called, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.”

That book was recently translated into English by the CIA.

The book’s point is that China can’t defeat the United States in a conventional military conflict—and they know it. It explains how to defeat the United States without firing a shot.

China knows it can’t beat the United States in a head-to-head conflict, so it needs to use other tactics.

Specifically, the book discusses how China can engage in psychological warfare, drug warfare, information warfare, resource warfare, network warfare, and new terrorism to disrupt the United States “without firing a shot.

Teddy believes China is actively working through the steps in this book to help bring America to its knees.

Topics covered in the book – and real-world examples going on today – include:

For psychological warfare, Chinese-owned platforms like TikTok are actively being used to distract our youth and our elders while spreading propaganda. Teddy describes TikTok as the “perfect tool” for psychological warfare.

For drug warfare, the Chinese Communist Party is shipping fentanyl into the United States via the border with Mexico. According to Teddy, fentanyl is made at a lab in China and shipped to Mexico. Then, China helps launder the money. Teddy claims China makes “billions” through this illicit trade. Fentanyl and other drugs are killing tens of thousands of people in the United States every year.

For resource warfare, China has a concerning influence on America’s food supply, including farm land, seed companies, food processing facilities, and more. China could use this influence to trigger a massive famine or at least create an artificial supply shortage.

China also produces drugs for the United States, crucial US military equipment, and other tools, giving it a further advantage in a resource war.

For information warfare, China operates a massive spy network in the United States and other countries. The Chinese Communist Party has been caught operating secret facilities throughout North America to track Chinese citizens – and Americans – while reporting everything back to their CCP overlords. China also uses this spy network to steal corporate secrets and intellectual property.

According to Teddy, China is also collecting “sensitive military and government secrets.” They’re collecting massive amounts of data using apps like TikTok, which is one reason the US government recently banned TikTok among employees.

DJI drones are another example of China’s unconventional warfare. DJI is the world’s biggest and most popular drone company. According to Teddy Daniels, however, all footage from DJI drones is sent to servers in China.

Teddy also cites the Chinese “spy balloon” as further evidence of Chinese spying. In fact, Teddy claims he “wouldn’t be surprised if hundreds of these things are floating all over the US every year.” The Chinese balloon we spotted was designed to fly much higher – and Teddy believes more balloons are out there, undetected, and flying over the US every day.

Network warfare, meanwhile, covers China’s cyberattacks over the last decade or so. America’s corporations and institutions are repeatedly repelling Chinese cyberattacks.

Teddy claims China is following this book “to the letter.” Meanwhile, the invasion of the southern border is the final step of this plan.

Prepare for the unexpected—get The Grid Doctor with a free solar panel today!

Who is Teddy Daniels?

Teddy Daniels used to be a police officer and investigator in Baltimore. When the war in Afghanistan started worsening, Teddy retired as a deputy chief of police and joined the US Army.

Teddy didn’t choose an easy path in the Army. Because of his background in law enforcement, he was offered a path in intelligence. Teddy declined these invitations, however, and chose to join the Army as an infantryman or front-line soldier.

Teddy’s military service took him to Kunar Province, Afghanistan – the Valley of Death. Teddy claims he was in gunfights almost every day.

On April 25, 2012, Teddy heroically held off enemy combatants on a hillside, helping his squadmates escape. Because of the incident, Teddy received a Purple Heart and other accolades, and helmet cam footage went viral.

After retiring from the US Army, Teddy returned to his investigative roots and became a citizen journalist. As an independent journalist, Teddy promotes various survival guides, tools, and other online products and services today.

China Could Attack the US Power Grid in the Near Future

Why is Teddy explaining China’s attack plan against the United States?

It’s because he wants to sell you The Grid Doctor and other survival gear, helping you protect your family from unexpected events—like a potential Chinese attack on the US power grid.

Teddy cites multiple points of evidence as proof China is preparing to attack the US power grid in the near future:

First, China has increasingly targeted infrastructure networks like the US power grid. Some experts believe China’s attacks are about to go “fully operational.” Making things worse, CCP agents already have boots on the ground in the United States – and they may have cyberweapons they could use to bring the grid to its knees.

Second, the US power grid is already riddled with vulnerabilities, and everyone knows about it. The US power grid is experiencing 60 new vulnerabilities each day. Today, over 24,000 points in the grid are vulnerable to cyber and physical attacks.

Third, China specifically wants to “induce panic” in US citizens, according to Teddy Daniels, because of its “Master Plan” to destroy America, as outlined in “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.”

Keep your family safe during any crisis with The Grid Doctor. Purchase now!

China Could Cause a “New Dark Age” and 18-Month Blackout

Teddy Daniels believes CCP agents within the United States are preparing to launch a massive attack against the US power grid, which would plunge the Country into a prolonged blackout.

As proof, Teddy cites vulnerabilities in today’s power grid:

“There are over 55,000 substations in the United States that our power grid depends on. If just 9 of them get knocked out, we could get a nationwide blackout lasting 18 months or more.”

According to Teddy, the thousands of CCP agents already within our borders could attack these stations to cause panic.

  • You can’t call 911
  • You won’t know where your local police are
  • Your cell phones won’t work
  • You’ll have no AC, heating, or refrigeration
  • Gas stations will stop pumping
  • ATMs and credit cards won’t work
  • The blackout will lead to a disaster. Millions will die. It will bring America to its knees.

Power your life off-grid with The Grid Doctor. Order yours now!

Why You Need The Grid Doctor

Fortunately, Teddy has a way for you to stay prepared: buy an affordably priced generator and survival guide online today.

Gas and diesel generators will give you a few days of power at best. That’s why Teddy has been searching for a more reliable, off-the-grid power solution: a solar-powered power bank that you can use anytime, anywhere.

“It’s the only off grid power system I know that can provide critical backup electricity for free.”

The generator is called The Grid Doctor. Teddy describes it as a “portable power grid”:

“Think of it [The Grid Doctor] as a portable power grid you can take with you anywhere and charge free in the sun.”

Here’s how the generator works:

  • Teddy claims The Grid Doctor is the “most durable, most versatile, fasting charging, most reliable source of power” he knows about.
  • Teddy’s Grid Doctor isn’t just a power bank or battery; instead, it’s a solar charging system you can use anywhere there is sunlight—regardless of whether the grid has power.
  • The Grid Doctor is light enough to carry around and strong enough to power all your devices.
  • The Grid Doctor can change computers, tools, smartphones, tablets, and other electronics. In fact, Teddy claims it’s “powerful enough to supply any electronic device you need.”
  • The Grid Doctor has a 300-watt power capacity and can recharge thousands of times, keeping you safe during an extended blackout.

Teddy and his team recently launched their first batch of The Grid Doctor, and they quickly sold out.

Get The Grid Doctor and survive any blackout with ease. Order today!

The Grid Doctor vs. Other Solar Panels

Teddy Daniels was inspired by his military training when helping to develop The Grid Doctor.

That’s why Teddy urged the manufacturer to avoid using polycrystalline silicon. Instead, he advised using monocrystalline panels, which have better efficiency and durability:

Polycrystalline silicon solar panels contain material mashed together from small pieces of silicon leftover from manufacturing components – like scrap metal. These panels are cheap to produce en masse. However, they absorb 70% less sunlight and last half as long. They break down faster and are less reliable.

Monocrystalline panels work differently. Teddy claims he used the panels while serving in the US military. The panels work in temperatures up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit and retain 95% of their charging power. They’re more efficient and durable than polycrystalline silicon panels.

Other Grid Doctor Features

There are other generators available today. Why buy The Grid Doctor? What’s the difference between The Grid Doctor and other generators sold online today?

Here are some of the features of The Grid Doctor:

300 Watts: The Grid Doctor is a 300W system, giving it enough power to charge small and large electronic devices.

8 Outlets: Each Grid Doctor has eight outlets, including two USB 3.0 outlets, two AC outlets, two 12V outlets, and two USB-C outlets.

Charge Anything: The Grid Doctor can charge most electronics because of its diverse outlets. You can run everything from laptops to smartphones to tools and larger appliances with The Grid Doctor.

Includes 100W Solar Panel: As part of a 2024 promotion, all Grid Doctor purchases come with a bonus 100W solar panel. You can unfurl that solar panel to charge The Grid Doctor from anywhere.

Includes All Cables & Connections: Your Grid Doctor includes everything you need to get started out of the box, including the solar panel mentioned above and an AC cable, solar panel cable, 12v charging cable, and more.

Made from Durable ABS Plastic: The Grid Doctor’s exterior is made from ultra-durable ABS plastic, which helps keep the components safe without weighing it down.

Recharge Up to 2,000 Times: You can recharge The Grid Doctor up to 2,000 times. The device is built to last 2,000+ charge cycles, similar to the lifespan of modern smartphones.

Be ready for anything—order The Grid Doctor and get a free survival eBook!

Charge from Anywhere: You can use The Grid Doctor from anywhere. For example, if you’re on top of a mountain 1,000 miles from civilization, you can use the solar panels to charge your Grid Doctor.

Charge in 5 Hours: The Grid Doctor charges from 0% to 100% via an AC outlet in five hours. It takes roughly 8 hours to charge in direct sunlight.

Strong, Sturdy Handle for Easy Portability: The Grid Doctor isn’t like a heavy, difficult-to-move generator. Instead, it comes with a strong, sturdy handle for easy portability. You can bring the lightweight device anywhere it needs to go.

Built-in High-Efficiency Cooling Fan: The Grid Doctor continues to work in high temperatures. To help, the generator has a built-in, high-efficiency cooling fan. That fan activates when high temperatures are detected, helping you continue to use your generator.

Monocrystal Solar Panels: Some solar panels use inferior polycrystal silicon. This material is cheap and easy for manufacturers to use, but it doesn’t charge efficiently. Teddy and his team specifically used monocrystal solar panels—the same panels Teddy used while serving in the US Army—to enhance the effectiveness of The Grid Doctor.

Holds Charge in Storage: The Grid Doctor holds a charge in storage. Even if it’s been in storage for 6 months, the device holds 80% of its charge, giving you peace of mind that it’s ready to power your electronics when the unexpected happens.

Maintenance-Free Design with No Moving Parts: The Grid Doctor is “designed to last a lifetime,” according to Teddy. There are no moving parts, and you don’t need to perform any maintenance. It will continue to recharge thousands of times without requiring any tinkering.

Chargeable with Vehicle: You can charge The Grid Doctor using your vehicle’s charging port. If your car is running and you need to charge The Grid Doctor, for example, you can use the included 12V cable to charge it using your car’s battery – say, if it’s dark or you don’t have access to sunlight.

Chargeable Via AC Outlet: You can also charge The Grid Doctor via a standard AC outlet – like the one on any home wall. The Grid Doctor comes with an AC charging cable. If you have electricity, you can keep The Grid Doctor charged for storms, temporary blackouts, and other emergencies.

Pass Through Charging: The Grid Doctor, like many high-quality power banks, offers pass-through charging. That means you can charge the generator while also having the generator charge your devices. If you’re charging The Grid Doctor in sunlight, you can connect your phones and other devices to the generator to continually charge them. Some generators require you to disable the power generation systems before charging your devices.

LED Display: Your Grid Doctor comes with an LED display that shows everything you need to know about the generator, including the amount of power remaining in the device.

Stay ahead of the storm—get The Grid Doctor with a bonus solar panel today!

Fast Charging Technology: The Grid Doctor uses a fast charging technology, and you charge it from 0% to 100% in just 5 hours using AC power. Or, you can use a bonus, 100W solar panels to charge it from 0% to 100% in fewer than 8 hours of sunlight (some also buy two solar panels for added protection).

Tactical LED Lighting: The Grid Doctor has a built-in LED flashlight, which can also be used as a lantern. Some use it when camping, for example, to illuminate a space. As long as the device has a small charge, it can be used as a continual source of light.

Easy to Use out of the Box: The Grid Doctor works within seconds out of the box – and you don’t need any technical skills or expertise to use it. Teddy claims his 7-year-old son has no problem using the device.

The Grid Doctor Pricing

The Grid Doctor is priced at a one-time fee of $497. Your purchase includes everything you need to start using The Grid Doctor out of the box.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering The Grid Doctor online today:

  • The Grid Doctor 300W + 100W Solar Panel: $497 + Free Shipping to Continental United States

Your purchase includes multiple cables and connectors, including 12V and AC charging cables. You can use The Grid Doctor within seconds of receiving it.

  • All purchases include free shipping to the continental United States.

Secure your Grid Doctor for just $497 and power up when it matters most.

Bonuses Included with The Grid Doctor

As part of a 2024 promotion, you receive a bundle of bonuses, including:

Free Bonus eBook: The Last Blackout: Teddy wrote The Last Blackout with the help of survival experts. He wants to help others survive any upcoming crisis – like a Chinese attack on the power grid. In The Last Blackout, you’ll learn crucial survival strategies. You’ll discover the space phone app you must have to communicate with your loved ones during a crisis, 9 essential items to buy from a grocery store today, an at-home water filtration system you can use to make any water clean, a new blackout currency that could replace the US Dollar (and it’s not gold, silver, or bitcoin), 100 non-perishable food items that last at least one year, the best way to get official updates from the US government during a prolonged blackout, a 12-step checklist to prepare for any emergency.

And other practical tips that could save your life during the upcoming blackout. Teddy recommends printing off a copy and keeping it in your survival library. You receive instant access to the eBook by buying The Grid Doctor online today.

Free Bonus 100W Mono Crystal Solar Panel: All Grid Doctor purchases come with a 100W mono crystal solar panel.

The Grid Doctor also comes with all of the included components mentioned above, including cables, connectors, and everything else you need to use The Grid Doctor out of the box.

Stay ahead of the storm—get The Grid Doctor with a bonus solar panel today!

Discount Upsells Available with The Grid Doctor

As part of a 2024 promotion, you can also add additional, discounted equipment to your Grid Doctor purchase.

The official Grid Doctor sales page has optional upsell add-ons like:

Command Post Elite: Teddy’s Private Network (+$19.95 Per Month): Want to join a like-minded community of people who believe America is on the cusp of disaster? You can pay $19.95 to join Command Post Elite. TCP Elite subscribers get access to weekly video updates from Teddy, including “off the record” interviews with US military and political insiders who have unique insight into today’s situation. Subscribers also receive Teddy’s DEFCON 0 alerts sent to their phones.

Wireless Solar PowerBank Charger (+$89.95): For an extra $89.95, you can add a Wireless Solar PowerBank Charger to your order. It charges in sunlight and stores energy long-term. It also comes with a long-lasting 20-LED light bank and multiple connector ports, allowing you to charge up to three devices at once.

2 x 15L EMP Faraday Bags (+$79.90): Teddy has previously warned followers about the potential for China to use an energy weapon against the United States. That’s one reason he sells 15L EMP Faraday Bags online. You can get two bags for an extra $79.90 on top of your Grid Doctor order. These bags are specially designed to protect your electronics from electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks.

Emergency Bug-Out Bag (+$190.92): Get an emergency bug-out bag with 60+ essential survival supplies at a discount rate. Priced at just $190.92, the bag includes 2400-calorie ration bars, drinking water pouches, emergency lights, a saw, firestarter materials, a stove, and more. It’s all of the basic supplies you need to leave your house quickly.

Protect your loved ones with reliable power. Buy The Grid Doctor now!

The Grid Doctor Refund Policy

The Grid Doctor offers a 30-day risk-free money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with your generator, you can return it within 30 days of your purchase date. As a thank you for trying, you can keep the bonus eBook, The Last Blackout. Shipping costs are deducted from the refund.

Contact The Grid Doctor

Teddy Daniels partnered with a Utah-based company to launch The Grid Doctor online.

You can contact The Grid Doctor’s customer service team via the following:

  • Phone: 1-844-202-7042
  • Email: support@last-blackout.com
  • Mailing Address: 1175 S. Meridian Park Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Customer service is available from 8 am to 8 pm EST.

Final Word

Retired US Army infantryman and police officer Teddy Daniels is warning of an upcoming attack against the United States by China.

China is preparing to attack the United States power grid, potentially plunging the country into an 18-month blackout. Millions will die – but you can be prepared by buying The Grid Doctor online today.

The Grid Doctor is a solar generator and power bank featuring eight outlets to keep all devices charged through extended blackouts.

Visit the official website to learn more about The Grid Doctor and how it works or to buy It online today.


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