2019 razor clam season ends; estimated harvest at 3.7 million

The May 18-20 “bonus dig” at Mocrocks Beach was crowded, productive, and the last of the season.

According to the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, agency biologists and technicians will begin assessing populations again for the 2019-20 season, a process that will last through the summer.

More information on the upcoming season is expected in mid- to late September.

The state provided some estimates for the 2018-19 season:

• Razor clam diggers made some 273,000 trips in all and harvested some 3.7 million razor clams.

• They averaged near the razor clam bag limit at 13.6 clams per digger trip.

• At least one beach was open on a total of 52 days of digging. Many of those days, multiple beaches were open.

• The value of the clam harvest to communities is estimated at around $25 million.

Razor clam digging typically resumes in October, provided marine toxin test results are acceptable and the razor clam populations are good enough.