Winkelman urges Hoquiam council to reconsider GGHI funding

Hoquiam City Councilman Ben Winkelman wants his fellow council members to reconsider their decision to pull funding for Greater Grays Harbor Inc., the non-profit that promotes business interests and acts as a chamber of commerce.

The council voted at its Nov. 27 meeting to divert $10,000 from the 2019-20 two-year budget destined for Greater Grays Harbor Inc. to the newly-formed Hoquiam Beautification Committee after a recommendation from Ward 2 Councilman Steve Puvogel. Winkelman was the only council member to vote no.

“I definitely would support funding for Greater Grays Harbor Inc.,” Winkelman said at Monday night’s council meeting. He is urging the rest of the council to look over the services contract given to them by Greater Grays Harbor CEO Dru Garson a few months ago and consider reinstating the funding.

“I believe that contract was given to the council members but with all the changes in seats recently I don’t know who is necessarily informed on the topic, to date, which is why I suggested we take a look at it over the break,” said Winkelman. The council will not meet again until Jan. 14.

Anthony Ensler, acting board chairman of Greater Grays Harbor Inc., took to the podium to discuss the organization’s economic development efforts countywide.

“Our focus is two-fold,” said Ensler. “(Garson) tries hard to bring new businesses into the county, and we try to help existing businesses already here. We are here to facilitate as much growth as we can.”

Ward 6 councilman David Hinchen asked Ensler if the city taking away its funding would lead to less of an effort on the part of Greater Grays Harbor Inc. working toward economic improvement in Hoquiam.

“We’re not going to say we’re not going to help the City of Hoquiam,” said Ensler. “We will benefit the city through our efforts across the county.” He said there is value to the city in the $5,000 annually, and Winkelman agrees.

Ensler and Winkelman both encouraged council members to seek them out for information about what Greater Grays Harbor Inc. does for local economic development as they reconsider funding.